Dispensator allows you to put one item in a dispenser or dropper and have it dispensed on request to everyone who needs it... infinitely. If you wish, you can set it so that people can only carry 1 of whichever item is in the dispensator (so it won't dispense if they have already got one), so it is ideal for things like:
- Tutorials on written books
- Special items and weapons
- Starter kits etc.
The plugin also checks the ground around the dispensator and will not dispense if the item is found nearby.
What is more, you don't need to set up any redstone circuits, the dispensator will work simply by clicking it... however if you want to activate using redstone, dispensing will still be infinite and the One Per Player setting will still be respected.
- Dispense an infinite supply of 1 special item
- Say goodbye to copying books and continually re-writing tutorials
- Restrict dispensing to 1 per person
- Dispense by clicking, or by redstone
- Easy to use
- Minimal configuration (optional)
How to make a Dispensator
- Place a dispenser/dropper
- Look at the dispenser/dropper and use the command "/dispenser create" OR "/disp create"
- Crouch and right click the dispenser/dropper
- Place the item you want it to dispense in the top left corner
- Test by right clicking while NOT crouching
Command | Action | Permission |
dispenser [create/remove] | Create or remove a dispensator | dispensator.admin |
Alias: disp | ||
dispenser set [setting] [new value] | Change plugin setting | dispensator.admin |
Available Settings: dropRadius > (Integer) Block radius to check for duplicate items | ||
dispenser toggle [setting] | Toggle plugin setting | dispensator.admin |
Available Settings: onePerPlayer > Turn off/on the One Per Player restriction |
dispensator.* | Access to all permissions |
children dispensator.admin dispensator.use | |
dispensator.admin | Can create and remove Dispensators and change their contents, and change plugin settings |
dispensator.use | Can use Dispensators |
Hi there!
I can't seem to be able to sneak+right-click the dispenser - I am using MC 1.14.4 however.
Still working in Spigot 1.11 !
There's a bug where you can turn a dropper into a dispensator, but you can't remove the dispensator attribute from a dropper.
Love the plug-in. The inventory and ground checking idea is genius. ;-) I only wish it had one more feature: the ability to give out a random item instead of just one.
Combined with a per player or per dispenser cooldown setting, this would allow players to take (or compete to take) one random item (say a piece of armor, or a food item ) then have to wait until they could come back to try for another. But otherwise all the checking rules apply.
An optional* workaround you can implement would be to refill a "dispensator" every time the plugin detects that it has been "emptied". Here's how it could work, mechanic-wise.
1. When you turn a dispenser/dropper into a dispensator, the plugin takes a snapshot of its inventory.
2. When one or more slots inside the dispensator become depleted (so the plugin ignores inventory slots that were never used), the plugin refills the dispensator back to the snapshot from before (in essence, it "restores" the dispensator).
3. The above might require some kind of "check" every time a dispensator dispenser/dropper fires out an item, which could make the plugin more heavyweight, so an alternative could be to impose a check only if the plugin finds out a dispensator is completely empty. Less desirable, but possibly "lighterweight".
*When I say optional, I mean one of two ways you can implement it. Either have an option in the config like this:
refillcheck: boolean
Or, you could add a "refillcheck" flag on a per-dispensator basis, so only some dispensators get checked and others don't.
Just now seeing this! YAY!
I've just uploaded v1.1.0 of Dispensator. This new version adds support for Droppers!
Unfortunately I can't duplicate the "wrong direction" bug. I will keep an eye out for it though.
The emptying bug is a pain, and I think is related to Bukkit not firing the BlockDispenseEvent on every occasion if fired too rapidly. I'll see if there's any way around this but I can't promise anything! :(
I can confirm the "emptying themselves due to a fast redstone pulse" bug. I wasn't sure if it was just me or the plugin. No stack traces pop up in the console for any of these issues, however.
I'm not sure about the "dispensers firing the wrong way" issue though, I haven't seen it myself.
An update to this plugin would be greatly appreciated. Items can fire the wrong way because of the new block faces, and dispensators frequently glitch and empty themselves with a fast redstone pulse. Also named mobs do not spawn correctly.
It appears that this plugin doesn't support droppers, and dispensers that aren't facing sideways (e.g. up/down).
every few days , a dispensator with a book, randomly resets and the book disapears.
I have no idea what causes this.
I use books in dispensers on my server as clues on how to finish their journies (quests) for treasures and rewards..
Any idea whats going on ? Cuz i dont ! hehe
Will this plugin be used with Droppers 1.5+?
been using this plugin since it came out on my server.
I have 0 complaints. works flawlessly.
Hope it is here to stay forever.
This plugin is REALLY glitchy with water buckets. It causes a wierd dupe bug.
@ellbristow: Where can I find your Jenkins for the DEV build?
1 Issue if you have an tool in the dispensor and you use it for one block so it gets damaged, you can take another one and continue doing the same thing. sorry for bad grammar
I can confirm fireworks are working in 2570 JNKS.
Actually the plugin already supports fireworks... It's bukkit that is at fault... The RB doesnt fire an event when the dispenser dispenses a firework.... However...
In one of the 1.4.6 development builds this bug has been fixed and Dispensator works perfectly for fireworks! :)
heya can you update for fireworks that would be sweeeet !
It seems to just be a firework issues eggs work fine with redstone. Hopefully the author can make an updated version i'd be so excited!