Lightweight mending enchantment management
MendingEnchant allow you to have mending with your enchant table on your stuff without unbalanced your game. When you make an enchant you have exactly the level cost / 5 chance to have mending. Work also with all your tools, weapons, armors and books ! Chance is editable in a config file.
- Level cost 30 : 6% chance
- Level cost 20 : 4% chance
- Level cost 10 : 2% chance
- Level cost 05 : 1% chance
Features of the plugin :
- Ability to get mending with enchant table
- Ability to enchant a book with mending
- Ability to enchant stuff and armor with mending
- Echantment chance are editable on config file
- Permission management
- Severals custom probability to adapt the chance with the role of your player. You just need to use the correct permission node
- [NEW] Ability to get mending on fishing (configurable on config.yml)
- Auto-update
- Works on Minecraft 1.13+
Since version 1.6.0, MendingEnchant use bStats to collect anonymous data to make statistics for the plugin.
Permission | Description | Default |
mendingenchant.use | Allow player to have mending on his enchantement | Yes |
mendingenchant.custom1 | Allow player to have mending on his enchantement with special probability | No |
mendingenchant.custom2 | Allow player to have mending on his enchantement with special probability | No |
mendingenchant.custom3 | Allow player to have mending on his enchantement with special probability | No |
Just drag and drop MendingEnchant.jar to your plugins file.
If you find any issue, please report it on Github or Discord
You will find below the list of all my plugins. They are all updated with the latest version and try to offer you the best experience possible.
- SpawnerSilk : Mine spawners with silk touch.
- DeadChest : Keep your inventory in a chest when you die
- Cryweather : Manage time easily
- RedStoneMe : Activate redstone with your presence
- MendingEnchant : Allow you to have mending with your enchant table
- MobsManager : Manage which mobs can spawn on your server or not
- CreatureCapture : Capture any creatures you see with a special bow
If you like my work and want to support me. You can make a small Paypal donation here. Thank you !
Hello! Can I change mending enchantment to few enchantments? I need to add vanishing curse and curse of binding. I can't unpack the plugin to main code (I'm stupid? :)). Can you help me?
P.S. I dont speak english good. Sorry). I'm lazy to use google translator :)
In reply to kilobitemc:
You have the project on Github if you want :) You can also join the discord for more help
In reply to crylonz:
Thanks for fast answer :)
I'll check the GitHub
I Can't find the config file.
how do i give people this permission for the custom enchant rates? im on a smp and dont want to use any essentials plugins if possible, do i need another plugin or is there a certain command?
A question. If you just want to disable it, would we have to put the change 0%?
and give the permissions?
In reply to Forge_User_61043246:
Yes :)
Works on 1.15?
In reply to Forge_User_29226469:
Hey! Are there any permission nodes that tie into this plugin? Perhaps rank based probability of getting the mending enchant, or some permission based commands
In reply to postit2000:
Hi, There is currently no permission for this plugin, but your idea is nice, That will be added in the next update!
In reply to crylonz:
Thank you! Can't wait to see it implemented
In reply to postit2000:
Maybe tomorrow if I find motivation !
In reply to crylonz:
Absolutely no rush. Nobody in the SMP I'm hosting is anywhere near level 30 enchants. We're all trying to take it slow so it's more fun
In reply to postit2000:
The update is already finish, just have to wait bukkit validation ! :)
can you make it so the chances are editable?
In reply to bluflamed:
Yes, i will add a config file in the next update ! Thanks for your feedback.
In reply to bluflamed:
The plugin is update. You can now edit chance. Hope you enjoy !
Is it possible to enchant every tool like Fishing rod and Bow to have and still have a chance to get mending? I am a lazy guy :)
In reply to DanteMinecraftDM:
Yes ! Every tool are concerned ! I will clarify it further in the description.