Mychunk reloaded
That plugin is like the original MyChunk plugin, but without bugs, as the last MyChunk version didn't works properly. That version allow you to use the "protect_unclaimed" option in the config.yml file. I've got Ellitopia's authorization to create a new bukkit page for the plugin, but only by calling it MyChunk Reloaded or something like that.
The idea of this plugin is to provide something which steps back from Towny by offering chunk based land protection for individuals, while offering more than other chunk based protection plugins (such as ChunkOwn) by offering some additional features.
This plugin does not REQUIRE the installation of any other plugins. However, if you want to make use of the economy options, such as charging to claim a chunk, the plugin requires the Vault plugin (and an economy plugin of course). Video Tutorial
Thanks go to Tad Taylor (aka bittiez) for his series of quick and simply reference videos for the signs used in MyChunk!
- Claim a chunk for yourself by doing /mychunk claim or by staking your claim with a [Claim] sign post
- Claim Server chunks to protect important areas
- Claim Public chunks to allow construction but prevent claiming of certain areas (useful for servers using "Protect Unclaimed")
- [ClaimArea] ans [UnclaimArea] signs to claim or unclaim multple chunks at once
- [Allow] and [Disallow] signs to extend permissions to other players to one chunk
- [Allow*] and [Disallow*] signs to extend permissions to other players to all your chunks
- [Lease] signs allow you to rent out a single door within your chunk to one player (like a hotel)
- Claimed chunk is marked in all corners with torches on the highest block
- Limit the maximum number of chunks a player can claim both globally and with individual/group permissions
- Option to limit building to claimed chunks only (Protect Unclaimed)
- Option to prevent claiming in Nether or End worlds
- (With Vault and an economy plugin) Charge players for claiming chunks
- (With Vault and an economy plugin) Option to give a refund for unclaiming chunks
- (With Vault and an economy plugin) Option to allow claiming above the max limit for an additional fee
- (With Vault and an economy plugin) Option to remove the overbuy fee when buying from another player
- (With Vault and an economy plugin) Sell chunks for profit using [For Sale] signs (and [Not For Sale] signs)
- Chunks you own are protected from griefing by other players or by creepers
- Doors, hatches, fence gates, buttons, levers, pressure plates, paintings and item frames are protected from griefers
- Doors are protected from being bashed in by zombies
- Chests, Furnaces, Dispensers and Brewing Stands are all protected
- Claim chunks for other players or for the server (with permission)
- Configurable PVP in owned chunks using [AllowPVP] signs
- Configurable mob spawning/damage in owned chunks using [AllowMobs] signs
- Fire cannot spread in owned chunks (including from lava)
- Automatic unclaiming of land for inactive players (Optional and configurable)
- Customise messages using the lang.yml file
- Works with Factions and Towny to prevent double claiming of chunks
- Commands available instead of signs if preferred
Installation and Configuration
- Drop the .jar file into your /pugins folder
- Restart the server (or reload plugins)
- Edit the config.yml file which is created in the /plugins/MyChunk folder. An explanation of the setting is included in the file
Permissions for /mychunk tp <player>: mychunk.commands.teleport and mychunk.commands.teleport.others
Permissions for /mychunk see: mychunk.commands.see
All permissions:
Permissions by commands:
The new version is now compatible with the old DynMapMychunk plugin. It will show you all the claimed chunk on your dynmap:
Requirements: mychunk, dynmap
Can't get this to work. the only one that can [claim] a chunk is me the owner.. i have tried everything and yet players cannot claim a chunk. very frustrating.
Tracking down the flags for this plugin have been an absolute chore. However, they seem to be ignored by the server. Any ideas on why?
edit: Specifically... These work
These don't
Drop Water
These are untested
The orginal MyChunk has been updated for 1.14.2 and is now available, together with the GangLands adon at:
Please can you help me. I cant break glowstone on my server!
and I cant find 'Please_Dont_Touch_This' in the config.
where do i find it or get it!!!
In reply to Forge_User_05974634:
The glowstone thing is now fixed, but glowstone is now breakable when doing "/mychunk see".
I can't break glowstone!! please can you fix that
Very good plugin but since I installed it I can not break the glow stone !
Pleases help !!!
In reply to Forge_User_98895866:
In reply to Forge_User_79334278:
In reply to Forge_User_98895866:
In reply to Forge_User_79334278:
Je rencontre un gros problème avec le plugin :
Un joueur vient de changer son pseudo et n'as plus accès à ces chunk ! J'ai du les unclaim pour qu'il puisse reclaim par dessus.
Comment update le pseudo pour les chunk ?
Is it possible to set by default allowmobs ON
Je voudrais savoir si c'est normal que quand j'entre dans une zone claim sa ne m'affiche plus le message comme quoi je suis sur le claim de tel ou tel joueur ? et que les flags ne fonctionne pas (je peut entrez dans des zone claim même quand je n'est pas le flags)
This man helps me out every time.
Thank you so much! I make a Curse account to react special for you.
If you don't had help me my server was impossible.
Thank 1000 times.
I have a problem with the display on the dynmap because when I restart the server all the chunks disappear.
In reply to Forge_User_50102971:
En réponse à Black_Eyes :
In reply to Forge_User_50102971:
In reply to Forge_User_50102971:
In reply to Forge_User_79334278: