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Ideas (for now ONLY ideas)
- way too many :D
- Weapon cooldowns / limited weapon usages
- join matches even (shortly) after match start
- protection vests
- arena rating
- changeable weapon items
- collectable powerups and other collectable stuff
- more Gadgets and unique weapons, which can be sold by the shop
- abilities (perks)
- Display the actual leading player (hits/kills) ingames nameplate like a "»«" or something.
- Options to modify arena-rotation (maybe use size-categories of the arenas, playlists, disable/enable arenas)
- MySQL support (for online stats)
- Wagers
- Multiple matches at the same time (multiple lobbies)
- letting players create and manage own arenas
- More teams
- "Private" matches
- Fixed teams and tournaments
- Top signs
- killstreak announcments and gifts
- some sort of anti-camp
- intelligent spawn
- Best player (per match/general) and more points for killing this player, OR maybe getting points according to the targets rank
- option for broadcasting the match-result
- Automatic team-correction
- More diverse permissions. Not sure if with that, cause permissions is currently very simple to settup.
- allow more dynamic stuff! (join/leave active matches dynamic as spectator)
- fire extras (flame thrower, explosive stuff which creates mooore fire, ..)
- gamemodes (ctf, free4all, capture 1 flag, conquer the island, paintball-spleef, ..)
- put dead players in spectator mode
- NPC's for the top players
- Keep bought items [in the lobby / on repsawns]
- Buy items in the lobby
- "reload"-time
- more weapons
- stationary turrets players can use
- options for messages, who shall receive them (broadcast, lobby, match player, alive, world)
- map destruction
- settings for paintball only servers with multiple servers: block joining the server, if there is a match in progress; kicking after match end
- arena renaming
- colored tag names in the lobby depedning on their team/lobbygroup
- automatically run configurable commands on match end and for each winning/losing player, together with some player variable
- team chat
- top signs/heads
- as admin give gadgets/weapons via command in match
Post and discuss your ideas here!
What COULD be added, what should be changed.
I think there is a setting in the faction config which let's you change, when factions replaces the faction tags: set this to lower then "HIGHEST"
are there join signs?
Yes, but only simple ones, without any facy stuff. They look like this:
pb join (or any other command)
You can use the plugin "HiddenCommandSigns", to change the text to anything else. Fancy features, like displaying the number of currently playing people, will be added when I am done with the restructuring of how lobbies and arenas etc. are organized internally.
i think the gamemodes are the must importent idea in here
Perms for Double cash
That would only make sense for vip/donator benefits, which are not allowed related to this plugin (see here).
Is there a way to set the ID's for the maps I cant figure it out. Thank you.
With ID you mean the arena name? There is currently no possibility to rename arena's after creation, besides re-creating them.. I will add it to the todo list.
== Team -Life-pool ==
at the moment games are very unfair if the number of players, play'in paintball, is odd, to win a game for the lower numbered team.
the game gives every active player a certain life-pool, this means, that 2 player will have much more than only 1 player, so in 2vs1 games, the two players will mostly win, because they have at the end most lives, even if the other players has much more kills than they have
example: 2vs 1
5/10 and 6/10 against 6/10
at the moment all remaining lifes are taken as sum, so team 1 would have 11 and team 2 only 6 lifes left. Team 1 wins even if team 2 has double the kills
to fix this there are only 2 options:
- at the end, an average life-per-player is taken, so that the lower-numbered team has a much higher chance to win.
example: 5/10 and 6/10 against 6/10
here clearly the single player wins with a higher survival-average, he killed more or less twice as much as the other team => he deserves to win. This is still unfair but the most easy way to fix this problem for a bit
- the best option is, to give every team a specific life-pool, independent of the number of players. The team at the end of the time which has the lowest number will lose. This is the most fair option, 2vs1 is always unfair, but in relation it is ok. Even better would be: number of kills/team divided by number of players in own team.
team 1: 8/10; 5/10; 6/10
team 2: 4/10; 4/10
team 1: 12 kills/3players = 4kills/player
team 2: 11 kills/2players= 5.5kills/player
team 2 wins (even outnumbered) => very fair matching
Killfeed im Scoreboard: In meiner Vorstellung des Scoreboards nerven oder spammen die genaueren Rundenstats im Scoreboard. Jetzt war meine Idee aber, dass man das Killfeed, das den Chat spammt, einfach in das Scoreboard packt. Dann würde das Scoreboard eben so aussehen:
(hinten dann einfach von unten die 1 bis nach oben zur 9 durchnummerieren, dass eine Reihenfolge besteht und sich das Scoreboard nicht immer neu sortiert.)
