Terrain Control
Pictures (top to bottom, left to right):Floating island by LanToaster, Arches by mysource, Extreme Hills by IRSmoh, Island by Piginabag, Alternative Nether by IRSmoh
TerrainControl is an advanced world generator. Through various configuration files it gives the user control over almost every aspect of Minecraft terrain generation, with no knowledge of Java required. It can be used on Bukkit or Forge servers and on singleplayer with Forge. TerrainControl is the successor to the old PhoenixTerrainMod, which was based on the popular BiomeTerrainMod.
Quote:Spigot 1.8
All updates for Spigot 1.8 won't be posted here, but on the Spigot forums instead: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/terraincontrol.2214/
See you there!
- Control horizontal and vertical noise of terrain generation
- Control terrain height and volatility per biome
- Generating biome maps from images
- Control the size of biomes, islands and continents
- Custom biomes
- Many options for caves, canyons
- Control vanilla structures like mineshafts, strongholds and villages
- Full control of ores, plants, dungeons, ponds and many more
- Custom trees and other objects (BO2 and BO3)
- Block replacement
- Visual settings like custom foliage colors (TerrainControl client required)
...and many more!
whitespace hack
As of Terrain Control 2.4.13, the plugin sends some stats to mcstats.org, a service by Hidendra and others. You can view the stats here. Terrain Control won't upload your configs, it will only send your BiomeMode along with some information of your computer. You can toggle it off by setting opt-out
to true
in the metrics config file. More information is available on this wiki page.
Also check out the showcase thread in our forums!
How to use
TerrainControl is more complex than most Bukkit plugins, so it may take a while to get into - but the results are worth it. If you want to create your own world, be sure to check our documentation. If you have done some reading and still have problems using TerrainControl, just post to our forums and we'll try to figure it out.
Installation guide |
TerrainControl Wiki | First steps
TerrainControl Analysis | mysource's tutorial
Tutorial Videos
Useful tools
- TerrainControl User Interface
- BetterBOB for creating BO2-objects
- Notepad ++ for easier editing of config files
- Minutor for viewing generated maps
- Eihort for viewing your generated maps
- WorldBorder for pregenerating your map
- BO3-Tweaks by Elzaar and LanToaster. Command-line application to tweak BO3-objects.
- BO3Tools for ingame creation of BO3-objects
- ClimateChanger for mass-changing biome ids in an existing world
- BiomeEdit.py to edit biomes side by side.
Active staff | hack to display table correctly |
Khoorn | Maintainer, Coding |
Timethor | Coding |
Rutger Kok | Coding |
Burckhart | Support, Documentation |
Retired staff | |
Mysource | Support, Documentation |
Cayorion | Coding |
Additional Credits | |
Bucyruss | Creator of the BiomeTerrainMod |
R-T-B | Creator of PhoenixTerrainMod |
More contributors on GitHub | |
Users contributing to the wiki are found here |
Get involved!
Commit code on GitHub | Contribute to the wiki | Share your configuration
Report bugs and request features on GitHub
You'll always find the newest approved stable builds here. As of 2.4, the files will work on both Bukkit and Forge servers (without the need of something like MCPC+) and on singleplayer with Forge. Installation instructions can be found here.
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development builds at mctcp.com
You can find all user-created world configurations, biomes and custom objects that are currently available here.
Important - please do not post your questions in the comments section below, head to the forums instead! We do not answer questions here as it would only result in chaos. Feel free to use the wall for general comments!
@oldTCcreator YOU'RE the one flooding the comments with "use the forums!" posts...when people are posting COMMENTS in the COMMENTS section. If it is such big deal, they can CLOSE the comments!
The big red message you keep referencing? It says to use the new forums. Which I read, and went to go post there and found I DO need a new login to use those. NO I'm not signing up.
And again, there was no activity in ANY comments/new TC forum regarding 1.8 when I posted. (You know, the forums this big red message you keep referencing tells us to use? NOT the bukkit forums...) Go look at the timestamps... ಠ_ಠ There was no 1.8 build posted. No mention of 1.8 whatsoever. So again, I don't know why you are getting in such a wad and arguing so much over someone posting a comment, in the comments section. Seriously, I wasn't even expecting a reply, but instead I get to be chastised and patronized by you for a nine word comment...in the...comments section.
