Please Note: Everything on this page, and the other pages related to this plugin are subject to change. This is currently in the early stages of planning!
Having made a few smaller plugins, some being more popular than others, I have been pondering the possibility of creating a full scale RPG plugin which would totally change Minecraft (almost) beyond recognition. I have been trying to imagine what the future 'adventure mode' could bring to the game, and considering if it would be possible to bring some of that game in by way of a plugin. It's a very adventurous idea, and as yet is not fully rounded out... but here's a rough 'sketch' of what I have in mind:
Players start with VERY limited abilities, they cannot build, destroy, craft or even use all the elements of the original Minecraft concept. This has the advantage of stopping griefers in their tracks, and also levelling the playing field for less experienced players if playing in a world with Minecraft veterans. All these features are accessible later in play in one way or another... but you have to work up to them.
Players can choose a path and unlock the abilities and features associated with that path. They can also follow multiple paths to unlock ALL features and abilities, but only after a considerable amount of play or careful/clever use of the game's mechanics.
Using an economy plugin, players can trade with NPCs or other players to make up for any abilities they may be missing. They can also receive training from those NPCs of from other players with sufficient experience in the skill they are trying to learn. Some form of trade would be essential to access certain items that are unavailable to a player following certain paths.
Player paths could include:
- Hunter - Ability to use Bows and basic weapons, but not higher level weapons. Unable to use armour, except leather.
- Warrior - Ability to use all melee weapons and armour, but no bows. Also cannot chop trees or use certain tools.
- Forrester - Can cut trees easily, gains a bonus from planting trees and using bonemeal. Can only use basic weapons and mid-level tools. Cannot craft weapons or armour, but can make wooden tools which have increased durability.
- Alchemist - Can make potions and enchant items.
- Blacksmith - Can make tools and armour, but cannot use them with any real effectiveness. (slowed by armour for example).
- Miner - Skilled at digging and mining, provides materials to many other paths.
- Builder - Requires less materials for construction, can craft doors, fences and other construction related items. (Feel free to suggest others)
Players can follow any of the paths, and multiple paths if they choose, but to be successful in any path will require devotion to particular areas. Players can gain experience and levels to unlock better abilities/skills, but gaining experience in one path could reduce experience in another (i.e. for every hostile mob you kill you gain warrior experience but lose, say, builder experience on a 3:1 basis, gain 3, lose 1).
Feel free to add any other suggestions you may have.
I may well require assistance with certain areas of this project, so if you are a developer looking for a challenge, make sure you get in touch.
I will be making a start on the basis of this plugin, so if there is anything anyone specifically would like to see in it... now's your time to have your say.
Get Involved
Addventure is being stored in a private repository. This is being done to protect the code should I decide to offer the plugin on a commercial basis later down the line. To access the repository you first have to be invited.
If you are interested in offering assistance on the Addventure project, please submit an application by sending me a private message.
To be a part of the team you will need:
- Experience programming plugins using JAVA
- An Unfuddle account (for Git repository access)
- Ability to branch the Git repository on your local machine
- Ability to Pull, Commit and Push the source via Git
Include in your message:
- Your full name
- Your bukkitdev name
- Your email address as used by Unfuddle
- Your Unfuddle account name
Hello, will this plugin be available anytime soon?
Hold fire on that... I'm currently working on a massive plugin for my server. This new plugin will be exclusive the Ellitopia... but many of it's features will propogate to my other plugins and to Addventure. At the moment the Ellitopia plugin is very much along the lines of fallout (scraping up what you can find to survive) .. so it sounds like we're on the same wavelength. The new Ellitopia plugin will hopefully be going live soon for beta testing. When it does you're welcome to come along and take a look.
Ellb you think Addventure would be good for fallout theme? Ill see if i can help out coding now if i remember the website and password.
Update: Addventure has been put on hold while I await more details about the 1.3 API updates.
I am currently developing the 'Ellitpoia' plugin which will be exclusive to my server at This plugin will have a collection of the features from my existing plugins, as well as some of the features planned for Addventure. My hope is that the creation of the Ellitopia plugin will spawn new ideas for Addventure to make it even more awesome.
