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Member for 13 years, 7 months, and 24 days
Last active Wed, May, 13 2020 06:50:28
601 Total Posts
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Spawn, Home, Work, Warp, Back, Jail and TpTo commands!
Claim your chunk, get protected!
A simple economy plugin for people who want to ditch Essentials
Dispense important items from an infinite dispenser
100% secure chest based banking system using virtual chest inventories!
MMO style selling and buying of items via a broker
Tree felling is easy when they pop like cacti
Use one sign to deposit or withdraw from your bank.
Jump in to the Whooshing Well and be whisked away to a far away land
Dynmap addon to show SimpleSpawn locations on your dynmap
Greylist system to control build rights using votes
Stop the "boat through walls" bug by forcing boat placement on water
Gain experience for wearing your 'Walking Boots'
Get all details about the currently held item
No files released.
Minecraft Re-Imagined. RP plugin to end all RP plugins