Terrain Control v2.6.3


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  • Uploaded
    Nov 2, 2014
  • Size
    541.41 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2


View older versions

The biome layout generator isn't fully updated yet, so the biomes won't be placed as nice as vanilla 1.7 does. You can set BiomeMode (WorldConfig.ini) to Default to use the vanilla 1.7 biome layout generator. Custom resource and height settings will still work.

This file will only work on CraftBukkit 1.7.10. Forge users should download build 52 on the build server instead, which is the Forge equivalent of this file.

  • Forge version: fixed calling events like DecorateBiomeEvent with the wrong coordinates.
  • Forge version: fixed help text not appearing next to generator type selection button in the singleplayer world creation screen.
  • The setting PopulationBoundsCheck will now also ignore third party mods that are placing blocks outside the chunks being populated.
  • Forge version: fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in biome colorizer when using a high temperature and wetness.
  • Fixed settings MinMoisture and MaxMoisture, designed for BiomeMode: OldGenerator, having a subtle effect other biome modes.
  • Add hidden PopulateUsingSavedBiomes setting to the WorldConfig for WorldPainer interoperability.
  • Forge version: fixed duplicate call to GameRegistry.generateWorld.
  • Forge version: fixed OreGenEvent.Post being called on the wrong event bus.
  • Fixed crash when adding vanilla biomes to the CustomBiomes setting.
  • Updated ore generation to Minecraft 1.8's optimized algorithm. No changes to the terrain.
  • Updated cave generation to Minecraft 1.8's: sandstone ceilings will now appear.
  • Ravines now cut through the StoneBlock as specified in the BiomeConfig, instead of only cutting through stone.

Thanks to talonos2 and banjomarx for reporting and helping to fix a lot of bugs.

The version in the sidebar is incorrect. There are no CraftBukkit Beta/Recommend builds for 1.7.10, only dev builds. This means we can't mark the file as 1.7.10 compatible. This file will only work on CraftBukkit 1.7.10.