This lightweight plugin allows users with permission to get all the details of the currently held item with a simple command.
The command outputs to chat:
- Quantity in stack
- Item ID
- Item damage modifier
- Item name (from Bukkit)
- Enchantment details
/whatis : What is the item I'm holding?
Itemizer.* : Access to all Itemizer commands
Itemizer.whatis : Access to the /whatis command
Source Code
Source code is available on my GitHub page
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Thank you
Other Projects
ChestBank : Many Chests, on inventory per player, same inventory accessible in all chests!
ATMsigns : Deposit/Withdraw items for currency using one ATM sign.
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SimpleSpawn : Simple plugin for changing spawn points (including /sethome and /home).
Itemizer : Get all the details of the item in your hand.
Suggest a Project
Got an idea for a project? PM me and I'll give it a look!
FYI this still works fine. It's still running on our server.
Ever gonna update this plugin? Very interested in this.
Any idea when your gonna update o 1.6?
Does this work on 1,5,1? Also, could you add a command to check items/blocks you don't hold? Or is that a bit too complicated for the purpose this plugin has?
Update! My plugins are currently on hold while we wait for 1.3, since the 1.3 update will more than likely break large portions of most of my plugins! Sorry for the delay and please stay tuned for future releases.
Thank you for this awesome plugin. Thanks for this, I found ID for custom item (Spout) And now I can really do awesome stuff!
Thumbs up!
/me tips hat and smiles hapilly
This works awesomely on our server now. Very helpful in creative and edit modes, and with other plugins requiring data values.
Tested: Working with CraftBukkit 1.1-R3 (#1846)
Tested: Working with CraftBukkit 1.1-R1 (build 1818)
Tested against CraftBukkit 1717 for 1.1 compatibility