Broker is a trading plugin that allows players to buy and sell items to other players via a MMORPG style broker. What I mean by that is, the seller lists that they have an item to sell and specifies their price, a buyer browses through the sales orders (which they can do using a very clever virtual chest based browsing system) to find something they want to buy. The buyer buys, the seller receives their money.
Alternatively, the Buyer lists a Buy Order stating what they want to buy and the maximum they are willing to pay, and when a players has the item to sell, they can list it and the two orders are automatically matched up to each other!
This method will allow multiple players to list multiple items in ONE shop, where the buyer gets an easy to use interface for buying. This shop can be accessed either via commands or by right-clicking a [Broker] sign.
- Easy Selling and Buying of items
- Sell the item in your hand and set your price with one easy command
- Express your interest in buying an item using Buy Orders
- List admin store orders for infinite supply
- Works with item economies by allowing multiple items to be listed for one price (1 Emerald for 16 items)
- Visual interface for buying from the broker
- Optional 'sales tax' charged to seller on completion of a sale (fixed rate or percentage)
- Option to pay taxes to a player or list of players
- Optional listing limit to avoid people using the broker for extra storage
- Use commands or create a [Broker] sign to access the store
- Automatically sell the item in your hand at the highest Buy Order price using an Auto Sell sign!
- Trade with Villagers or directly with other players by crouching and Right-Clicking them
- Use personal broker stores to list only items listed by one player (try a broker sign with a player's name in line 4)
- Easy setup and configuration
It's difficult to describe the concept in detail so here's a video which helps:
(NOTE this video is based on a pre-release version and some aspects have changed)
By request, I've uploaded a screenshot of the buying interface. The paper on the bottom row of the chest inventory indicates the number of pages. Click them to change page. Click an item to see listed sell orders.
This plugin requires Vault and some form of economy plugin.
Installation and Configuration
- Drop the JAR in your plugins folder
- Restart your server/plugins
- Edit the newly created config.yml (instructions in the file)
- Restart your server
- Have fun (Important!)
If you have a suggestion, now's the time to add it
If you like this plugin (or any of my other plugins) and want me to continue putting hard work into maintaining this standard, PLEASE consider donating using the donate button in the top right corner. If nothing else, this will help me justify to my wife why I spend so much time staring at code! :)
Other Projects
Have a look at some of my Other Projects
Does this project have a GitHub repo?
In reply to bgrouper:
It does not. This was originally a commissioned plugin so the source code is private I'm afraid.
Is it possible to sell item for item?
I would like to sell 1 diamond for 1 wood.
In reply to maelep_ttv:
No, sorry. This plugin requires a currency based economy. If you don't have one, you can add SimpleEco and Vault very easily
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
Thank you for your answer :) I don't want to introduce economy in Minecraft :/
Hey, could you look into this compatibility issue?
In reply to blablubb:
There is a config option called villagersarebrokers. If you set this to false, they will not activate the broker window, which should allow shopkeeper to fire
Broker is BACK! New release for 1.14 has just been uploaded, pending approval!
I am so proud of this plugin, and I love using it. I hope you do too!
Same type of question here as Babadoc had. Is this project now abandoned or is there a plan to update?
I just thought I would ask before I added this on to my server, will this be updated for 1.6?
broker is really does help us when we need to buy any item, property each and everything brokers give us good idea and better suggestion they told us what is best way for us. We easily purchased which item then we want in short time In addition without any distress. Don't need that we go other side.
For some reason no one is able to put sugar cane up in the broker like it will say its being put in the broker but when you type /broker buy it doesnt show up in the broker
Thanks for the update, it fixes almost every problem my server was having with it. The only problem left is that when purchasing items from a personal store, often the plugin will actually purchase the items from someone else's store, resulting in a lost sale from this person's store. (Not 100% sure if it actually takes the diamonds from the other person's store, or if it just gives the money to them instead of the store owner...)
Not sure what would cause this issue, but it's definitely a major one that needs to be resolved.
For the second "sell" screen where it shows you all the deals of a particular item. All the information you can get as of now without quitting out of the screen is how much of the item the person will buy. We can do much better than that. When you hover over the item it should tell you the price of each item. That way players can find the best deal without having to leave the interface.
Once they click the item the second time (they want to sell to that player), they have to type another command. We can make it much simpler. Instead of using a command, just have the person type how many they want to sell. Heres the layout
The player then just types any number between 0 and <quanity> into the chat. This is much simpler than the current system.
Finally, can you please add a setting to disable /broker buy. I want the /broker buy [Item] [Quantity] [Price], but not the /broker buy. I want to only have buy orders and people selling to buy orders.
I will definitely be doing this, I just haven't got round to it yet. It's a time consuming process and I've been focused on bug fixing and adding features.
I have every intention of making this the awesomest trading plugin out there! :)
I just downloaded this Plugin to test a possible playershop replacement, and while I myself find this plugin extremely well done, I'm hesitating to use this on my server. The reason is that while you do allow some language modifications, there are still quite some places where you cannot edit the lang yet. I know for a fact that most users wont get the plugin.
I really hope you add some more strings to get the possibility to get translated.
Please click the "@gustebeast" above to see my suggestion. It's an important suggestion.
Broker is getting another big update! it's not ready yet, but you can follow the development on the Ellitopia Dev Blog at
Feel free to comment there with any suggestions for new features and improvements.
Im confused on how the signs works, i can make a sign that lets u buy, but not one that lets u sell, please can i get some more info on all the different types of signs and how they are made.
The /broker sell admincancel interface also needs to be more informative; it provides no indication as to whose items are whose, making cancelling orders a very frustrating task for the admins of my server. Further more to make it even harder for admins to try to figure out who is selling what, the amount of items in admincancel doesn't match what people are selling, for example one player has 25 diamonds for sale and another has 4 diamonds, however if you go to the diamonds section of admincancel there is only 64 diamonds, 20 diamonds and 64 diamonds. From that we can make the assumption then the person selling 25 diamonds is the 20 diamonds, but what diamonds belong to the player that is selling just 4? It doesn't make sense, you also then have the issue of not knowing who the stacks of 64 diamonds belong to.
The suggestions other people have made, as well as what I've stated above are very much needed in order for this plugin to work well on production servers.
I love the plugin and I love the concept, but it needs to be improved a lot for my server to continue using it.
And to quote one of my admins:
"And people have been reporting that if someone sells an item lower value than you, your becomes unbuyable/that price and sometimes they get the money for it even if it says that you made a sale. To be honest I've been too busy with other things to really investigate, and asked them to report it on the forums. But there isnt a day goes by that there isnt some complaint or other that its broke. Even if it's working properly people seem to have trouble understanding how it works, and to be honest It often leaves me confused to!"