Terrain Control
Pictures (top to bottom, left to right):Floating island by LanToaster, Arches by mysource, Extreme Hills by IRSmoh, Island by Piginabag, Alternative Nether by IRSmoh
TerrainControl is an advanced world generator. Through various configuration files it gives the user control over almost every aspect of Minecraft terrain generation, with no knowledge of Java required. It can be used on Bukkit or Forge servers and on singleplayer with Forge. TerrainControl is the successor to the old PhoenixTerrainMod, which was based on the popular BiomeTerrainMod.
Quote:Spigot 1.8
All updates for Spigot 1.8 won't be posted here, but on the Spigot forums instead: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/terraincontrol.2214/
See you there!
- Control horizontal and vertical noise of terrain generation
- Control terrain height and volatility per biome
- Generating biome maps from images
- Control the size of biomes, islands and continents
- Custom biomes
- Many options for caves, canyons
- Control vanilla structures like mineshafts, strongholds and villages
- Full control of ores, plants, dungeons, ponds and many more
- Custom trees and other objects (BO2 and BO3)
- Block replacement
- Visual settings like custom foliage colors (TerrainControl client required)
...and many more!
whitespace hack
As of Terrain Control 2.4.13, the plugin sends some stats to mcstats.org, a service by Hidendra and others. You can view the stats here. Terrain Control won't upload your configs, it will only send your BiomeMode along with some information of your computer. You can toggle it off by setting opt-out
to true
in the metrics config file. More information is available on this wiki page.
Also check out the showcase thread in our forums!
How to use
TerrainControl is more complex than most Bukkit plugins, so it may take a while to get into - but the results are worth it. If you want to create your own world, be sure to check our documentation. If you have done some reading and still have problems using TerrainControl, just post to our forums and we'll try to figure it out.
Installation guide |
TerrainControl Wiki | First steps
TerrainControl Analysis | mysource's tutorial
Tutorial Videos
Useful tools
- TerrainControl User Interface
- BetterBOB for creating BO2-objects
- Notepad ++ for easier editing of config files
- Minutor for viewing generated maps
- Eihort for viewing your generated maps
- WorldBorder for pregenerating your map
- BO3-Tweaks by Elzaar and LanToaster. Command-line application to tweak BO3-objects.
- BO3Tools for ingame creation of BO3-objects
- ClimateChanger for mass-changing biome ids in an existing world
- BiomeEdit.py to edit biomes side by side.
Active staff | hack to display table correctly |
Khoorn | Maintainer, Coding |
Timethor | Coding |
Rutger Kok | Coding |
Burckhart | Support, Documentation |
Retired staff | |
Mysource | Support, Documentation |
Cayorion | Coding |
Additional Credits | |
Bucyruss | Creator of the BiomeTerrainMod |
R-T-B | Creator of PhoenixTerrainMod |
More contributors on GitHub | |
Users contributing to the wiki are found here |
Get involved!
Commit code on GitHub | Contribute to the wiki | Share your configuration
Report bugs and request features on GitHub
You'll always find the newest approved stable builds here. As of 2.4, the files will work on both Bukkit and Forge servers (without the need of something like MCPC+) and on singleplayer with Forge. Installation instructions can be found here.
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development builds at mctcp.com
You can find all user-created world configurations, biomes and custom objects that are currently available here.
Important - please do not post your questions in the comments section below, head to the forums instead! We do not answer questions here as it would only result in chaos. Feel free to use the wall for general comments!
Your link don't work :(makes me sad, as it would much much easier if I could open a world edit schematic and convert it.You link takes me to " You are not authorized to access this file"
Found a bug in your latest version.
When I add a new custom biome like
I then restart my server I run Myworlds command to re create the world I am testing with and as soon as it says Preparing spawn it removes the custom biome text from the config and does not add them under the biome configs.
Edit: Tested it again this time after the world was generated I added the custom biome and restarted server, no DICE, I wonder if I can just manually create the file lol.
I'm having an error. Do I have to run the server once to create a world? Because I'm getting this: http://dev.bukkit.org/paste/4228/
Bukkit.yml: http://dev.bukkit.org/paste/4229/ WorldConfig.ini: http://dev.bukkit.org/paste/4230/
How do i get Custom trees to spawn more..decidious? i want them close together so its like a proper forest :3
woot ya, thanks for the link and your help.
i realize that if i make a "town biome" it wont have streets i can add that later... what i want to do is have the town biome gen some custom buildings for my rp server and i can go and eddit them to my liking. i'd use border guard type plugin to allow players into areas that are finnished. :)
ps. (don't shoot me lol) is there a way to do custom independent sizes of biomes rather than the biome size option in the main world config (so say i could make swamps huge but plains and oceans small)
derp i should do this in the forums forgot sorry...(starting one in a bit)
In-reply to Number4: yes custom objects will spawn in custom biomes, ( just edit the file in notpad)
@Mozai Also one more link for bo2 Better BOB This is not new and have some errors ( wrong biomes), but usable.
And thanks for wiki :)
1. Wiki is http://wiki.bukkit.org/Terrain_Control page.
2. Make *.bob or *.bo2 files in plugins/TerrainControl/worlds/(worldname)/BOBPlugins/ and make sure 'customObjects:true' is set in WorldConfig.ini. If you just want to import objects in-game, but do not want them added to new chunks, set 'objectSpawnRatio:0'
4. The *.bo2 file format includes 'spawnInBiome=' line for choosing random *.bo2 objects when making new chunks. I do not know if this will support the names of custom biomes like 'Town' or 'Circus'.
5. AFAIK, the custom objects will be placed randomly in each new chunk, and rotated randomly as well. So no streets, and houses will point every which way... unless you made a series of *.bo2 files where EACH ONE was an entire village.
There is a tool for converting from MCedit *.schematic files to the more readable *.bob format. You can upgrade the file to *.bo2 format by hand with notepad. (edit: that program requires Adobe Air to run. Ugh. Pity there's no Java version.)
If you edit the "spawnInBiome=" line in the .bo files you can put a list of biomes you want them to spawn in.
eg: "spawnInBiome=Forest,Plains,Shrubland,Swampland" or "spawnInBiome=ALL" for all possible biomes
great cant wait! id love to see some way to have specific custom objects per biome still.(if this is already in then a notation on how to do it would be nice too.)
Awesome, when you do add that in will there be an option added to prevent it from spawning out of water?
@chuiu Custom objects still not have ability to spawn underground or underwater .. sorry. I will add this, but dunno about when.
Trying to figure out how to use custom objects... I got them to spawn but I have an object I want to spawn exclusively underwater and in sand. Right now it only spawns in sand out of water, so they are very common in deserts - not where I want them.
@detcox 1) I am trying reorganize settings now .. for looks like biomes settings. So wiki or another documentation will be. 2) After this i will add custom objects exporter to mod, + maybe converter from .schematic 3) See 1 ... i will make new release this night or tomorrow 4) Hmm custom objects work independently of biomes .. so you can choose biomes for each object 5) Yes. But it will not looks like notch villages :/ Buildings will placed more chaotic and you cant create roads. You may create flat surface with stone blocks looks like square and place buildings like trees on it ..
5 things id like to see/know... 1. is there a wiki? 2.how do i make/add custom objects? 3. how do i make custom biome 4. how do i use custom objects in a custom biome 5. can you use this to create say a "town biome" and have it gen a village like town with the custom objects you have (basically i'm asking if you can have biome specified custom objects)
@Cedarblood Yes
Do the BOB objects work?