Weather Commands

Weather Commands

Paramaters set in italic are optional.

/wclearClears the weather.
/wstormdurationMakes the weather stormy for the given amount of time, default is 10 minutes./storm
/raindurationLet it rain for the given amount of time, default is 10 minutes.
/wfreezeFreeze the weather to it's currente state, type again to unfreeze./wf

All of the above commands set the weather of the command senders world, but if executed from console in all worlds.

/thorplayerNameYou gain the power of thor, when you click a block it's striked by the thunder. Type it again to disable the power./t
/strikeplayerNameMake the thunder fall on the player./light

Both power commands default to the command executor if no player is given!

Per Command Permissions:


Permissions for all weather commands:*