Requested by greyjester
Put on your walking boots and WalkTheWalk, gaining experience as you go!
Wear some Gold Boots (Configurable) and every block you walk past will give you a little XP boost!
(Wearing boots in a minecart doesn't count!)
/wtw announce [yes|no] : Set whether players are told about changes to the WTW settings.
/wtw blocks [Number of Blocks] : Set how many blocks the player must walk over before being given XP boost.
/wtw boots [0|1|2|3|4|5] : Set what type of boots must be worn to get XP
0 = ALL, 1 = Leather, 2 = Iron, 3 = Gold (Default), 4 = Diamond, 5 = Chain
/wtw xp [XP Boost] : Number of XP points given for each boost
/wtw get : See current WTW settings
walkthewalk.admin : Access to /wtw admin tool
walkthewalk.use : User can gain XP from 'Walking Boots'
Put the JAR file in your /plugins folder, assign permissions and reload/restart.
See the config.yml file for configuration details. (It's very easy!)
To show your support and help me justify to my wife why I spend so much time on Minecraft, please donate using the Donate button in the top right corner of this page!
Thank you
Future Plans
None yet... submit a GitHub Ticket to suggest improvements or report a bug.
Other Projects
ChestBank : Many Chests, on inventory per player, same inventory accessible in all chests!
ATMsigns : Deposit/Withdraw items for currency using one ATM sign.
GreylistVote : Prevent griefers without a whitelist. Players vote for approval.
SetXP : Set or increase your XP level with a simple command.
BoatBug : Stop players boating through walls!
SimpleSpawn : Simple plugin for changing spawn points (including /sethome and /home).
Itemizer : Get all the details of the item in your hand.
Suggest a Project
Got an idea for a project? PM me and I'll give it a look!
Update: My plugins are currently on hold while we wait for 1.3, since the 1.3 update will more than likely break large portions of most of my plugins! Sorry for the delay and please stay tuned for future releases.
does work for 1.2.4 any Revision
Assuming this is working for 1.2.4 as the bukkit update news item said anything set to work for 1.1-R6 or later.
Going to try it and set it to chainmail boots and sell chainmail boots for really expensive.
thanks for keeping it updated
Tested: Working with CraftBukkit 1.1-R3 (build #1846)
works perfectly after updating my server thank alot
The file has just been approved. Let me know how you get on with it!
looks good hope it gets accepted
Version 1.0 Uploaded.
Requires the 1.1-R1 build of Bukkit (#1818)