This is a world teleportation mod with a twist. Rather than futuristic stargates and nether portals filled with water, this one is a little more fun!
Create a portal to another world with a Whooshing Well .. a simple construction that you activate with a button and jump inside. (Jump optional... really you just fall in). Each portal goes to either the spawn point of one world, or a custom set destination (specified by a sign attached to the well).
Permissions can prevent people you don't want from using the Whooshing Well (or rather grant the ability to those you do) and there are very few commands.
Built in to the plugin is the ability to create (or delete) the new world using simple commands. No need for Multiverse or any other worldgen mod (and I haven't tested for any possible clashes between them).
How to Make A Whooshing Well
A Whooshing Well is a very simple 4 x 4 structure (which is not so simple to explain, see pictures)
- FIRST ... ensure the destination exists
- Run "/ww list" to get destination names, or use "/ww addworld" or "/ww setdest" to create a new one
- Place 2 stair blocks (any type) on each side of a 4x4x square
- Make sure the 4 blocks in the middle are empty (you can dig down to make it look more like a well when its not activated)
- Place any blocks you can attach buttons and signs to in the 4 corners
- On one side, on the left block attach a button (Stone or Wood)
- On the SAME side, on the right block attach a sign with [ww] in line 1 and the world or destination name in line 2
- If your world name does not fit, put "world:" followed by the world id, which you can get from the "/ww list" command
- If you have built it correctly and the world exists, and you are allowed to build a well to the requested destination, you have created a Whooshing Well... otherwise you'll get an error message and the sign will pop off the wall.
- Add whatever decoration you like to make it look more like a well (or whatever you want it to look like).. but make sure the 4 centre blocks stay empty.
- Push the button to activate the portal
To remove a WhooshingWell, you must destroy the sign first, then you will be able to destroy the other blocks.
Whooshing Well Examples
On the left is the minimum allowable layout BEFORE you place the sign, although you actually only need 2 of the 4 corner blocks... but this way looks better :)
There are only 4 configuration option:
requireEmptyInventory : Do players have to clear their inventory before using a Whooshing Well?
Available Options: true | false
requireEmptyArmor : Do players have to remove their armor before using a Whooshing Well?
Available Options: true | false
allowNetherWells : Can Whooshing Wells lead to a Nether world?
Available Options: true | false
allowEndWells : Can Whooshing Wells lead to a End world?
Available Options: true | false
Reason or, no reason.
The fact is that the well works in the over world but not in the nether. Period!
Next time read the entire post. And my original post as well.
Best regards Magnus Fransson.
Removed... just realised this had already been said.
The better question is: why wouldn't it be possible to make a well in the nether? Consider this: if the well doesn't work in the nether, it shouldn't work anywhere else - and vice versa (if it works in normal worlds, it should work in any world). I can't fathom of a reason why WhooshingWells wouldn't work on nether-type/end-type worlds, but would work on normal-type worlds, because they are all read only as being different worlds. The difference is arbitrary. It could be that you've accidentally disabled some worlds in the config, if such an option exists.
I could think of one reason why it wouldn't work on different-typed worlds, with the reason that vanilla mechanics won't allow for it. But I don't think that's the reason.
I can see the usefulness of redstone activation.
Best regards Magnus Fransson.
Over three weeks has past and not as much as one comment! Does anyone even read this forum?
Ok! I have verified that the destination is legal by setting up and test the portal in the overworld. I can build the portal in the nether without any hassles. I even got a message saying it succeeded. But when I press the button nothing happens. I have verified that I am a admin and a OP. And that admins do have full rights to the plugin (and all plugins on the server). I have also verified that the configuration allows for portals leading to the nether and the end. Still nothing happens as I press the button.
Is it even possible to make a portal that lead FROM the nether or the end TO the overworld?
Best regards Magnus Fransson.
Is there anyway of making it activate with redstone instead of a button, so that you can make a shoot above it which someone drops down and trips a trip wire to activate the wooshing well?
I'm just trying to set up a "well" leading from the nether to the a specified location in the over-world.
I'm still at 1st attempt but I were confident it should work. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to make portals leading from either the nether or the end to the over-world?
Yes! This is a preparation to set up a portal in the end leading back to the over-world.
That doesn't invalidate this plugin's existence in any way. :)
uh this is cool, but you know you can do this same thing with multiverse but way more structure customization right
It would be helpful to explain if negating the permissions node "whooshingwell.use" prevents a player from actually teleporting via the well, or just prevents the player turning the well on/off.
I've just uploaded v1.2.5 (pending approval). This version adds support forteh new 1.7 stair types (Quartz and New Wood Types). It also fixes a few niggly bugs, like portals staying on when you destroy the sign to deactivate the portal.
If you spot any bugs, please submit a ticket using the ticket system at the top of the page.
Not abandoned. I'm still using it on my 1.6.2 server... works fine (apart from quartz stairs)
Has the author abandoned this?
Y U NO Quartz stairs?
I absolutely love this plugin! please update soon! its my favorite!
I moved a well but when I place a block where a well was it says ''You can't place a block there!'' can you pls help me?
Is it possible to make it so that you teleport to a destination that is underground? I set the destination in a cave but it always teleports me to that same spot but above ground. Is this just a Minecraft issue?
Just something that would make me happy. Make a permissions like whooshingwell.requireemptyinventory.ignore to allow some people to ignore the clear inventory before use. Aside from that, I love this plugin, its working great.
With this plugin are you able to install a custom map on a different world???
I have apx. 7 wells and they get used well often and I have no problem with getting stuck in grounds or anything, like 10% of the time they get half in the ground but dont lose health as their heads are still poking out of the ground