This is a continuation of the very popular but sadly inactive ChopTree plugin by Iso_1. This new version started as a copy of the old one, but has been updated to fit the newer API. I have done what I can to bring this excellent plugin back to life.
2.1+ UPDATE NOTICE: To clean up the code and make the plugin a little more efficient I have removed the .properties files and replaced them with .yml equivalents. Anyone using 2.0 or before will need to reset their settings (which can be done in game using the /choptree toggle {option} command).
What Is ChopTree
ChopTree is a simple plugin, that lets Trees act like cacti. (Chop the bottom block to pop the whole tree)
This plugin is originally coded by askmeaboutlo0m. (Iso_1) kept it updated up to the 1.0.1 Craftbukkit build and removed some errors. Since 1.2 the plugin is now managed by ellbristow.
Please give me feedback and make suggestions for any features you would like.
- Lets trees act like cacti - remove a block and all blocks above are yieled too.
- Alternatively you can make that log blocks move down one by one instead - no more climbing trees.
- Option to pop Leaves when the tree pops (or to bring them down with the logs if using the move down feature)
- Works with all tree types (they all yeild their own wood and saplings).
- Also works with "big" trees that have multiple branches - makes felling them a lot easier.
- Restrict using this plugin to certain tools only.
- Only works on trees, houses made of logs are safe!
- Copy the .jar to your plugins folder
- Restart your server/plugins
- Edit the config.yml file to your liking (It's self explanatory)
- Restart again
- Enjoy (Important step!)
/choptee : Main plugin command for all settings etc (Alias /ct)
/togglechop: Turn ChopTree on and off (Alias /tc)
- choptree.*: Can chop and use all commands
- choptree.chop: Player can chop trees in one chop
- choptree.commands.*: Access to all commands
- choptree.commands.choptree.*: Access to all admin commands
- Access to /choptree
- choptree.commands.choptree.reload: Access to /choptree reload
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.*: Can toggle all choptree settings
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.activebydefault: Can toggle this setting
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.useanything: Can toggle this setting
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.moredamagetotools: Can toggle this setting
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.interruptiftoolbreaks: Can toggle this setting
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.logsmovedown: Can toggle this setting
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.onlytrees: Can toggle this setting
- choptree.commands.choptree.toggle.leaves: Can toggle this setting
- choptree.commands.togglechop: Access to /togglechop
How do you actually switch the settings. All I can seem to do is turn choptree off or on. I can't change any other settings and there is no direct commands for them, it just shows them as true or false.
In reply to Forge_User_94673826:
The /choptree toggle commands control the settings.
/choptree toggle useanything
turns the axe restrictions on and off for all players
Any Chance this can be updated to replant the sapping after you chop the tree?
whenever I mine a tree block it only gets placed back
In reply to Gerclerdy:
Are there any errors showing in the console?
Are you breaking blocks within the spawn protection area? Try moving further from spawn.
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
I'm having the same issue, no errors are showing up in the console. I have it set to only work with an iron axe or better. Chopping wood with a wood axe or empty hands chops 1 log, chopping wood with iron or better chops nothing. The wood block just comes back instantly.
In reply to Forge_User_46169785:
hmm ok... i'll see whats happened in this build to cause that.... can't really think of anything
In reply to Forge_User_46169785:
can you test if it works if you allow any tool? (i.e set useAnything to true in the config)
I have a suspicion it's something to do with this setting
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
I actually just downloaded this plugin to use on my server and was testing on an alt account and I set useAnything to true but now I can't mine any logs at all.
In reply to Gerclerdy:
Found it! Fixed it! v2.4.2 will works
New update uploaded to activate the choptree.chop permission by default
It seems a few people are having issues with permissions. There is a possible way I can fix it so that you don't need to fiddle with permissions plugins. I'll take a look and try and push a fix in the next version
im not sure how to edit the permissions to allow my friends to use it could you please explain how
In reply to neber636:
Do you have a plugin installed specifically to manage server permissions?
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
No but do you have any recommendations for permission plugins?
I'm currently running an online server and whenever I break a tree with an axe it chops the whole tree down (probably because I have OP) but when anyone else on my server breaks a tree with an axe it only removes one block.
In reply to Forge_User_06484260:
That sounds like a permissions problem. Make sure your default user group has the choptree.chop permission.
The plugin is back! Rebuilt for Spigot and 1.14.1!
Planned new optional feature: only break leaves of the same type as the log being broken (for when you break a tree that's close to another)
In reply to Forge_User_38717200:
I've been waiting so long for this thanks for updating it :)
In reply to TheRealLeve:
No problem. It's good to be getting back in the game