People have been telling me that Essentials has become bloated, and that there is a need for a basic plugin to replace it.
I have been working on a suite of plugins that replaces the key functions of Essentials.
See the SimpleSpawn Project
What the SimpleSpawn Suite don't offer is an economy system. That's where SimpleEco comes in.
Unlike the other "Simple" plugins, SimpleEco is stand alone and does not require the SimpleSpawn-Core plugin to work. If you are using Vault on your server, this plugin will automatically connect to Vault.
The plugin provides a few very simple features:
- Player accounts created when they first log in
- /balance {Player Name} command to check account balance
- /pay [Player Name] [Amount] command to pay money to another account
- /balancetop command to see who has the highest balance
- /grant [Player Name] [Amount] and /fine [Player Name] [Amount] commands for admins to add or remove money from a players account
- "Bank" support for plugins that use non-player bank accounts
- Works with all plugins that use Vault integration
- simpleeco.* : Access to all permissions, including admin commands
- simpleeco.user : Access to /pay /balance and /balancetop
- simpleeco.balance : Access to /balance
- : Access to /pay
- simpleeco.fine : Access to /fine command
- simpleeco.grant : Access to /grant
- simpleeco.balancetop : Access to /balance top
- simpleeco.balance.others : Acces to /balance [Player Name] to view other players' balances
How do i check someones balance using command blocks for a shop?
/fine gives people money. How do I fix this.
In reply to lord_ligma:
In reply to lord_ligma:
Good spot! This is fixed in 1.0.2
For some reason we can have negative money, can you make so we can set a limit?
In reply to iCezarPX:
This was kind of intentional. Other plugins tend to decide if you're allowed negative funds or not... however I will look at adding a config option so that you can stop /pay from allowing you to go into negative balance
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
Did you ever get this fixed? I am using a shop plugin that has no option for negative balances. It allows me to buy any items and go negative.
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
Will this be added at any point in time?
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
Will this be added at any point in time?
how do players ear money ?
In reply to Forge_User_77173711:
This plugin just provides the basis for the economy. You can set a starting balance, and then other plugins can be used for earning money.
For example, you could use my ATMsigns plugin to allow players to "bank" emeralds
Good plugin! Would you allow mysql option for storing the balances in the future? Where do the balances are stored in this version of the plugin?
In reply to resoluciones:
The balances are stored in an SQLite database, a file in the plugin folder.
I will consider adding an option for mysql too
why wont the grant command work?
In reply to Little_mettal:
It works on my test server. Do you get an error message in the console?
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
I found the bug, this is fixed in the latest version
Hi, would this plugin work for versions below 1.14.3?
In reply to Forge_User_71592150:
It should work for all 1.14 versions. Below that I doubt it. It was built for the 1.14 API
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
Oh, alright. Thanks for the info. Do you have/know any economy based plugins for versions like 1.8.9?