MyHungerGames 1.2 Changes
Okay everyone, MyHungerGames 1.2 is going to change A LOT. I've created this page to notify everybody of changes as well as receive feedback as it's in development. Any item that has a "?" next to it is up for discussion at the moment. You can ask questions or give comments in the comments section below. Any item with a "%" may or may not make it into 1.2 but are planned.
- - Optional Arenas: Each game will have the option to add multiple arenas to the game. By default, everything added will be part of a "default" arena for each game, with little to no visual changes. However, in the code, a lot will change. Parts of the plugin that used to be related only to a game will now be part of an arena. This has multiple advantages: you can have multiple arenas per game with possible map voting; you can share arenas between games; more optional features can be added without bulking up the game part of the code.
- - Removal of pausing, leaving, and rejoining: These options have been a part of MyHungerGames for a LONG time, but I'm not entirely sure they work, and they cause messy code and most likely bugs. For 1.2, I will remove these. They may or may not be added back in a future release.
- - Removal of online-server deleting of games: Deleting games while a server is running is not a good idea. It can create memory leaks and introduce bugs. Therefore, it will be removed. I may make an option to queue delete for when the server is shutting down, thus not making server admins edit the config.
- - More optional dependencies: I plan to add support for worldedit selections. I may add more; I'll update you if I do.
- %- Itemconfig changes: For the 1.0 release, the itemconfig.yml layout changed quite a bit. While the layout adds the possibility of ItemMeta (lore, enchantments, book writing, etc.) it is bulky and confusing. I plan to design a hybrid between the new layout and the old layout that allows a ton of potential while staying concise and easy to understand.
- %- Other itemconfig changes: I plan to add in-game commands to make adding items to the itemconfig.yml easier, quicker, and more intuitive. Details to come later.
- %- Changes to chests: Right now, chest resetting and randomizing is confusing. I plan to design a system that allows you to easily define what chest does what and how. With this, fixed chests will probably be removed.
- - Changes to the way locations are handled. No longer will you get a "<world> is not a valid world" message. To conform to Bukkit's standards that a world can be loaded and unloaded at will, everything that involves a world will be dynamically used. If the world is available when needed, it will be used, otherwise, it will not be used. NOTE: this may cause some unintended side-effects for misconfigured configs or deleted worlds, but will otherwise be more efficient for servers and not require any more dependencies.
I don't like the idea that you can't use fixed chest. Does this mean only manually added chest and not using force-internal?
Is this a ticket?
See the message I sent you. For everyone:
New commands: /hga edititems [page]: Opens an inventory with all items in global items section of itemconfig.yml. The player can "move" items into it to add items to the itemconfig or "move" items out of it to remove items from the itemconfig
/hga edititemset [set] [page]: Opens an inventory with all items in an itemset. Same as above.
/hga checkchest [page]: Shows information about a chest. (Type, items)
Chest types:
Random: same as now
Reset: resets the chest block at the end of game (same as not adding it then using the resetter)
Fixedrandom: specify exact chance of items being placed in chest