Ich hoffe mal, dass das realistisch ist. Ich glaub in meinem Modell ist das Problem dann eben nur, dass immer die ''Kategorie'' geändert werden muss, aber die Zahl hinten für die Reihenfolge stehen bleibt. Ich glaub aber mal, dass das konstruktive Inspiration ist und den Chat entlastet. Viel Spaß damit ;)
Idee Nr. 2 Ich weiß, dass man zwei Zeilen beim Name-Tag benutzen kann. Da war jetzt meine Idee, dass dort die HP stehen weil mich das auch irgendwie spammt, wenn ich immer gemeldet bekomme, dass ich jemanden getroffen habe. Für den jenigen, der getroffen wurde, würde ich sagen, dass man die Leben, die man in den Stats zuweißt, dann einfach in der HP-Leiste zur Kenntnis bringt.
Idee N. 3 Wenn die Name Tags (überm Kopf) in der Config als ''versteckt'' einstellt, finde ich das irgendwie doof, dass ich sie bei meinen Teamkollegen auch nicht sehe. Ich fände es cool, wenn man die Tags bei den Teamkollegen dann auch mal ausgeschrieben sieht. (Mini-Idee: Das Spotten. Bei dem Druck der Droptaste, beispielsweise ''Q'', wird das jeweilige feindliche Tag ausgeschrieben. Ob das möglich ist weiß ich nicht xD)
Wenn ich Idee Nr. 2 jetzt aber mit Idee Nr. 3 kombiniere glaub ich aber, dass diese nicht so ganz zueinander passen, weil man die HP unterm Name Tag dann auch unsichtbar machen müsste. Dann müsste man den Chat wieder mit Hitmeldungen zu spammen
TDM is "last stand", that won't change. The only thing I can think of is team correction, a player limit and auto assign for lobby joining (there will be multiple lobbies in the future: you could limit the player number (for example to 8) and there could be a option for players to search for a game and auto join it (similiar to how call of duty works) -> it finds the match/lobby with 1 player missing for fair teams and puts the joining player in the right team.
Everything else could later be added as a new gamemode (like the life-pool per team-thing).
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das zusammen funktioniert, TagAPI und Leben unter dem Spielernamen-Tag. Falls doch, dann macht das wirklich nur Sinn für sichtbare Tags.
KillFeed im Scoreboard: Das Problem sind einmal die unschönen Zahlen rechts, und dann noch der limitierte Platz.
Also jetzt in näherer Zeit werde ich davon wahrscheinlich erst mal nichts einbauen, da ich noch zu beschäftigt mit anderen Sachen bin.
Deine Aktivität auf deiner Bukkitseite fasziniert mich :D Ok, dann mach ma weiter ;)
Bungee support could be added, that would be very epic for servers and useful
I guess that is done with adding MySQL support. So you can setup different paintball only servers in your bungee network, which each use the same database for their stats.
Ideas huh? Heres my ideas: + Helicopter + Grapling hook + Javelin to shoot helicopters + Flares to helicopter + Instead of shooting snowballs, you get an item to shoot with. (Can be upgraded, and shows snowballs next to weapon)
More ideas soon to come.. :D
Add these gamemodes too: FFA, CTF, Conquest, SDM, RUSH,
And some vehicles: boat as a Fighter Jet, Minecart as a car, and a boat as a boat
And maybe a new gamemode too where players fight against zombies with their paintballs :D
Add Join Signs That Showing How Many Players Are Playing :) like other minigames have
Jetzt kam mir die ultimative Idee: Wie wäre es denn wenn man den Gebrauch von Disguise Plugins macht um die die NameTags verschwinden zu lassen.. Also die NUR die Gegner sind dann für einen selbst Skelette, mit dem jeweiligen Playerhead und der Rüstung und man sieht nicht mehr diese Namensantennen die von einigen Hackclients auch noch verdeutlicht werden. Und jetzt die Zusatzfunktionen: Da hatte ich mir überlegt, dass man doch auch das Spotten einfügen kann. In dem Fall würde man halt auf den Gegner zeigen und Q (drop) drücken damit er für kurze Zeit sein NameTag wiederbekommt. Und schon hat Paintball doch wieder ein bisschen mehr Teamwork :D (und es setzt sich von hypixel's Paintball ab ;))