Usage Info

General Notes and Usage Info for skulls.

Skull Notes

  • Crazed & Devious Skull types must be placed on wood fence posts.
  • Master & Wizard Skulls must be placed on Nether Brick Fence posts.
  • Crazed skulls are the simplest of skull types and therefor will make no effort to avoid friendly fire.
  • Master & Wizard skulls have to be given targets to attack. By default they will ignore everything.
  • Any Skull's line of site can be blocked by tall grass or any two block high flower. (Rose bushes, Sunflowers, etc)
  • Watch out for baby zombies hiding in short grass! Best keep that lawn mowed!
  • Master skulls will pick a new target if they miss a shot for the current target.

Wizard Skulls

  • Wizard Skulls require a ammo box to work fully. They draw their "spells" from the contents of the box.
  • Wizard Skulls do NOT require the config option use_ammo_chests be enabled. They ignore that config option and will use any ammo chest placed in the correct location for the skull. (See Crafting guide for examples.)
  • Wizard Skulls use splash potions as their primary attack. Specifically splash potions (Harm, Heal, Poison, Slow, Weak).
  • Wizard Skulls are the only skull smart enough to target and harm an Enderman. (Ammo Box Must have Splash Harm potion)
  • Wizard Skulls will use a strong fire arrow as a secondary attack if the target has very low health. (Except Endermen)
  • Wizard Skulls will smartly attack enemies based on the potions in effect for each enemy.
  • Like master skulls Wizard skulls will pick a new target if they miss a shot for the current target.
  • Wizard Skulls take the entire contents of all ammo chests and randomly select a potion to use. The selection is also based on enemy type. Meaning if you have 5 potions in the chest all different there is a 1 in 5 chance a harm potion will be used on a creeper. (The type of enemy will also limit the choices)

Temporary Skull Turrets

  • Starting in version 0.32 if configured temporary skull turrets are available for use
  • There are two types of Temporary Turrets based on the intelligence of the Devious and Master Skulls
  • The recipes for temporary turrets is shapeless and can be crafted using either the workbench or the player crafting inventory
  • In all cases at least 1 arrow is required to craft the turret and no more then 448 arrows are allowed (7 stacks of 64 arrows)
  • Depending on configured options the skull will either self destruct or go offline when it exhausts its ammo supply
  • Depending on configured options the skull can be rearmed using an arrow to right click with a stack of arrows up to the max of 448 arrows
  • Left clicking a temporary skull with a arrow will display the current ammo contained within the turret
  • If the skull is broken by the owner the item dropped will have the ammo that was currently loaded into the turret recorded in its lore for future placement
  • Global commands and defaults do not work on Temporary Turrets
  • A temporary skull turret can not have its ammo type changed via the /sk ammo command
  • Master temporary skull turrets when destroyed will not drop skull books

Editing Skull's

  • To change a skull's various settings use the /skull edit command and right click the Skull you want to set.
  • To finish editing a skull use the /skull done command.

Global Commands

  • Some commands can be used globally. These include add/rem (friend/enemy), patrol, redstone, ammo and skin.
  • To use a command globally simply do not select a skull before using the command. Any command that can be used globally will then affect all skulls which can have the setting applied to them. In this way you can, for instance, change the targets for all skulls you own at once. Or you could change the skin type for all skulls at one time.

Changing Targets

  • Use commands /skull add enemy /skull rem enemy /skull add friend /skull rem friend to set valid targets (See Command Info)

Friends List

  • The friends list is primarily for situations where a master skull has PLAYER as an enemy target. Meaning all players are an enemy. Then the friends list can be used to tell the skull not to target specific players.

Skull Books

  • You can duplicate settings between skulls by right clicking on the Master or Wizard skull of your choosing while /skull edit is turned off. If you own the skull you will be given an info book containing the skulls settings. Simply right click other Master or Wizard skulls with the book and those setting will be transferred to the new skull.
  • Books are designed to vanish if dropped. So, its ok to just drop a book and get another if needed.
  • Skulls without target information will not drop a book regardless of config.
  • Books dropped from skulls that were broken do not have owners and can be used by anyone to set their own skulls to the target information contained therein. Admins are allowed to use these books to set anyone's skull info.

