Example: locale_enUS.yml

Below is an exact copy of the Locale_enUS provided with the plugin. This is provided as an example to help with translations. It will be generated by the plugin and should not be edited.

#  Create your own and name it based on your language and country code
#  Each text must keep its spacing format.
#  %s = data that will be generated by the plugin.
#  Text colorization codes
#  -----------------------
#  Black = &0, DarkBlue = &1, DarkGreen = &2, Teal = &3, DarkRed = &4
#  Purple = &5, Gold = &6, Gray = &7, DarkGray = &8
#  Blue = &9, BrightGreen = &a, Aqua = &b
#  Red = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f
#  Extended Codes
#  --------------
#  Random = &k, Bold = &l, Strike = &m, Underline = &n
#  Italic = &o, Reset = &r
#  File name format: locale_(ISO 639 Language Code, ISO 3166 Country Code).yml

Language: English
Version: 1
Author: Arcwolf

##########         Help Messages         ##########

legacyCommandError: '&e%s:&b Using Legacy Command. Use &6%s&b for help.'
usage: '&bUsage: &6%s'
use: '&bUse: &e%s&b for more information.'
useB: '&bUse: &e%s&b for specific help.'
alias: '&aAlias: &6%s'
additionalHelp: '&bFor addition help, visit:'

helpCancelEdit: '&aUsed to cancel or finish skull editing'
helpValidItems: '&bValid Items: &6%s'
helpValidAmmo: '&bValid ammo Types: &6%s'
helpPurchase: '&aUsed to purchase Skulls and Skull Bows with Economy Funds.'
helpCosts: '&aUsed to show the various prices for each SkullTurret item.'
helpRotateA: '&aLeft or Right click to rotate a skull.'
helpRotateB: '&aOnly usable on skulls NOT set to patrol.'
helpRedstone: '&aToggles a skull to listen or not listen to redstone signals.'
helpDestruct: '&aImmediatly destroys all skulls owned by the specified player.'
helpPatrol: '&aToggles a skull to patrol visable area.'
helpAmmo: '&aSets a skulls default ammo type'
helpSkinA: '&aSets a skulls default skin'
helpSkinB: '&aUsername argument is case sensitive'
helpSkinC: '&aWith no username argument the skulls skin is reset to default skeleton'
helpReload: '&aReloads this plugins databases and config files.'
helpGive: '&aTempMaster and TempDevious Skulls can use the ammo argument to specify ammo amount'
helpPerUserA: '&aShows your per user settings if you have any'
helpPerUserB: '&aShows all per user settings if there are any'
helpEdit: '&aUsed for editing skulls. Click a skull to edit after using this command.'
helpDefaultA: '&aUsed for setting all skulls default settings.'
helpDefaultB: '&aRight click a (M)aster or (W)izard skull with the same type of skull after using this command.'
helpDefaultC: '&aReset can be used with the skulls type name (M or W) or the skull to be reset can be clicked with the same skull type.'
helpAddA: '&aFor Special Entity Types &6(Contact your Server Administrator)'
helpAddB: '&aAny valid living entity can be used.'
helpAddFriendA: '&aUsed to set the targets a skull will ignore.'
helpAddFriendB: '&bUse player as an entity type and leave out the player name to set all players as friends.'
helpAddEnemyA: '&aUsed to set the targets a skull will attack.'
helpAddEnemyB: '&bUse player as an entity type and leave out the player name to set all players as enemies.'
helpAddPlayerA: '&aUsed to set or change per player settings.'
helpAddPlayerB: '&aMaxRange must be a multiple of 3'
helpRemFriend: '&aUsed to remove a target from a skulls friend list.'
helpRemEnemy: '&aUsed to remove a target from a skulls enemy list.'
helpRemPlayer: '&aUsed to remove a players per player settings.'

##########         Error Messages        ##########

skullUpdatePermission: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to update all skulls at once.'
noPermissionError: '&cSorry, you do not have permission for this command.'
noPermissionErrorB: '&cSorry, you do not have permission.'
noPermissionSkullBow: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to fire a Skull Bow.'
noAddTargetPermission: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to add this target type.'
noRemTargetPermission: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to remove this target type.'
noSelectPermission: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to select skulls.'
noCreatePermission: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to create &e%s'
noPermissionToBuy: '&cSorry, you do not have permission to buy this item.'

selectSkullFirst: '&cYou must select a skull first.'
skinUpdateWrongSkullType: '&cSorry, &6%s&c Skulls can not change their skin.'
skullUpdateFail: '&cCould not update this skull with new targets'
updateSkullEr: '&cCritical Error updating skull, check console for message.'
updateInProgress: '&ePlease wait, update already in progress...'
skinSetErr: '&cCould not change skin to &e%s'

notEnoughArgs: '&cNot enough command arguments.'
wrongCommandArgs: '&cUnknown command arguments.'
noDefaultsReset: '&cNo defaults to reset'
debugNum: '&cMust be a number value'
vaultNotInstalled: '&e%s&c: Vault not installed or no economy plugin installed.'
itemAmountNotNumber: '&cItem amount is not a valid number.'
unknownItemType: '&cUnknown item type.'
invalidNumber: '&cNot a valid number.'
invalidPlayer: '&cNot a valid Player.'
invalidEntity: '&cNot a valid entity type.'
skullBowTargetOnly: '&cSkulls are set to only target using the Skull Bow.'
skullTargetSetError: '&cYou cant set the targets for this skull type.'
tempSkullNoAmmoChange: '&cTemporary Skulls can not change their ammo type.'
skullNoAmmoChange: '&c%s Skulls can not change their ammo type.'
invalidAmmo: '&cNot a valid ammo type. Use: &6%s'
badRangeValue: '&c Bad Range Value for &6%s'
notMulThree: '&6%s&c Not a multiple of 3'
noOwnedSkulls: '&cSorry, you do not own any skulls.'
notOwnedSkull: '&cSorry, this is not your skull.'
notConsoleCommand: '&cNot a valid console command.'
uuidNotFound: '&cCould not find name or UUID server is unavailable.'
notSkullOwner: '&cYou are not the owner of this skull.'
rotateFail: '&cThis skull can not be rotated, it is set to patrol.'
rotateFailB: '&cSkull can not be rotated'
rearmFail: '&cSorry, Temporary Skulls can not be rearmed'
maxSkullErr: '&cYou already have the max amount of skulls: &6%s'
factionPowerErr: '&eYour faction needs more power for additional turrets'
perGroupErr: '&cPer Group: &6%s&c no more then &6%s&c skull allowed.'
perPlayerErr: '&cPer Player Settings, no more then &6%s&c skulls allowed.'

skullBookInvError: '&cSorry, you already have the book for this skull in your inventory.'
skullBookNoBookErr: '&cSorry, &6%s skulls&c do not have skull books.'
skullBookNotOwner: '&cCan not drop skullbook, you are not the owner.'

placeOnGroundErr: '&cSorry, turrets must be placed on the ground.'
placeError: '&cSorry, you can not place a skull here.'
placeErrorB: '&6%s&c must be placed on Top of &e%s&c Fence posts to work.'
invalidPosition: '&cInvalid position, could not place skull.'

alreadyFriend: '&6%s&c is already in the friends list.'
notFriend: '&6%s&c not a Friend of &6%s&c skull at &6%s'
entityNotFriend: '&cEntity type not in friends list.'
cantRemFriendSelf: '&cYou can not be removed as a friend of your own skulls.'
alreadyEnemy: '&6%s&c is already in the enemies list.'
cantBeEnemy: '&cYou cant be an enemy of your own skulls.'
alreadyMulti: '&6%s&c already a &6%s&c of &6%s&c skull at &6%s'
notEnemy: '&6%s&c not a Enemy of &6%s&c skull at &6%s'
notInEnemyList: '&cEntity type not in enemies list.'

##########         Info Messages        ###########

uuidLookup: '&eOne moment please, looking up &a%s&e''s UUID.'
uuidLookupWait: '&cLooking for a player UUID, please wait...'
uuidLookupSuccess: '%s found with UUID: %s'
uuidSearchInProgress: '&eOne moment, UUID search already in progress...'

commandCompleted: '&aCommand completed.'
rightClickSkull: '&lRight Click&b a Master or Wizard skull to set defaults.'
finishedEdit: '&eFinished editing Skulls'
clickToEdit: '&bClick a skull to select it for editing.'
skullSelected: '&aSkull Selected'
skullSelectFail: '&cYou can not select this skull.'
skullUpdated: '&5This skull has been updated with new targets'
skullOwner: '&6This &e%s&6 skull is owned by &e%s&6'

skullsDestructed: '&bPlayer: &6%s&b had (&e%s&b) skulls that were destroyed.'
noSkullsDestructed: '&bPlayer: &6%s&b had no skulls to destroy.'

defaultsReset: '&bDefaults for &6%s&b skulls reset'
finishedDefaultMod: '&eFinished modifying default settings.'
defaultErr: '&e%s&c skulls cant have defaults set.'
defaultOverwrite: '&aPrevious &6%s&a skull defaults overwritten.'
defaultSuccess: '&6%s&a skull defaults set.'

giveItem: '&aGiving %s'
willPatrol: '&bThis Skull &awill &bpatrol.'
wontPatrol: '&bThis Skull &cwont &bpatrol.'
patrolInvert: '&e%s&a skulls patrol cycles have been inverted.'
clickRotate: '&bClick Skull to rotate.'
rotateCancel: '&eRotation command canceled.'
rotateSuccess: '&b Skull Rotated to &a%s'
willRedstone: '&bThis Skull &awill &blisten to redstone signals.'
wontRedstone: '&bThis Skull &awont &blisten to redstone signals.'
redstoneInvert: '&e%s&a skulls redstone detection has been inverted.'
ammoChanged: '&aAmmo type changed to &6%s'
multiAmmoChanged: '&e%s&a skulls ammo type changed to &e%s'
tempSkullAdded: '&a%s added.'
tempSkullRemoved: '&a%s removed.'

playerAdded: '&7Player: &6%s&7 Added player to list.'
playerUpdatedInList: '&7Player: &6%s&7 updated in player list.'
playerRemovedDefaults: '&7Player: &6%s&7 removed from list, defaults preserved.'
playerRemoved: '&7Player: &6%s&7 removed from list.'
playerNotSet: '&7Player: &6%s&7 not set yet.'
noPlayerSettings: '&eNo custom player settings found.'
perPlayerInfo: '&7Player: &6%s&7 MaxTurrets: &6%s&7 MaxRange: &6%s&7'
playerListHeader: '&b-- Skull Turret Custom Player List --'
notInPlayerList: '&eNot in custom player list.'
playerNotAdded: '&7Player: &6%s&7 not added to list.'
playerAlreadyInList: '&7Player: &6%s&7 already in player list.'
playerAlreadyInGroup: '&7Player: &6%s&c already in group &6%s'
playerAlreadyInEnemyList: '&7Player: &6%s&7 already in enemy list.'
playerNotFound: '&7Player: &6%s&7 not found in list.'

reloading: '&a%s: Datafiles reloading'
finishedReloading: '&a%s: Datafiles finished reloading. Check Server log for info.'
reloadCaution: '&e&nCaution!&r&e Datafile reloading can cause temporary server lag if a large number of skulls are in play.'
reloadConfirm: '&e%s: Use: &a%s&e to confirm or &a%s&e to cancel.'
reloadCancel: '&a%s: Datafile reload canceled'

addToFriends: '&6%s&a Added to friends list of all your owned skulls'
addToFriendsB: '&6%s&a Added to friends list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
addToFriendsC: '&6%s %s&a Added to friends list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
remFromFriends: '&6%s&a Removed from friends list of all your owned skulls'
remFromFriendsB: '&6%s&a Removed from friends list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
remFromFriendsC: '&6%s %s&a Removed from friends list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
addToEnemies: '&6%s&a Added to enemies list of all your owned skulls'
addToEnemiesB: '&6%s&a Added to enemies list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
addToEnemiesC: '&6%s %s&a Added to enemies list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
remFromEnemies: '&6%s&a Removed from enemies list of all your owned skulls'
remFromEnemiesB: '&6%s&a Removed from enemies list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
remFromEnemiesC: '&6%s %s&a Removed from enemies list of &6%s&a skull at &6%s&a'
targetsUpdated: '&e%s&a skulls have had their target lists updated.'

skinsReset: '&e%s&a skulls reset to default skin.'
skinsSetTo: '&e%s&a skulls set to use &e%s'
skinUpdateSuccess: '&aSkull Skin Reset'
skinUpdated: '&aThis skull''s skin set to use &6%s'

arrowsRemain: '&aArrows remaining: &e%s'

##########         Econ Messages        ###########

purchaseHeader: '&b--- Purchase Prices for Skullturret Items ---'
balanceInfo: '&eYou have a balance of: &6%s'
tooManyItems: '&cAsked for too many items. No more then &e64&c items at a time'
notEnoughFunds: '&cNot enough funds for this purchase'
askedFor: '&cAsked for: &6%s&c of &6%s&c costing: &6%s'
canAfford: '&cYou can only afford: &e%s'
cantAfford: '&cYou can not afford: &e%s'
inventorySpaceErr: '&cCould not buy &6%s&c not enough inventory space.'
purchased: '&aPurchased: &6%s&c costing: &6%s'