Commands and Perms
Commands and Perms
Admin commands
- /hga add - add items
- /hga add cuboid <game name> - add a cuboid
- /hga add chest <game name> [weight] - add a chest with optional weight
- /hga add chestloot <chance> [itemset] - adds the itemstack in hand to the specified itemset or global if no itemset is specified
- /hga add game <game name> [setup] - add a game
- /hga add gamesign <game name> - add a game sign
- /hga add infowall <game name> - add an infowall
- /hga add itemset <game name> <itemset name> - add an itemset
- /hga add joinsign <game name> - add a join sign
- /hga add reward [chance] - add current item in hand to static rewards or as a random if chance is specified
- /hga add spawnpoint <game name> - add a spawnpoint
- /hga add sponsorloot <money> [itemset] - adds the itemstack in hand to the specified itemset or global if no itemset is specified
- /hga add world <game name> [world] - adds the world specified or you are currently in to the game
- /hga remove - remove items
- /hga remove chest <game name> - remove a chest if it added to the game or blacklists it if it isn't
- /hga remove game <game name> - remove a game
- /hga remove itemset <game name> <itemset name> - remove a game
- /hga remove sign - remove a sign or an info wall that contains the sign
- /hga remove spawnpoint <game name> - remove a spawnpoint
- /hga set - set items
- /hga set enabled <game name> <true/false> - enable or disable a game
- /hga set fixedchest <game name> <name|false> - Sets a chest to a specific fixed chest itemset or removes it from being a fixed chest if name is false
- /hga set spawn <game name> - set the spawnpoint for a game
- /hga forceclear <game name> - force clear a game. NOT RECOMMENDED
- /hga start [<game name> [seconds]] - manually start a game
- /hga stop [game name] - manually stop a game
- /hga pause [game name] - pause a game
- /hga resume [game name] - resume a game
- /hga reload - reload MyHungerGames
- /hga kick <player> - kick a player from a game
- /hga kill <player> - kills a player in a game
- /hga restock [game name] - restock all a game's chests
Player commands
- /hg about - gives basic info about MyHungerGames
- /hg back - returns a player to where they were before they joined
- /hg join [game name] - join a game
- /hg leave - leave current game temporarily (if enabled)
- /hg list - list games
- /hg quit - quit the current game indefinitely
- /hg rejoin - rejoin your current game
- /hg search <player> - searches for a player's stat and prints out the info
- /hg spectate [<game name> [player]] - sets player to flying to spectate a game or cancels a spectation
- /hg sponsor <player> - sponsor a player an item
- /hg stat [game name] - list stats for a game
- /hg subscribe [game] - subscribe to game messages
- /hg team <team> - joins the team specified (may create a new one if there is nobody in it) or leaves current team
- /hg vote - cast your vote that you are ready to play
Admin permissions
- hungergame.* - gives the player all permissions
- hungergame.admin.* - gives the player all admin permissions
- hungergame.admin.allowflight - allows the player to fly in game
- hungergame.add.cuboid - Allows /hga add cuboid <game name>
- hungergame.add.chest - Allows /hga add chest <game name> [weight]
- hungergame.add.chestloot - Allows /hga add chestloot <chance> [itemset]
- - Allows /hga add game <game name> [setup]
- hungergame.add.gamesign - Allows /hga add gamesign <game name>
- - Allows /hga add
- hungergame.add.infowall - Allows /hga add infowall <game name>
- hungergame.add.itemset - Allows /hga add itemset <game name> <itemset name>
- hungergame.add.joinsign - Allows /hga add joinsign <game name>
- hungergame.add.reward - Allows /hga add reward [chance]
- hungergame.add.spawnpoint - Allows /hga add spawnpoint <game name>
- hungergame.add.sponsorloot - Allows /hga add sponsorloot <money> [itemset]
- - Allows /hga add world <game name> [world]
- - Allows an admin to chat to a game by typing "hg" in front of their message
- hungergame.create.sign - Allows player to create a sign listener
- hungergame.create.sign.gameend
- hungergame.create.sign.gamepause
- hungergame.create.sign.gamestart
- hungergame.create.sign.playerjoin
- hungergame.create.sign.playerkick
- hungergame.create.sign.playerkill
- hungergame.create.sign.playerleave
- hungergame.create.sign.playerquit
- hungergame.remove.spawnpoint - Allows /hga remove spawnpoint <game name>
- hungergame.remove.chest - Allows /hga remove chest <game name>
- - Allows /hga remove game <game name>
- - Allows /hga remove
