This is a simple plugin to let you set your own XP level without having to grind mobs. It is intended to allow Admins to test their other XP related plugins easily.
Users with permission can simply set their required XP level using /setxp [level]. Easy!
You can configure the maximum XP level. This works in two ways:
1. When using the /setxp command, if the level entered is above the configured maximum it will be set to the maximum instead.
2. (Optional) When a player gains XP and increases in level, SetXP can stop them gaining the level if it would put them above the max.
{} = Optional [] = Required
/setxp {player} [level] : Set XP level of you or {player}
/setxp add {player} [levels] : Increase XP level of you or {player}
(Thanks nicquehen)
/setxp remove {player} [levels] : Reduce XP level of you or {player}
(Thanks Metz_Cz
/getxp [player] : Get target player's XP level
(If running commands from console, {player} is not optional)
setxp.* : Access all commands
setxp.setxp : Access /setxp
setxp.setxp.others : Can set another player's xp
setxp.add : Increase XP using /setxp add
stexp.add.others : Increase another player's xp
setxp.remove : Reduce XP using /setxp remove
stexp.reduce.others : Reduce another player's xp
setxp.exempt : Other players cannot change XP
setxp.override : Override exemption given by setx.exempt
setxp.getxp : Access /getxp : Player is not charged to use setXP
Just pop the .jar in your /plugins folder and reload
There are four configuration settings:
price_per_xp_level : This is, um, the price per XP level (default is 0)
reduce_xp_refund_percentage : This is the percentage of the price_per_xp_level that is refunded to the player if they reduce their XP level. (default is 100% refund)
max_level : The maximum level a player can set their XP to
force_max_level : Prevents all players going above the configured max_level, including if they do so from XP orbs.
This plugin uses PluginMetrics to help judge how the plugin is being used. No private information is gathered, merely data about your Bukkit version and other similar statistics.
We hope that you will help us by submitting your statisitcal data... but we understand if you would rather not. If you would rather not send this information, you can opt-out of metrics tracking by editing the config.yml file found in the Plugins/PluginMetrics folder and setting the opt-out option to true. You will then need to restart your server.
Future Plans
- None! Why not suggest one?
Source Code
Source code can be found on my Github Page
To show your support and help me justify to my wife why I spend so much time on Minecraft, please donate using the Donate button in the top right corner of this page!
Thank you
Other Projects
Addventure : Adventure mode arrives early! Let the Addventure begin!
MyChunk : Claim chunks for griefer protection!
ChestBank : Many Chests, on inventory per player, same inventory accessible in all chests!
ATMsigns : Deposit/Withdraw items for currency using one ATM sign.
GreylistVote : Prevent griefers without a whitelist. Players vote for approval.
SetXP : Set or increase your XP level with a simple command.
BoatBug : Stop players boating through walls!
SimpleSpawn : Simple plugin for changing spawn points (including /sethome and /home).
Itemizer : Get all the details of the item in your hand.
Suggest a Project
Got an idea for a project? PM me and I'll give it a look!
1.6.4 please
Ive just uploaded v1.4.2. I was lookign to see if I could add anything to this plugin but it all seems to be working fine and is stable... so I left it alone.
I did however add Metrics so I can see how this plugin is being used. I'd appreciate if everyone could use the latest version so that I can continue to offer a good stable plugin.
I have tested this version to work with 1.4.7-R1.0 and everythign looks good.
Support will no longer be offered to versions previous to v1.4.2
good plugin
I've just uploaded v1.4.1 of SetXP.
v1.4.0 added the ability to configure the maximum XP level that can be set by set XP AND an option to force a maximum limit on XP levels across the server (including xp gained from XP orbs)
v1.4.1 added a new "/setxp remove {player} [levels] command" which works in the opposite way to "/setxp add" and offers a refund for the levels removed if you have configured the server to pay refunds.
This is really nice plugin, but
Maximum xp level is 32767...
What about to make a config with maximum level (for example: maxlvl: 100)
Is it possible?
I can't find any plugin with this so - please do it for me :)
Thank you :)
Actually there's no reason why it shouldn't work. Although the levels have changed, the method I used means that is irrelevant. It should continue to work as it did before!
I doubt it, the xp needed for a level is changed.
is this one working with 1.3?
Just To Point Out setxp.override : Override exemption given by setx.exempt Should Be setxp.override : Override exemption given by setxp.exempt
Not Trying To Sound Smart Or Anything But Just Like This Plugin And Want The Overview Page To Look The Best It Can. :)
Update> My plugins are currently on hold while we wait for 1.3, since the 1.3 update will more than likely break large portions of most of my plugins! Sorry for the delay and please stay tuned for future releases.
Moving your post to a ticket...
I'm getting startup errors with v1.3.1 for the latest dev build of 1.2.3, #2032. The error message is something like "invalid plugin exception, unsupported class version error, unsupported major/minor version 51.0".
I've just uploaded v1.3.1 which will hopefully address some compatibility issues for servers running Java 6. Let me know if it works as I have no way to test it on my Java 7 server.
v1.3 uploaded and awaiting approval.
I added economy support so you can charge players to use setXP (requires Vault)
I added a new Poll to this project as I am considering adding the possibility of charging in-game currency to increase your level (and perhaps a refund for reducing), but to do it I will need to implement Vault.Please let me know your thoughts as this is something I have been considering for a while since BuyExp hasn't been updated in a while.EDIT: Forget that... I did it anyway but with OPTIONAL Vault dependency, no Vault, no economy link.
v1.2.3 uploaded (and yes I realised I missed 1.2.2)
Tested working with 1.1-R6 and 1.2.2-R0.1 (#2013)
:O I just saw that this plugin has been downloaded over 32,000 times!
I guess you guys like this plugin!
I would welcome any donations people can spare so that I can continue making plugins like this one... such as my latest project MyChunk.
If anyone has any suggestions for updates, please let me know.
Tested: Working with CraftBukkit 1.1-R3 (build #1846)
Tested: Working in Crafbukkit 1.1-R1 (#1818)
Tested against CraftBukkit build 1717 for 1.1 compatibility