CryWeather manage time and weather on your server for 10 years !
Looking for 2.X or lower version ? Check here !
- Manage time easily (day, night, rain, sun etc..)
- Manipulate time as a god, stop it, accelerate it, reverse it !
- Remove rain from your server with a simple command
- Set a fixed ambiance of sunset sunlight day or night !
- Include permission for each command
- Lightweight and stable
- Also compatible with older version
- Command can be done directly by the console (you must specify the world in 1st argument)
- Multiworld Support
- Work on 1.13.X ,1.14.X , 1.15.X ,1.16.X , 1.17 , 1.18 and 1.19 !
Just drag and drop CryWeather.jar to your plugins file.
Command | Permission | Description |
/cw raincontrol (on|off) | cryweather.rainControl | Enable / Disable rain on the server |
/cw day [world] | | Enable day on the world |
/cw night [world] | cryweather.night | Enable night on the world |
/cw morning [World] | cryweather.morning | Enable morning on the world |
/cw afternoon [World] | cryweather.afternoon | Enable afternoon on the world |
/cw evening [World] | cryweather.evening | Enable evening on the world |
/cw sun [world] [Duration] | cryweather.sun | Enable sun on the world |
/cw rain [world] [Duration] | cryweather.rain | Enable rain on the world |
/cw set (world) [Duration] | cryweather.set | Set the time on the world |
/cw worldspeed (speed) | cryweather.worldspeed | Set the speed of the world |
For each command you need to add the permission node .otherworld to allow player to do the command for an other world than the current. Example : cryweather.night.otherworld : allow player to set night in an other world.
- If you do not specify the world, it affects the world where you are.
- cworldspeed 0 has the effect of stopping time
If you find any issue, please report it on the dedicate section.
Other plugins
You will find below the list of all my plugins. They are all updated with the latest version and try to offer you the best experience possible.
- SpawnerSilk : Mine spawners with silk touch.
- DeadChest : Keep your inventory in a chest when you die
- Cryweather : Manage time easily
- RedStoneMe : Activate redstone with your presence
- MendingEnchant : Allow you to have mending with your enchant table
- MobsManager : Manage which mobs can spawn on your server or not
- CreatureCapture : Capture any creatures you see with a special bow
If you like my work and want to support me. You can make a small Paypal donation here. Thank you !
Better Support on Discord

Comment if you have a suggestion
/cw sun [world] [Duration]?
What do we need to write in duration?? I mean what will be the syntax and how can we make it "Forever"?
In reply to et_death:
Duration correspond to the number of Ticks in the game. You can set 9999999 if you want a very long time :)
I wish this supported non integers for the world speed. I don't want time to flow faster, and I don't want it to flow backward. I want it to flow at a rate less than 1. I want longer days
supported in 1.15.2??
In reply to Forge_User_61043246:
Is it possible to use the weather commands in console by using Multiworld?
In reply to Forge_User_54406651:
In reply to Forge_User_54406651:
I just updated the plugin, you can now.
Hello, yes you can download the plugin here.
I would like to download it but I do not seem to be able to do so. Is there a link? The download button on the top right does not allow me to get it.
Thank you
Yes it is possible, I will add it in the next version.
I like this plugin, but could you add another permission node/command that only allows someone to change the time/weather of one world,
but doesn't give the player the choice to change the time/weather of a different world?
I'm asking this because i use Multiverse where only the creative world's time may be changed, but not the time of the survival world.
Ah oui c'est une bonne idée, je verrai ça par la suite.
Pour la variables de temps pour commencer , ça sera par Ticks. Je verrai après pour convertir en s/m/h.
Je pense également rajouter la commande :
/crytime [valeur]
Pour déterminer une heure complètement personnaliser par l'utilisateur.
Pour l'économie, faire 'payer' la commande par utilisation et créer un 'node' pour bypass le prix fixé sur un fichier de cfg.
- cryweather.bypass
Pour la variable temps nikel :) voir si tu peux la tourner de cette façon:
/cryrain world 5s - rain pendant 5 sec
/cryrain world 5m - rain pendant 5 min
/cryrain world 5h - rain pendant 5 heure
Je suis en train d'essayer de rajouter le temps en 2ème paramètre se qui donnerai :
pour /cryrain & /crysun
-Pour /crythunder pourquoi pas. -Pour l'économie je ne voie pas comment intégrer de l'économie pour manager le temps, à moins que je n'ai pas bien compris votre demande.
Yes, je suis aussi français :)
Tu peux donc voir pour un todo avec ceci:
- Crythunder
- Economy (Vault)
- Bypass de Economy via Perms
J'en déduit que vous êtes français, moi aussi. C'est pour cela que je fait une version française. Elle sera très bientôt disponible !
Je garde votre idée , je vais essayer de l'implémenter dans la 1.2 ! D'autre suggestions ?
Available soon in French !
So good :)
Version 1.1 load perfect, did you plan to add time for comands?
Look like:
This is because your JRE does not support JDK 7. I built the plugin with JDK 6 to make it compatible. It should run.
Some problem to load it :/