


  1. Move or copy the folder "chests" (plugins/AlphaChest/chests) to the VirtualPack folder (plugins/VirtualPack).
  2. Place the AlphaChest.jar in the VirtualPack folder (doesn't matter if it's an old version, it just has to be the version the files were created with, or a newer version).
  3. Start your server.

You should then see something similar to this in the console/server log:


[INFO] [VirtualPack] Converting AlphaChest database...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (AlphaChest) Loaded player1's chest
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (AlphaChest) Loaded player2's chest
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (AlphaChest) Loaded player3's chest
[INFO] [VirtualPack] AlphaChest data loaded.


  1. Move or copy the folder "backpacks" (plugins/Backpack/backpacks) to the VirtualPack folder (plugins/VirtualPack).
  2. Start your server.
    Note: Backpack importing is not affected by the "import-world" setting in the config! If you want to change the world(s), rename the folder(s) instead.

You should then see something similar to this in the console/server log:


[INFO] [VirtualPack] Converting Backpack database "world"...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (Backpack) Loaded Player1's backpack in world world
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (Backpack) Loaded Player2's backpack in world world
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (Backpack) Loaded Player3's backpack in world world
[INFO] [VirtualPack] Converting Backpack database "world_nether"...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] Converting Backpack database "world_the_end"...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] Backpack data loaded.


  1. Move or copy the folder "data" (plugins/ChestKeeper/data) to the VirtualPack folder (plugins/VirtualPack) and rename it to "chestkeeper".
  2. Place the ChestKeeper.jar in the VirtualPack folder (doesn't matter if it's an old version, it just has to be the version the files were created with, or a newer version).
  3. Start your server.

[INFO] [VirtualPack] (ChestKeeper) Loaded player1's chests
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (ChestKeeper) Loaded player2's chests
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (ChestKeeper) Loaded player3's chests
[VirtualPack] ChestKeeper data loaded.


Note: This only works with PlayerVaults v3.5.0 or later.

  1. Move or copy the folder "uuidvaults" (plugins/PlayerVaults/uuidvaults) to the VirtualPack folder (plugins/VirtualPack).
  2. Place the PlayerVaults.jar in the VirtualPack folder.
  3. Start your server.

You should then see something similar to this in the console/server log:


[INFO] [VirtualPack] Converting PlayerVaults database...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (PlayerVaults) Converting player1's vault...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (PlayerVaults) Converting player1's vault...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (PlayerVaults) Converting player1's vault...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] PlayerVaults data loaded.


  1. Move or copy the folder "Chests" (plugins/VirtualChest/Chests) to the VirtualPack folder (plugins/VirtualPack) and rename it to "vchests".
  2. Place the VirtualChest.jar in the VirtualPack folder (doesn't matter if it's an old version, it just has to be the version the files were created with, or a newer version).
  3. Start your server.

You should then see something similar to this in the console/server log:


[INFO] [VirtualPack] Converting VirtualChest database...
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (VirtualChest) Loaded player1's chests
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (VirtualChest) Loaded player2's chests
[INFO] [VirtualPack] (VirtualChest) Loaded player3's chests
[INFO] [VirtualPack] VirtualChest data loaded.