Drop Groups

This page explains drop groups, an advanced technique which allows you to group multiple drop items together. Within a drop group, you can apply conditional parameters to all items in the group as though they were a single item. This is similar to specifying multiple drops with square brackets (see Drops page), but it allows you to specify independent drop parameters for each item in the group.
Drop groups can also have separate messages (handy for delays - show immediate message then delayed messages with event).


# grouping two drops that you want to always occur together (with a low chance for the group)
        - dropgroup: map_and_compass  # name is for your reference only
          chance: 0.01
              - drop: MAP@9
                message: "Someone dropped their map in the sand."
                flags: UNIQUE

              - drop: COMPASS
                message: "Someone dropped their compass in the sand."
                flags: UNIQUE

# dropgroup for a rainy night & another for daytime in the desert
        - dropgroup: zombie_rainynight
          time: NIGHT
          weather: RAIN
              - drop: SLIMEBALL   # zombies are slimy on a rainy night?
              - drop: DIAMOND/1%
                message: "You see a diamond glinting in the darkness."

        - dropgroup: zombie_dayindesert
          time: DAY
          biome: DESERT
          chance: 50%
              - height: ">64"
                drop: DEAD_BUSH

              - height: "<65"
                drop: EGG
                message: "Looks like the zombie found an egg."


  • Drop Groups must have a name (but it doesn't matter what you name them).
  • See the Parameters page for details on which types of parameters can be placed inside or outside of the drop group. Generally speaking, all conditions should work within the drop group, while actions need to be placed outside the drop group.
  • Be careful with indentation - note that the individual drops need to be indented from the "drops" option.
  • Drop groups are nestable (as of 2.0 beta 7); you can put a drop group in another drop group. (Be careful if you use YAML aliases: referring to an alias within its definition can cause an infinite loop.)