Races | Classes | Traits | Chat | Commands | Configuration | SkillTrees | Permissions | FAQ | Version History
What is RacesAndClasses?
RacesAndClasses (RaC) was made to bring the best RPG experience to Minecraft servers. You are able to customize your own classes and races, making your server a world full of adventure! RaC is inspired by the biggest MMORPG game in the world, known as World Of Warcraft.
Core Features of RaC
- Make different races and classes
- Every part can be customized
- Change the way players chat
- Change gameplay on your server significantly
- Provide RPG experiences to the PvE and PvP environment
- Add spells, totems and other WoW items in Minecraft, without a mod
- Have players choose their own playstyle and gameplay
Plugins with RaC
RaC works with almost any plugin! Mcmmo, heroes, faction and towny. These are the most commonly used plugins for this plugin and they all work 100%
RaC offers plenty of configuration, for each individual server. For example some server owners love the teleport arrow for raiding, and some don't; so It's all up to you.
Developers guide
RaC is as mentioned, a customizable plugin, that also counts for custom traits.
This means, that any developer can make their own traits and make his/her server even more special!
If you are having trouble,
- post a comment on the comment section below.
- send a PM.
- Open a ticket / issue in the Issues section
Servers using RacesAndClasses
Important notices
First of all: All these components can be disabled in the config!
Gravity's Updater:
For legal reasons and for uploading this plugin to Bukkit I have to mention, that the plugin has an updating service which connects to 'http://www.curseforge.com/'. This includes:
- Checking the Version of the plugin against the newest release Version.
- Downloading the newest Version if enabled.
Error Uploader:
Also the Plugin uses an Error Uploding Service, which connects to my Domain: www.tobiyas.tk.
This includes:
- Reading Errors from the error.log located at plugins/RacesAndClasses/debug/error.log
- Uploading these errors to my domain (www.tobiyas.tk)
- The Errors are visibly ONLY to me (Tobiyas) and are regularly checked to find and fix bugs faster than via Tickets.
Hidendra's Metrics:
The plugin uses Hidendra's Metrics service and sends Metrics data of your Server to the Metrics at 'http://mcstats.org/'. This includes:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
All these services are optional and can be disabled via Configuration.
If you use the config.raceMaxHealth: ... of a race, this has been removed with 1.1.7.
You now have to use config.healthbonus: ... (as in classes) instead.
You get 20 base health + race healthbonus + class health bonus.
If you use
general_saving_savePlayerDataToDB: true
Set this option to false and do a restart with the old Version. For best Use with 1.0.3 (RC 2)! This will convert all File DB related Data to YML data. If you do NOT do this, your PlayerData will be LOST!!!
If you have
general_saving_savePlayerDataToDB: false
you can safely ignore this step.
Known Bugs for Current Version (1.2.0)
Only runs on Bukkit distros using Spigot API (spigot, paper, ...).
Does this plugin work in bukkit 1.15.2?
quick question, why is it that the plugin won```````t remember the player data i need to select my race and class everytime i join the server
I was wondering if it is possible to make it so specific traits activate at a certain time. An example a plant race who gains hunger only during day.
The plugin sounds really great and i will be happy to use it! Only can there come a command that you can do - "/ race setplayer <playername> <racename>" that will be awesome!
Two things.
First: I cannot for the life of me find any documentation on what exactly is the official Minecraft Version compatibility for this plugin.
Second: Would this be updated to 1.13.2 at some point? This plugin is exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly what I'm looking for for my RPG server.
I would like to know if this plugin is being ported to 1.13, if it is great. If not that is a shame. However would you be supporting of someone else taking on the project?
The plugin is wonderful and I find it to function smoother than something like Heroes. And I'd be interested in paying for a premium version if lack of monetary support is the reason for development stopping.
Hey Tobiyas,
Loving the sound of the plugin awesome layout and something i would probably invest in.
But i have one question will you be bringing the plugin to 1.13? i have starting an adventure map for a YT'er Named RenDog who plays on the hermit craft server (https://dogcraft.net/). but we will be taking the world into 1.13 and i'm looking for a plugin that will do exactly what yours does that will be in 1.13.
If you would like to disscus this more privatly message me on the above webiste or find me at Dogcrafts discord cannel which is also on the main page in the contents bar.
Hope to hear from you Soon.
In reply to Rustbite:
In reply to beltasaris:
In reply to Rustbite:
I run mcmmo. I cant get this to work. I tried mcmmo leveling, etc and i have tried the default rac system. Never changes exp and the permissions page needs more specific (default or not) and (player, admin) specification imo.
Also, I think you should not ask the user to configure the leveling based on math. This should be incorporated as an on/ off option for mcmmo or otherwise, also imo.
I have some questions. The first is that JumpHeightIncreaseTrait doesn't work(maybe some others too, I haven't tested them). And the second - how can I use active traits like backstab, teleport etc? Thank you in advance.
tag: '[Ethereal]'
healthbonus: -3
guislot: 3
manabonus: '250'
armor: leather
operation: '*'
value: 5
chance: 50
operation: '-'
value: 10
operation: '+'
value: 5
value: 5
value: 10
cooldown: 30
value: 0.5
seconds: 10
health: 3
seconds: 5
damage: 1
time: 300
operation: '*'
value: 2
operation: '*'
value: 50
blocks: 50
cost: 5
value: 5
range: 2
value: 10
target: 'ally'
cost: 50
Permissions arent functioning for races. The cause is this plugin as i have tried removing PEX and the same applies and the formatting is correct
amplifier: 1
type: 75
removeParticles: true
amplifier: 3
type: 44
removeParticles: false
amplifier: 2
type: 45
removeParticles: false
amplifier: 1
type: 75
removeParticles: false
value: 5
cooldown: 5
operation: +
value: 4
- essentials.kits.Myconid
- essentials.near
i can't find out where to make races and classes
Love this plugin... but I've been having troubles.
I don't see why the horse trait should have any issues, yet it doesn't work. (everything else is fine for this race) Fire and lava damage resist also have problems.
Will you be updating this plugin for 1.13?
Ok Bunch of questions,
1) I'm using Mythic Mobs to make new harder mobs for players to fight because races and class make players more powerful. In the config under
custom_level_exp_gain: [Zombie=5, skeleton=5,etc.....]
I have added my Mythic Mobs new mob names i.e. Skeletalwarrior= 50. This should give 50 exp for killing a skeletalwarrior but it doesn't see to work players only get 5 xp for killing a skeleton (what the mob is based on) any idea how to make this work?
2) when both my daughter and I test the server we have two different classes but the GUI skill bar for our classes get mixed up so I see her class skills (Amazon warrior, she loves Wonder Woman) and she ends up seeing mine (Dwarf Lord) this can cause problems when I use spells that she doesn't have (throw stone skill I created) many times I mess up and use different spells because I don't know which one is selected. Any idea what could be the problem?
Hi, I use RAC + MythicMobs too (2.3.0).
Try to use
level_useLevelSystem: RaC
and give exp drop from mob in mob droptable while disabling default mob drop in MM:
PreventOtherDrops: true
For some reason, it work fine for me, giving default minecraft experience and RAC exp at the same time.
P.S Sorry for my poor English : D
Hi, I hope someone can help. I am trying to create a class for ops to use, just the ops and no one else. What permissions should I add so the class only for Ops?
Example: to remove bukkit.op