Many servers like to use a kind of item based economy, where Gold Ingots or Emeralds can be converted into currency on a 1 Ingot:1 Dollar basis or similar. The problem we've had is that depositing and withdrawing can be cumbersome and confusing, since the only way to do it at the moment is to set up [Buy] and [Sell] signs (from Essentials), which people can easily get confused.
This plugin provides one interactive sign that can be used to deposit of withdraw a specified item in return for a credit of a specified quantity of currency.
For example, you could set the config to allow:
1 Gold = $1
1 Diamond = $100
1 Emerald = $1000
The plugin also supports up to 2 alternative item currencies, so your users can deposit (for example):
- 1 Iron for 1 Dollar OR
- 1 Gold for 10 Dollars OR
- 1 Diamond for 100 Dollars
(Or whatever you configure it to)
Withdrawals will always give the first (main) item.
Signs are owned by their creator (or other player specified on line 4)
You can also set a deposit / withdraw fee to be charged to players using ATM signs. The fee can either be paid to the sign's owner or simply deducted from the ATM user. Fees can be either a fixed amount or a percentage (depending on config). Fees are fixed at one rate/percentage for all ATMs.
As of v1.3
Thanks to popular demand, you can now set a name for your items other than the default Bukkit name, so for example you can call a "GOLD INGOT" "Gold" and a "GOLD NUGGET" "Nugget", in fact you can call it whatever you like!
As of v1.5
Now all the new types of wood can be used for ATM Signs, and the config is now based on the item name rather than the old ID numbers. The item name is not case sensitive.
- ONE ATM sign for deposits and withdrawls
- Left-click the sign to pick your option
- Right-Click the sign to interact
- No database, no commands, very simple and lightweight plugin
- Configure what item can be converted to currency
- Allow deposits of up to 3 different item types
- Configure how much each item is worth in currency
- Charge a fee for using an ATM sign
- Permissions for creating/destroying/using ATM signs
atmsigns.* : Can use, create and destroy ATM signs
atmsigns.use : Can use ATM signs
atmsigns.create : Can create ATM signs (and break own ATMsigns)
atmsigns.break : Can destroy anybody's ATM signs
- Place a sign
- Put [atm] in the first line
- (optional) Put the owners name in line 4
- That's it!
- Scroll through menu options by left clicking sign
- Right Click to activate option
- When withdrawing, Right Click = Withdraw 1, Crouch + Right Click = Withdraw 10
There are no commands!
- An economy plugin
Place the jar in your /plugins folder and reload!
Set your chosen item(s), currency value(s) and fee settings in the (newly created) /plugin/ATMsigns/config.yml
Default setting is:
item: "emerald"
currency: 1 (1 emerald = $1)
alt_item1: "none" (Disabled)
alt_item1_curr: 0 (No value)
alt_item2: "none" (Disabled)
alt_item2_curr: 0 (No value)
deposit_fee: 0.00 (How much to charge for deposits)
withdraw_fee: 0.00 (How much to charge for withdrawals)
percentag_fee: false (Set to true to charge a percentage rather than flat fee)
fee_to_owner: true (Sign owner receives the fees)
Server/Pack Usage
Sure, feel free to use it where you like!
To show your support and help me justify to my wife why I spend so much time on Minecraft, please donate using the Donate button in the top right corner of this page, or support Ellitopia on patreon at
Thank you
Other Projects
Click Here to take a look at the other plugins I am proud to take responsibility for
This plugin is back from the dead! Rebuilt for Spigot 1.14.1!
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
How'd you set it up because I can't find Vault for 14.1
In reply to NoahTk:
Here you go. I didn't realise the link in the description was broken. I'll get it updated.
I LOVE this plugin ! Very useful !
How do i make it for all people
Probably need to configure permissions correctly.
People who arnt op cant withdraw help me please
Wait.. i'm confused. Can you still deposit money once you've converted the block into money?
If you're talking about the issues with not being able to deposit placeable blocks... I have already come up with a fix for it which I will release soon.
If that's not the issue, let me know and I'll take a look.
Could you please update soon? or co you only do recommended builds? it has a few bugs on 1.5.2 I would love it if you would release a new version soon!
Awesome Thanks a lot this was just what I was looking for! My players finally understand how to use a plugin!
It's working for me on the early beta of CB 1.5... Having trouble?
I wonder how many people use this. I had to stop using afet the last update and people really miss it since we use a gold based economy.
I hope you update. If not, thanks for the great plugin while it lasted. :)
I've just uploaded v1.4.0. (Pending approval)
This version adds Server owned ATMs so that fees can disappear into the vaccum of the void. Simply put "Server" in line 4!
Sorry for the delay in getting any updates out. Let me know if you come accross any bugs or suggestions.
PLEASE post all bugs and suggestions as tickets, otherwise they may not be considered for future updates!
I only consider bugs and suggestions posted as tickets... otherwise I forget them.
Please post your suggestion as a ticket.
I see updates, but still no way to adjust colors on the signs.
Please consider this feature!
From what I've noticed, this plugin still works on MC 1.3.2. Even though it gives you a enabling error on server startup; all the features work in game.
Would really love a way to modify the colors. That light green looks terrible on packs with 'white' signs. Please add this if you can! x_x
Also, I can't seem to create 'public' ATMs as a server operator. They always have my username, even though I don't specify anything.
I'm running the latest stable bukkit as of this posting.
The atm signs worked fine efter the 1.3 update but today I updated vault and the right click options stoped working.
Updated to Vault 1.2.17 for CB 1.3.1-R1.0
So if anyone started having trouble Check your vault version.
Update: My plugins are currently on hold while we wait for 1.3, since the 1.3 update will more than likely break large portions of most of my plugins! Sorry for the delay and please stay tuned for future releases.