
Players can use /home and /sethome as well as beds. When they type /home or when they die, you want them to go to their bed home if they have it set, otherwise try their default home and if that doesn't work, any home they have set on the local world is fine (we're assuming order here is important to you, you want: bed->default->any order).

If no home is set on the local world, you want them to go to their home on the default world (we'll assume "world"). If none of that works out, you just want to send them to the spawn on the local world.

    # try home on local world
    - modeHomeBedOnly
    - homeLocalWorld
    # try default home on local world
    - modeDefault
    - homeLocalWorld
    # try ANY home on local world
    - modeHomeAny
    - homeLocalWorld
    # try home on default world
    - homeDefaultWorld
    # none of that worked? send to spawn on local world
    - spawnLocalWorld

  # we want exact same for /home command, except we drop the trailing
  # spawnLocalWorld, so if no homes are set, they just stay put.
    - modeHomeBedOnly
    - homeLocalWorld
    - modeDefault
    - homeLocalWorld
    - modeHomeAny
    - homeLocalWorld
    - homeDefaultWorld

In addition, you'll want to give your players access to the hsp.command.home and hsp.command.sethome permissions. If you want them to be able to have named homes, then you want to give them access to hsp.command.home.named and hsp.command.sethome.named.


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