Terrain Control
Pictures (top to bottom, left to right):Floating island by LanToaster, Arches by mysource, Extreme Hills by IRSmoh, Island by Piginabag, Alternative Nether by IRSmoh
TerrainControl is an advanced world generator. Through various configuration files it gives the user control over almost every aspect of Minecraft terrain generation, with no knowledge of Java required. It can be used on Bukkit or Forge servers and on singleplayer with Forge. TerrainControl is the successor to the old PhoenixTerrainMod, which was based on the popular BiomeTerrainMod.
Quote:Spigot 1.8
All updates for Spigot 1.8 won't be posted here, but on the Spigot forums instead: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/terraincontrol.2214/
See you there!
- Control horizontal and vertical noise of terrain generation
- Control terrain height and volatility per biome
- Generating biome maps from images
- Control the size of biomes, islands and continents
- Custom biomes
- Many options for caves, canyons
- Control vanilla structures like mineshafts, strongholds and villages
- Full control of ores, plants, dungeons, ponds and many more
- Custom trees and other objects (BO2 and BO3)
- Block replacement
- Visual settings like custom foliage colors (TerrainControl client required)
...and many more!
whitespace hack
As of Terrain Control 2.4.13, the plugin sends some stats to mcstats.org, a service by Hidendra and others. You can view the stats here. Terrain Control won't upload your configs, it will only send your BiomeMode along with some information of your computer. You can toggle it off by setting opt-out
to true
in the metrics config file. More information is available on this wiki page.
Also check out the showcase thread in our forums!
How to use
TerrainControl is more complex than most Bukkit plugins, so it may take a while to get into - but the results are worth it. If you want to create your own world, be sure to check our documentation. If you have done some reading and still have problems using TerrainControl, just post to our forums and we'll try to figure it out.
Installation guide |
TerrainControl Wiki | First steps
TerrainControl Analysis | mysource's tutorial
Tutorial Videos
Useful tools
- TerrainControl User Interface
- BetterBOB for creating BO2-objects
- Notepad ++ for easier editing of config files
- Minutor for viewing generated maps
- Eihort for viewing your generated maps
- WorldBorder for pregenerating your map
- BO3-Tweaks by Elzaar and LanToaster. Command-line application to tweak BO3-objects.
- BO3Tools for ingame creation of BO3-objects
- ClimateChanger for mass-changing biome ids in an existing world
- BiomeEdit.py to edit biomes side by side.
Active staff | hack to display table correctly |
Khoorn | Maintainer, Coding |
Timethor | Coding |
Rutger Kok | Coding |
Burckhart | Support, Documentation |
Retired staff | |
Mysource | Support, Documentation |
Cayorion | Coding |
Additional Credits | |
Bucyruss | Creator of the BiomeTerrainMod |
R-T-B | Creator of PhoenixTerrainMod |
More contributors on GitHub | |
Users contributing to the wiki are found here |
Get involved!
Commit code on GitHub | Contribute to the wiki | Share your configuration
Report bugs and request features on GitHub
You'll always find the newest approved stable builds here. As of 2.4, the files will work on both Bukkit and Forge servers (without the need of something like MCPC+) and on singleplayer with Forge. Installation instructions can be found here.
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development builds at mctcp.com
You can find all user-created world configurations, biomes and custom objects that are currently available here.
Important - please do not post your questions in the comments section below, head to the forums instead! We do not answer questions here as it would only result in chaos. Feel free to use the wall for general comments!
I love this plugin it's amazing. I'm using for my faction server. Keep up the amazing work
I had one of my better creative days today ;-) and created an other area, the "Karst-Area".
All made by just 3 custom biomes, which will be usable and work even in limited random mode.
(right-click... show image... as always to see cpl. screens)
I also made 3 new smooth biomes to set up a "RollingMountains" area:
All included in Testworld`s last update No. 74 from today ;-)
... yes, at the moment I´m pumping out a few new biomes and relating Testworld updates almost every day ;-)
I created a new biome "BulpDune":
(Its made by just one custom biome)
I made a 2. new mountain biome too named "HighCrackedMountain".