Config Notes

  • Adjust config options to allow books to drop from players upon play death.
  • Adjust config options to allow books to drop from skulls when broken.

Setting Defaults

  • Defaults for Master and Wizard skulls can be set using the /skull default command. When a skull has had its defaults set all future skulls of that type will use the same settings. This includes the following skull settings: Skin type, patrol settings, redstone settings and if a master skull the ammo type.
  • To use the command you must have the same type of skull item as the skull you want to set the defaults for. For instance, if you wanted to set the defaults for all master skulls you would use /skull default m then with a master skull in hand you would right click the master skull which has the settings you want to use as defaults. Once clicked its settings would then become the default for all future skulls you placed of that type.
  • If you want to reset your custom defaults back to original then simply use /skull default reset Example: If you want to reset the master skull from the above example you would use /skull default reset m The defaults would then be cleared for all master skulls. You could also leave out the (m or w) and you will be prompted to click the skull type you want to reset. Much like how you set a skulls defaults.

Change Skull's Skin

  • Skulls can have their skin changed with the /skull skin command. (See Command Info)
  • Any valid username can be used as a skin for a skull. (See Skin Page for examples.
  • Usernames for skins are case sensitive. Ex. User Player is different from PLAYER
  • Using /skull skin command without arguments will reset the selected skulls skin back to a skeleton.
  • Skull books will also transfer the skin information to other skulls.
  • Wizard skulls can not have their skin set.

Skull Bows

  • Skull bows are used to set priority targets for Wizard and Master skulls. The target must be a valid living entity.
  • If only_use_bow_for_targets config option is enabled ALL skull types will respond to the skull bow. Skulls will not autonomously target.
  • Skull bows have infinite ammo, will receive durability damage and do not do damage to targets shot by the bow.
  • Skull bows targets only hold a skulls interest for 1 minute, however each time you shoot a target with the skull bow the time limit is reset.


  • All Skulls can detect redstone but by default they do not listen for it. You must select the skull and use /skull redstone to toggle redstone listening ON.
  • Redstone can be detected both directly or indirectly from the redstone detecting base block. See Crafting Guide page for example.
  • Skulls set to detect redstone will not target, fire at targets, patrol or display visual effects while redstone is turned off.


  • Skulls can have patrolling turned off by selecting the skull and using the /skull patrol command.
  • Skulls with patrolling turned off can have their rotational direction manually set by using the /skull rotate command. Simply left or right click the skull to rotate. No selection is necessary.
  • Use /skull done or retype /skull rotate to cancel rotate command.

Ammo Boxes

  • Change config option use_ammo_chests to allow skulls to use ammo boxes. (Default is disabled)
  • Ammo boxes can be placed in many different configurations. All boxes detected will have ammo taken from them. See Crafting Guide for more info

Config Fire Arrows

  • Change config option allow_fire_bow to allow skulls to use fire enchanted bows to attack with fire arrows.
  • Depending on config options fire bows will slowly degrade as they are used to fire arrows at targets.
  • The Amount of degradation for a fire bow can be set in the config. If a 0 (zero) value is used no degradation will happen.

Config Infinite Bow

  • Change config option allow_infinite_bow to allow skulls to use infinity enchanted bows to attack with unlimited arrows.
  • Depending on config options bows will slowly degrade as they are used to shoot arrows at targets.
  • The Ammo chest must have at least one arrow in it to shoot arrows.
  • The infinity enchantment can also be combined with fire arrows to allow for infinite fire arrows.
  • The Amount of degradation for a bow can be set in the config. If a 0 (zero) value is used no degradation will happen.

Without Ammo Boxes

  • The /skull ammo command can be used to set the default ammo type for skulls to use. (See Command Info)
  • If the ammo type is set to fire arrows skulls will use the value from fire_arrow_ticks in the config.
  • Using the /skull ammo command to set skulls to shoot flame arrows will override fire bow settings in the config.

Skull Drop

  • The value for skull_drop_chance is a random chance of 1 in (number entered). Default if 50 so a 1 in 50 chance of a skull dropping. Meaning for roughly every 50 skeletons killed 1 skull should drop.
  • Skulls will only drop in worlds not listed in configured black list NO_SKULL_DROP_WORLD_LIST


  • Any range value entered for individual players or for default_max_range MUST be a multiple of 3.

