Creature Capture
Capture any creatures you see with a special bow ! The bow will turn the creature into an egg of the same type. Use this plugin with SpawnerSilk to make custom spawner (by putting the egg on the spawner).
You must have a bow with SilkTouch. How to have it ?
- With Enchantement table : You have by default 3% chance to have the enchantment proposed in the enchanting table. You can edit this value in config.yml. (need creaturecapture.capture permission)
- With command : Just type /cc to put a capture bow in your inventory. (Need permission)
Compatible with 1.12 ,1.13 ,1.14, 1.15 ,1.16, 1.17,1.18, 1.19 and 1.20 !
Permission | Description |
creaturecapture.capture | Allows player to capture creature | | Allow player to give him a capture bow |
Just drag and drop CreatureCapture.jar to your plugins file.
If you find any issue, please report it on the dedicated section or on Discord
Other plugins
You will find below the list of all my plugins. They are all updated with the latest version and try to offer you the best experience possible.
- SpawnerSilk : Mine spawners with silk touch.
- DeadChest : Keep your inventory in a chest when you die
- Cryweather : Manage time easily
- RedStoneMe : Activate redstone with your presence
- MendingEnchant : Allow you to have mending with your enchant table
- MobsManager : Manage which mobs can spawn on your server or not
- CreatureCapture : Capture any creatures you see with a special bow
can you up to 1.17 pls :<
I saw you liked my SpawnerSilk plugin tutorial So Here's one for this one please comment if you want new one or anything changed! Hope you enjoy it and feel free to add it to post :)
In reply to Forge_User_30547010:
Added ! :)
Hey man, I love this project but I'm having a small issue with permissions. I have a few friends that play with me along with my second account, all of which are not oped on the server. None of the non-oped accounts can capture creatures. I've tried to use the creaturecapture.capture command but it doesn't seem to work. only the /cc and /creaturecapture:cc works for the mod account. I'm assuming this is user error, how would you suggest I go about fixing this? Sorry for the bother.
In reply to Gallant_beast:
You need to setup some permission for the plugin. if you want that a non OP player use the plugin you need to give him the permission : creaturecapture.capture to capture a mob and to give the permission to do /cc
I can provide more help on Disocord if you need :
I notice this plugin only allows the enchant to work on Enchanting tables if there are 34 bookshelves.
If I remove that 1 bookshelf on the right, then the enchant won't show on bows, even at 100%.
Maybe double confirm.
In reply to Forge_User_74434314:
Really ? That's very strange ! Thanks for the report, I will invest on that :)
In reply to crylonz:
Video for you
In reply to Forge_User_74434314:
Thanks a lot ! Very usefull
In reply to Forge_User_74434314:
Hello !
I have some news ! I invest your issue and I found what's going on. I make some test on my dev server and all working fine with 15 bookshelves (15 bookshelves = level 30). To have a chance to drop the capture bow you need enchant level to 30. In your case (on the video and on your screen) the level of your enchantement are less than 30. It's because there are some grass between your bookshelves and the enchant table (Minecraft bug). This grass disable the link and you loose x8 bookshelves. Note that the enchant table only "see" 2 bookshelves height so your 3rd stage is useless. So on your 34 bookshelves , 11 are useless (to high) and 8 are blocked by grass (34 -11 -8 ) = 15 bookshelves.
if you remove this grass, that will work fine for you !
Hope I help you
In reply to crylonz:
Aha! thank you a ton for explaining :)
Any way you could add in the config the list of mobs so we can enable/disable each of them individually? I'd love to use this on our server but I don't want some mobs to be possible.
Secondly, could you also add a perm so that they cannot right-click existing spawners with these eggs unless perm is granted? I don't want players to be able to change them.
If you could possibly do both that would make this perfect
In reply to Forge_User_74434314:
Hello, yes nice idea ! I will push that on the next update ! I can do both :)
In reply to crylonz:
Amazing, thank you so much!
In reply to Forge_User_74434314:
I pushed your two suggestion in the last version of the plugin (1.8). Just need to wait for the bukkit staff validation.
Hope you will enjoy this update !
In reply to crylonz:
Amazing, thank you so much
Any chance of updating this to work with 1.15.2? - even if I set the droprate to 99 it still doesn't appear in the Enchanting Table :(
In reply to FreakyLemon:
Hi, yes of course, I will try to figure out what going on and patch that. Thanks for your report !
In reply to crylonz:
Looks like user-error - initially thought it could be LuckPerms or Op status messing with things, but CC Bow appeared after a few tries as SilkTouch enchantment in the Enchanting Table. Worked fine after a few max-level enchants!
Great plug-in - totally love it.
Good Job. Is there a way to get enderman as an egg?
You cant hit them with arrows and hitting them with the bow itself, did not help ^^"