(Its made by just one custom biome)
Included now in last Testworld update No 72.
I improved the "Salt-Flats" biome:
Included in Testworld Update 71 today.
Absolutely love this. Keep up the great development
made some experiments to create creeks with little falls, nestled in a mountain area.
Its all done exclusively by the use of just 2 bo3´s.
Some screens:
Will be included soon in the next Testworld update No. 71.
I created today a new "SaltFlats" (salt lake) biome.
Typical scene in real nature:
... and here now my TerrainControl biome:
Included now in Testworld Update No. 70 (contains 251 biomes and 518 custom objects).
Just wanted to say, Myscource your biomes are amazing! Thanks to the TC team and everyone for making such an awesome plugin :3
today I created 2 new biomes (schiefer (shale or slate in English) and schieferBorder and 2 new schiefer-bo3´s, to set up a landscape containing some fault zones (made by that 2 bo3´s as a branch).
Shown here a close view of a real world fault zone:
That´s how my MC/TC biomes came out:
Will be added to Testworlds next update 68, like shown "Eldaria" biomes too.
I´m working at an "Eldaria" style TC biome area.
The most problematic part to get that arches has been solved now by just 2 new custom biomes:
(as always...right-click and "show image"... to see kpl. image ;-(... limited forum sadly)
The rest is now normal workflow by already made biomes ;-)
Wow! This is amazing! How can you code something like this ?!?!!?!!??!?!?!!?!!
Finally have my world generated, it's still at 1.6 and will have some areas regenerated to add 1.7 biomes. Until all the plugins are set up on my server anyone can join and fly around to see everything. Dynmap - http://mc.pendulumsrest.beastnode.net:8686/# - only a flat map atm as plugins and things need my time and it takes a lot of space. Still has lighting errors on it too.
Map is 1500x1500 pixels/ 6000x6000 blocks (usable) Over 460 configs used to make 54 new biomes. 220 build objects, only 9 of which are not custom for this server
Dude this is awesome, I haven't actually tested it yet but If it works like you claim! OMG! Thank You! PLEASE dont stop updating! this is the best plugin i have ever seen!!
tonight I created settings to create caves (adjustable style and size and so on) in the underground of any biome using my settings.
All bo2´s and some plants (some of the MC default and ALL bo2´s for sure if adjusted the right way) will spawn too, if wanted.
Blocks which are used in that cave environment are adjustable too.
All done with the plain but huge possiblilities of TC like always.
Some screens of a simple test caves in the (example) desert underground:
... and here the Arctic caves edition:
Bye ;-)
The bukkit server does not show the graphics (color of sky, water, plants).
Video showing some of the newest biomes in Testworld:
to brush up the desert style areas a little more, I created 3 new cacti (bo2´s) today:
The savanna biome got a termite-hill (bo2):
created today the "Quartz desert" and "Quartz mountains". Some quartz bolder turn up in the lower areas:
.... and an even extremer version, holding 5 different bolder types (possible variations just limited by MC´s blocks and your imagination ;-) ...):
... and here my final version, "special" single block bolders now more grouped, red sand TC bolders added and the mountains got some red sand and eroded caves / holes for an added realistc look too:
All done just by 2 new custom biomes and its settings, NO use of any bo2´s or BO3´s.
Can´t believe those die hard non readers, not regarding that red text up, posting questions still here on and on ...
Just to info about my stuff now here, tying to avoid that questions at that wrong place here in the future:
For sure I´m adding all new biomes always to newest Testworld....but questions concerning my Testworld have to be asked by Email, for that always regard my signature !!!
Deleting of all non-standart posts here, has to be done frequently (and sadly), to avoid spamming the overview page by stuff which belongs stictly just to the forum and definitely at no other place.
today I created an island with 3 creeks all flowing in an elevated lake. This lake dispatches an elevated river, which is ending up at a fall and empty into the ocean. All bound in the (reworked and adjusted) new 1.7.x savanna biomes.
(Animation images taken from Eihort screens, sadly not showing the nice in game colors)
click to display full image
Feel free to follow that link "Testworld" (Signature) to get more infos about that world too at by website.
Wonderful plugin, I absolutely love it. :D