Installation & Configuration/Effects
Effects - How to make your own effects!
This is the structure of an effect:
effects: <a-name-of-your-choice> type: <the-effect-type> args: - <an-argument-name>: <an-argument-value> - ... target: type: <the-type-of-the-target> args: - <an-argument-for-the-target>: <an-value-for-that-argument> - ...
Available effect types with arguments:
Effect | Description | Arguments |
Burn | Sets an entity on fire | duration(in ticks): how long the entity should be on fire |
Break | Breaks a block | potency: how hard to break->all blocks with an lower hardness than this value will break |
Explosion | Creates an explosion | size: how big the explosion should be |
Lightning | Strikes a lightning | - - - - |
Move | Moves an entity | speed: how fast to move; direction: where to move |
Particle | Spaws a particle | type: what particle to spawn; amount: how many; gravity: how fast the fall down; max-age: after what time they will despawn; scale: how big is the radius where the particles spawn |
Place | Places a block | block: the block id or name to place |
Potion | Apply a potion effect on an entity | id: the potion id; duration(in ticks): how long this effect will work; strength: how hard the effect will work |
Spawn | Spawns an entity | entity: the entity name to spawn |
Available target types with arguments:
Target | Description | Arguments |
Targetlocation | The location of the target | radius(in blocks): gets all blocks in a sphere of this radius and performs the effect on them |
Shooterlocation | The location of the shooter | radius(in blocks): gets all blocks in a sphere of this radius and performs the effect on them |
Targetentity | The target | - - - - |
Shooter | The shooter | - - - - |
Flightpath | A flightpath between shooter and target | length(in blocks): how long the flightpath should be |
effects: burn_effect: type: burn args: - duration: 1200 (=1 minute) target: type: targetentity I-will_explode_you-all: type: explosion args: - size: 5 target: type: flightpath args: - length: 30 spawnsomeflames: type: particle args: - type: flame - amount: 11 - gravity: 0 - max-age: 100 - scale: 4 target: type: targetlocation obsidianbreaker: type: break args: - potency: 51 target: type: targetlocation
Available particle types:
- bubble
- cloud
- crit
- depthsuspend
- driplava
- dripwater
- enchantmenttable
- explode
- flame
- footstep
- heart
- largesmoke
- lava
- magiccrit
- mobspell
- note
- portal
- reddust
- slime
- smoke
- snowballpoof
- snowshovel
- spell
- splash
- suspended
- townaura
Available direction types (for move effect):
- push
- draw
- launch
- random
Available entities:
- chicken
- cow
- creeper
- ghast
- giant
- pig
- pig_zombie
- sheep
- skeleton
- slime
- spider
- squid
- zombie
- wolf
- cave_spider
- enderman
- silverfish
- villager
- blaze
- mushroom_cow
- magma_cube
- snowman
- ender_dragon
- boat
- minecart
- experienceorb
- arrow
Available potion ids can be found here: