Group Info Config

Default: groupinfo.yml

Version: 1
    MaxTurrets: 1
    MaxRange: 21
    MaxTurrets: 15
    MaxRange: 21

  • Groups - List of Groups to test permissions for
    • GroupName - The name of a group to test for
      • MaxTurrets - The maximum amount of turrets this group can have
      • MaxRange - The maximum range a turret will detect targets. Must be multiple of 3

This file has no associated commands and and must be directly edited by the admin.
Any group name placed in this file can be used as a permission node via the following example:
A group named guest would be:


All players assigned this permission node would be in the guest group and would have the settings listed in the groupinfo.yml file under guest applied to them. This overrides all per player settings for these players.