Recipe Config

Default: recipes.yml

Version: 1
  TopLeft: AIR
  TopMiddle: REDSTONE
  TopRight: AIR
  CenterLeft: SPIDER_EYE
  CenterRight: SPIDER_EYE
  BottomLeft: AIR
  BottomMiddle: STICK
  BottomRight: AIR
  CraftedAmount: 1
  Enabled: true
  TopLeft: AIR
  TopRight: AIR
  CenterLeft: ENDER_PEARL
  CenterRight: ENDER_PEARL
  BottomLeft: AIR
  BottomMiddle: BONE
  BottomRight: AIR
  CraftedAmount: 1
  Enabled: true
  TopRight: GHAST_TEAR
  CenterLeft: EYE_OF_ENDER
  CenterRight: EYE_OF_ENDER
  BottomLeft: AIR
  BottomMiddle: BLAZE_ROD
  BottomRight: AIR
  CraftedAmount: 1
  Enabled: true
  TopLeft: GRAY
  TopMiddle: AIR
  CenterLeft: AIR
  CenterRight: AIR
  BottomMiddle: MAGMA_CREAM
  CraftedAmount: 1
  Enabled: true
  TopLeft: AIR
  TopMiddle: AIR
  TopRight: AIR
  CenterLeft: SLIME_BALL
  CenterRight: EYE_OF_ENDER
  BottomLeft: AIR
  BottomMiddle: AIR
  BottomRight: AIR
  CraftedAmount: 1
  Enabled: true

The above are the defualt settings for the skull and skull bow recipes. A recipe is set in a grid and looks something like below:

  TL   TM   TR

  CL   --   CR

  BL   BM   BR
The center of the grid is unavailable because its used for the Skull or bow item and is hardcoded
TL - for the TopLeft recipe slot
TM - for the TopMiddle recipe slot
TR - for the TopRight recipe slot
CL - for the CenterLeft recipe slot
CR - for the CenterRight recipe slot
BL - for the BottomLeft bottom recipe slot
BM - for the BottomMiddle recipe slot
BR - for the BottomRight recipe slot
  • A Recipes' materials or Dye must be valid with the current version of bukkit you are using
  • They must be entered exactly as they are in the material or dye list mentioned below
  • This includes capitalization and underscores if necessary
  • AIR values are ignored and considered to be an empty grid location
  • Material list may be found at Bukkit Materials List
  • Temporary Skull Turrets can not have their recipes changed because of the complexity involved
  • Lastly because the Wizard Skull uses a Dye in its recipe I also must support dyes based on color
  • The Dye color list can be found at Dye Colors for Bukkit

  • Crafted amount is the amount of items that a single recipe will craft into
  • This allows you to use the crafting ingredients and get multiple skulls per craft

  • If Enabled is true then the recipe is loaded for use by players.
  • If false the recipe is not loaded and that skull type can not be crafted. The give command is unaffected by this setting.