


General Infos

The Chat is a own Chat system that can be turned on and off.
To disable the Chat System of RacesAndClasses, set the Config option: false

This will disable the complete Chat system of RacesAndClasses.

The Chat System is ordered into different Channels. Each channel has a list of participants. So when you write a message into a channel, every participant of that channel will get the message.

There are different Types of Channels:

  • Global Channel: The Global Channel everyone listens to.
  • World Channel: A Channel for each World. So only players of the world posted on will get the message.
  • Race Channel: A Channel for each Race. Every Race has its own Channel to communicate.
  • Public Channel: A Channel type where everyone can join and leave how they want. This channel is listed in the Channel List.
  • Private Channel: A Channel type where everyone can join and leave but it is NOT listed in the Channel List.
  • Password Channel: Like Private Channels but protected by passwords.

Posting Messages in Channels

At start everyone posts messages in the "Global" Channel. The channel can be changed by using:

/channel post <channelname>
/channel switch <channelname>
/channel change <channelname>

So to switch to a World Channel (e.g. 'world') in posting, use '/channel change world'.
When you then post something to the channel by entering a message, it will be displayed to all people in this channel.

Joining / Leaving Channels

Creating Channels

Coming soon....

Editing Channels

Coming soon....

Banning in Channels

Coming soon....

Muting in Channels

Coming soon....