Than you so Much...I have tried and tried to add the new Bukkit dependency into the gradle build and I could not figure it out! Please consider releasing a netbeans version.
all this past few postings here, are showing just lack of reading and watching the forum`s (the old one isn´t confusing... the new one may be).
Yes, there are 2... the old one here (some even don´t find it still) and the new one.
At the new one, Rutger posted today TC 1.8 ready to download.
I made a quick test and its working:
TC for 1.7.10 is out a long time.
Its a little confusing about the always criticized odd naming... but again: To READ the forum and wiki will helps always!
Facts and Fazit @ ALL:
Patience and a little dilligence to read and search the forums, will always guide to quick success ;-) finding newest working versions and support.
There are already opened threads since some time, about f. i. bukkit/spigot and its "breakdown" ... the sudden resurrection of spigot now and the progress of updating to 1.8 version. (to be correct, we are at 1.8.1 at the moment !)
You are completely wrong... and Rutger was very quick to update TC to 1.8 version.
Not finding and using the forum with same login (you are wrong about different login too !!!) isn´t really smart... Rutger may spot any spigot update to 1.8 Minimum as fast as others... so what?
... and I´m really not agressive... you don´t know what really happens, if I am fighting jerks ;-)... just reading the forum, will show this too partly ;-))
Bye... "problem" solved by Rutger and let´s see now some nice struff, created by the use of brilliant TC instead spamming that place here "with rats".
I am seing a lot of request for 1.7.8, ;) on my side, I am looking for just 1.7.10, did I miss it ? or it is not yet out
Someone needs to take a chill pill!
Also, the forum is confusing as hell. No way am I going to bother with it. I'll just wait around for a 1.8 update.
There was NO expectation of an update instantly. You got that from those 9 words? It was a NOTICE. The earlier they know about it, the earlier it can happen! Nobody posted before I had, so I took the initiative.
Also, at the time I posted, there was NO activity regarding 1.8 on those forums or these comments, and I sure as hell am NOT signing up for a third party forum just to leave one 9 word comment. In fact, the FIRST 1.8 related post made there was a few minutes after I made my comment, likely spurred by it.
I made a comment in the comments section. So don't be so aggressive...
awaiting an update of TC (or any other plugin) to 1.8 just 1 day after spigot released its update... is just naive.
Anybody knows, all plugins are based on code of the underlying bukkit/craftbukkit/spigot code.
So... as a tread already exists at the forum, to read there would avoid any artificial questions, isn´t it?
WAIT and READ at the forum and have a look at the files to KNOW about any update in the future !!!
Apologies good sir! But @Absentee23's comment wasn't a question, just a comment, which I agreed with. I don't think either of us expected an answer on this thread.
READ the red lines above !!! and my posting below too...
Same to:
This, please!
Needs an update for Bukkit/Spigot 1.8 (released today) :)
All those not reading and blind acting persons, trying to ignore the red sentences above and still hoping to get any help here... are mainly hopless anyway too about getting used to TC.
As nobody deletes that spam.... it will close up any information anyway here soon.
I try to hold against that spamming, by posting my biome image stuff here at the top from time to time, showing people about the brilliant possibilities of TC, instead wasting this place by the denial of those people to ask their questions strictly at the forum, as told.
can I pre generate some chunks with plugin like http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pregenerator/ if I am using this plugin?
Hi, I have a problem saying, namely, how to adjust the Y biomes (world ) ?
im using 2.6.1 can i make a world that excludes particular blocks from being created like mushrooms and lilypads? etc
created a new world, the "new_25k_world".
Made in this layout and by superior FromImage mode:
(Use: rightclick... show image... to see cpl. size)
Offered the usual way.
All infos visite my website and read about those subpages too there.
@InvertedCow Why posting not TC related stuff at totally wrong place? Read the big red sentence above!
May someone delete those spam here soon?!
Alternative posting of related images by me will do the job too if inactivity to deleting happens... ;-)
despite adracamas posted at totally wrong place here, I agree about his request to upgrade TC with Carbon`s usability of the 1.8 new blocks.
May be this website will help some people too: LINK.
Hi there.. is there a way to make it co-operate with Carbon?
created a new area, shaped like "Khao Lak" (Thailand), but located in a higher beach like terrain:
Will be implemented in a future Testworld.