Per Player Settings

  • Adding or removing players from the Per Player list (/skull add player & /skull rem player) do not take effect immediately. Use /skull reload to reinitialize the plugin. This is because all the skulls for a player need to have their ranging data recalculated.

Damagable Skulls

  • Starting in version 0.32 if configured any skull can be damaged by a player using a preconfigured set of weapons
  • A skull has a preset amount of health set in the plugin config
  • If a skull is damaged so that its health is 0 the skull will go offline and will need to be repaired using a repair item set in the plugin config
  • To repair a skull simply attack the skull using the configured repair item, when fully repaired the skull will come back online
  • Once a skull is repaired the repair item will be consumed if the plugin is configured to do so
  • If a skull is damaged but does not fall to 0 health and takes no damage for 15 seconds the skull will recover all health. This is configuarable.
  • If enabled in the config a skull can also be damaged with a bow and arrow
  • If config option offline_players is true the skulls can not take damage, since the skull cant fight back

Factions Support

  • By default is disabled, to enabled set factions_support in config to true
  • Using /skull add enemy PLAYER all players will be assessed for faction affiliation and potential for targeting
  • Skulls WILL target Enemy Alliances
  • Skulls WILL target Players with no faction
  • Skulls WILL NOT target Peaceful flags
  • Skulls WILL NOT target Neutral or Truce
  • Skulls WILL NOT function inside Enemy, Neutral or Truce territory
  • Skulls WILL function in wilderness and Ally territories
  • Skulls in enemy territory will go offline
  • Skulls in enemy territory will emit smoke VFX for 2 minutes
  • Skulls in enemy territory will self destruct after 2 minutes or go offline depending on config settings
  • Skulls in enemy territory will explode after 2 minutes or go offline depending on config settings
  • Skulls can NOT be placed in enemy territory
  • Most of the above restrictions can be configured via the plugin config
  • If enabled in config a factions power can be used to limit the number of skulls factions members may own
  • Depending on how much power a skull requires each faction member will be allowed to have a set amount of skulls active
  • Example: Faction Alpha has 10 power, if each skull costs 1 point a piece then the faction can have 10 skulls per player. If there are 3 members then each member can have 10 skulls for a total of 30 skulls for that faction
  • If a faction looses power and the faction players have too many skulls active, then those players in the faction with too many skulls will have some of their skulls go offline until the faction has enough power to support the skulls those players own.
  • If faction power is used to limit players then the config option skulls_per_player sets the absolute max a player can have. Example, if a factions power allows players to have 10 skulls each but skulls_per_player is set to 5 then a factions members can have no more then 5 skulls active. This keeps powerful factions from having ridiculous amounts of turrets.
  • Per player groups and Per Player settings will override factions skull limits

Towny Support

  • By default is disabled, to enabled set towny_support in config to true
  • Using /skull add enemy PLAYER all players will be assessed for town affiliation and potential for targeting
  • Skulls WILL target Enemy residents who can be targeted
  • Skulls WILL target residents who are declared enemy
  • Skulls WILL NOT target residents who are on the owners friend list
  • Skulls WILL function in wilderness
  • Skulls WILL function in Ally towns if you are both allies with each other
  • Skulls WILL NOT target players who own an embassy plot in a town
  • Skulls in towns with which you not allied with will go offline
  • Skulls which are offline will emit smoke VFX for 2 minutes
  • Skulls which are offline will self destruct after 2 minutes or go offline depending on config settings
  • Skulls which are offline will explode after 2 minutes or go offline depending on config settings
  • Skulls can NOT be placed in enemy towns
  • Most of the above restrictions can be configured via the plugin config
  • Nomads can not place skulls in towns

DisguiseCraft Support

  • Targets will be chosen based on disguise
  • Blocks are not considered valid targets
  • Players disguised as other players will be targeted based on targeting rules
  • All animal and Monster disguise types are valid targets
  • Skulls will continue to target players if they change disguise while a target of a skull turret

Vanish No Packet Support

  • A player who is vanished will not be a target of a skull turret

Vault based Economy Support

  • Optional dependance on Vault.
  • Allows players to purchase skull items based on prices set in the config
  • Temporary Turrets cannot be purchased