And BTW, both 'Ellitopia' and Addventure will likely have their own permissions, economy and skills systems so all you will need is 1 plugin!
My idea is to have all paths running parallel to each other. You gain a 'Skill Point' every other time you level up in a skill you already have. That skill point can be spent on unlocking a new skill or ability. So if you don't want to bother with Alchemy, you spend your skill points on something else.
@zeropointx The paths have to be mastered once you have gained all the levels for that specific one. Once you master that path your not able to gain more exp for i until you choice the next path from that starter path that has been giving to you when you first spawned in a server. Also the example you gave about alchemist have the power to enchant weapons and brew potions if the plugin is running like that.
Well if I think about possible paths there are some paths that would be overused and some that would be left alone. I think that those "paths" should be rather skills or something like that so that in the beginning you can choose one skill and then as you level up you can do more things. Being Alchemist for example doesn't sound too intresting if you think about it...
@ellbristow I've been thinking of adding a Race system and like a mini economy system
Sadly due to the nature of this plugin, it's difficult to release a beta at this early stage. At the moment al it really does is stop you from doing anything since the skills tree is not yet fully implemented.
As soon as I have something that is 'playable' I will get a beta up.
Any beta .jar ? :D
Addventure is currently in a private repository, only those who have been approved can access the data. Feel free to submit an application for consideration.
We cannot enter to your link :S
OK... transferring to Bukkit didn't really work... so I've transferred to Unfuddle instead.
For anyone with an Unfuddle account... here is the unfuddle URL:
Anyone following this project on GitHub will notice I just deleted it! Don't panic... I'm just moving the repository to BukkitDev because I don't currently have access to private repositories on GitHub!
Maybe add a NPC and quest compatibly so when someone makes a NPC which gives a quest like "Master Farmer" Wants 25 wheat done. The config for that quest can give anything from money, xp, or even items. Maybe have something like a broadcaster which would broadcast when someone gets a new title/rank if they match the required requirements and pick what they want to go for in the internet if someone makes the code for them to pick it. I could help with the coding but i lack the knowledge of java(Still learning when i have time to learn) but if im able to help with this plugin i can try for documenting he pages fro this or the coding which can help me make my own/private plugins for the bukkit community. The skill points system is a good idea when a RP server wants something like this to be used. The time can take alot of time unless some people start to help out with the coding or even try to make the video when this plugin is around the Alpha mode.
Some good suggestions there, some of which I have already considered :)
My plan with classes and xp is that you level in a specific class, but every few levels you get a 'Skill Point' that you can spend on learning a new skill/ability. The skill could be (for example) to learn the first level of another class, so, for example, a farmer could start learning to be a warrior. That way all classes are open to all players, but only if they spend their skill points on them, meaning the player will (hopefully) have to make careful choices about how they spend they skill points.
I do plan to have some for of titles, so when you level up in (say) the warrior class you get a new optional title or something like Hunter, Assassin, Centurion. Other classes would offer similarly appropriate titles.
Your idea with weapons is also being considered. I plan to restrict the use of certain weapons so only higher level warriors can use them, or so that a warrior could use a wooden sword an do the same damage as diamond. (Not sure how I will convert that to the code though!)
The more I look at this the more excited I get, but the more I realise that this will take a while!
It would be nice if you can put like configurable zones for all the new players to practice their skills until a certain level. Maybe add a tree system for the different paths like a warrior masters all the levels and is able to pick a different class that they may choice for. It would be good to test this idea in dev mode. I would try to help out with this idea but im just a beginner plugin dev that's still learning java with a small team i planned on forming with friends from my server. In the warrior path have the tree like
Have the leveling up sytem like it was from RS(Like how they would start off with diffrent types of weapons on different levels)
Level 1-15 Wooden Sword
Level 16-30 Stone Sword
Level 31-45 Iron Sword
Level 46-65 Gold Sword
Level 66-85 Diamond Sword Or just config it for whatever levels you would like it to be at. Sorry about my grammar im Hispanic :3
I'm looking forward to it
If you manage to pull this off I will have HUGE respect for you. This is an excellent idea and would love to see it turned into a full fledged plugin. Good luck to you!