- hungergame.remove.itemset - Allows /hga remove itemset <game name> <itemset name>
- hungergame.remove.sign - Allows /hga remove sign
- hungergame.set.enabled - Allows /hga set enabled <game name> <true/false>
- hungergame.set.fixedchest - Allows /hga set fixedchest <game name> <name|false>
- - Allows /hga set
- hungergame.set.spawn - Allows /hga set spawn <game name>
- - Allows /hga forceclear <game name>
- - Allows /hga stop [game name]
- - Allows /hga start [<game name> [seconds]]
- - Allows /hga pause [game name]
- - Allows /hga resume [game name]
- hungergame.admin.reload - Allows /hga reload
- hungergame.admin.kick - Allows /hga kick <player>
- hungergame.admin.kill - Allows /hga kill <player>
- - allows a player to view admin commands
- hungergame.admin.restock - Allows /hga restock [game name]
Player permissions
- hungergame.user.*
- hungergame.user.about - Allows /hg about
- hungergame.user.autosubscribe - whether a user autosubscribes to a game or not; is not inherited from *
- hungergame.user.autojoinallowed - whether a user can autojoin games; can also have hungergame.user.autojoinallowed.<game>
- hungergame.user.back - Allows /hg back
- hungergame.user.join - Allows /hg join [game name]
- hungergame.user.kit - whether a user gets all kits on start; can also add specific kits with hungergame.user.kit.<kit>
- hungergame.user.leave - Allows /hg leave
- hungergame.user.list - Allows /hg list
- hungergame.user.rejoin - Allows /hg rejoin
- - Allows /hg search <player>
- hungergame.user.spectate - Allows /hg spectate [<game name> [player]]
- hungergame.user.sponsor - Allows /hg sponsor <player>
- hungergame.user.subscribe - Allows /hg subscribe [game]
- - Allows /hg team <team>
- - Allows /hg vote
- hungergame.user.stat - Allows /hg stat [game name]
- - allows a player to view user commands
- hungergame.user.quit - Allows /hg quit
when I started up my server with it and got players to join the factions plugin said i can't hurt the player?!
Did you turn force-damage to true? This is a factions problem, not MyHungerGames.
Help Im the owner of a server and I tried out your Plugin and it is awesome except that it will not rerole. I started a hunger games arena and i played a match and the things did not go back. IS it because I gave myself all the permissions and one of them allows to avoid rerole? Help
Also side question, is there a possible way to only get 1 kit per life? So if i choose kit warrior, I can't choose it again until I die?
Could someone please give me a more detailed explanation on how to set up chests with random items? I tried to figure it out but it shows up as blank.
Would you mind perhaps changing the "\" to a "/" so users stop typing \hg in chat? Pretty please? :D
I dont get the /hga add chest (area) (weight) to work can u try help me?
maybe a more detailed description of tutorial video on how to setup itemsets and chestloot would be awesome.
Coming soon
And to the other guys, reply if you still want an answer
Would anyone happen to have a stable permissions.yml that's compatible with:
I can't seem to do this myself despite being at it for 2 hours ''
So, this is the first HungerGames plugin I've used, at least, to some success. Just spent the last 14 hours toying around with it and creating a biodome. I can't wait to get my game up and running.
Authors ~ Great work and don't give up, I'll donate once I get MHG fully functional on meh server.
Love, Xay
Can you post your permissions.yml?
Edit: I figured it out, thanks for getting back to me.
I wish there was a solid video tutorial on how to use MyHungerGames. I'd be more than happy to make one with an author's permission, provided that the video be placed on your bukkit page =]
I'm really enjoying the plugin, but I have 2 suggestions:
Can you post a ticket for the safe zone idea?
And for kits, they do exist. PM for specific information on how to use them.
Some reason trying to open trapped chests dont work, even with them listed under interactable blocks and having it set to true. am I missing something? -Nevermind.It cant be in the interactable blocks section. But now tnt wont respawn after a game! HELP?
hungergame.user.* permissions don't seem to work. hungergame.* or hungergame.admin.* work, but give admin to everyone.
if someone to donate could you customize to how they want? i like the plugin but would like to add some stuff
PM me what you want to be added
I have a question. Is there any way you can add mutations to MyHungerGames? If you can't its fine.
How do you add chests with loot? I have tried and tried but can't. What is the statement to make it so players can click on join signs,