Commands & Permissions
Also see the config page/commands config.
Every command for the anvil (for example) is redirected to "/v anvil" (= "/v a").
Note: You can use either the short or the long version of almost every command. Here's a list:
Short | Long |
ad | admin |
w | workbench |
uc | uncrafter |
ec | enderchest |
e | enchanttable |
a | anvil |
m | materializer |
c | chest |
f | furnace |
b | brewingstand |
l | link |
u | unlink |
v | version |
t | trash |
s | stats |
p | price |
cd | cooldown |
up | update |
– Arguments in () must be given, those in [] are optional.
– If any amount is required for a command and not given, it will be 1.
– Whether the main command is "/v" or something else depends on your configuration, but I'm gonna use "/v" here because that's the default command.
– All commands require the permission vpack.use except for those where none is explicitly written.
– For permissions in brackets, see the permissions list at the bottom of this page.
Command | Description | Permission |
/v or /v help [x] | Show the help (page x) | |
/v help commands | Show the available commands | |
/v help l | Show the linking help | |
/v help uc | Show the uncrafter help | |
/v help m | Show the materializer help | |
/v v | Show the version of VirtualPack | |
/v restore | Try to restore packs "lost" in UUID conversions. | |
/v s [name] | Show your statistics/Show the statistics of the given player | (vpack.stats) |
/v p | Show the prices for everything you can buy | |
/v cd | Show command cooldowns | |
/v send (player) | Send the item in your hand to a player | vpack.send |
/v send (player) (x) | Send all the contents in your chest nr. x to a player | vpack.send |
/v send -copy (player) [x] | Same as above, but copy the item(s) | vpack.send.copy |
/v send -all [x] | Same as above, but send it to all players who have a VirtualPack | vpack.send.all |
/v w | Open your workbench | vpack.use.workbench |
/v w buy | Buy the workbench | vpack.use.workbench |
/v uc | Open your uncrafter | vpack.use.uncrafter |
/v uc buy | Buy the uncrafter | vpack.use.uncrafter |
/v ec | Open your enderchest | vpack.use.enderchest |
/v ec buy | Buy an enderchest | vpack.use.enderchest |
/v e | Open your enchantment table | vpack.use.enchanttable |
/v e buy | Buy the enchantment table | vpack.use.enchanttable |
/v e buy b [x] | Buy x bookshelves for your enchantment table | vpack.use.enchanttable |
/v a | Open your anvil | vpack.use.anvil |
/v a buy | Buy the anvil | vpack.use.anvil |
The next 3 commands are only available if "transmutation.enabled" is set to true. | ||
/v m | Open your materializer | vpack.use.materializer |
/v m buy | Buy the materializer | vpack.use.materializer |
/v m list [page] | List items and their matter values. | vpack.use.materializer |
/v c [x] | Open your chest nr. x | vpack.use.chest |
/v c buy [x] | Buy x chests | vpack.use.chest |
/v c drop [x] | Drop all the contents of chest nr. x | vpack.use.chest |
/v c trash [x] | Delete all the contents of chest nr. x | vpack.use.chest |
/v f [x] | Open your furnace nr. x | vpack.use.furnace |
/v f buy [x] | Buy x furnaces | vpack.use.furnace |
/v f l (x) (y) | Link your furnace nr. x with chest nr. y | vpack.use.furnace |
/v f u [x] | Remove the link from your furnace nr. x | vpack.use.furnace |
/v b [x] | Open your brewing stand nr. x | vpack.use.brewingstand |
/v b buy [x] | Buy x brewing stands | vpack.use.brewingstand |
/v b l (x) (y) | Link your brewing stand nr. x with chest nr. y | vpack.use.brewingstand |
/v b u [x] | Remove the link from your brewing stand nr. x | vpack.use.brewingstand |
/v t | Open the trash | |
/v up | Check for an update | vpack.update |
/v ad | Show the admin help | vpack.admin |
/v ad reload | Reload the configs | vpack.admin |
/v ad reload (player) | Reinitialize this players VirtualPack | vpack.admin |
/v ad restore (user) | Try to restore the pack of (user) | vpack.admin |
/v ad listmatter | List all items and their matter values (available in the console) | vpack.admin |
/v ad save | Save everything | vpack.admin |
/v ad savefile | Save everything to data.db (to convert MySQL to file) | vpack.admin |
/v ad loadfile | Force loading from data.db (to convert file to MySQL if it's not working for some resaon) | vpack.admin |
/v ad cut | Cut packs down to the maximal value for every tool | vpack.admin.cut |
/v ad cut user (user) | Cut packs down to the maximal value for every tool for that user | vpack.admin.cut |
/v ad cut group (group) | Cut packs down to the maximal value for every tool for every user in that group | vpack.admin.cut |
/v ad cut force [user/group] [name] | Same as above but ignores the vpack.bypass.cut permission | vpack.admin.cut.force |
/v ad clean (days) | Delete all packs of players who haven't been online for (x) days | vpack.admin.clean |
/v ad w:(world) (use/give/take/forceopen/delete) | Execute one of the commands below in a different world than the one you're in | |
/v ad use (name) (tool) [arguments] | Access the VirtualPack of the player name. For [arguments] just use what you'd use when accessing your own tool. Examples: /v ad use Notch c drop 5 - It will drop you all the contents of Notch's 5th chest if he has a 5th one. /v ad use Notch f link 1 7 - It will link Notch's 1st furnace with his 7th chest if he has at least one furnace and 7 chests. Note: Everything will be handled as if the player name entered the command /v (tool) [arguments]. His permissions are applied and money is taken from his account when buying something. The only exception is the "use" value for every tool. This one will be ignored. | vpack.admin.use |
/v ad give (name) (tool) [x] | Give the player name [x] of tool. | vpack.admin.give |
/v ad give (name) (tool) [x] | Make sure the player name has at least [x] of tool. | vpack.admin.give |
/v ad take (name) (tool) [x] | Take [x] of tool away from the player name. | vpack.admin.take |
/v ad forceopen (name) (tool) [x] | Open tool number [x] on player name's screen. | vpack.admin.forceopen |
/v ad delete (name) | Delete the VirtualPack of the player name. | vpack.admin.delete |
/v ad threads | (Debug) Shows the IDs or all currently running threads. | vpack.admin |
Permissions List
Permission | Notes | Children |
vpack.all | Gives FULL ACCESS to ALL VirtualPack features | vpack.use.all vpack.keep.all vpack.send.all vpack.admin.all |
vpack.use | ||
vpack.use.all | vpack.use vpack.use.workbench vpack.use.uncrafter vpack.use.enchanttable vpack.use.anvil vpack.use.materializer vpack.use.chest vpack.use.furnace vpack.use.brewingstand | |
vpack.use.workbench | vpack.use | |
vpack.use.uncrafter | vpack.use | |
vpack.use.enderchest | vpack.use | |
vpack.use.enchanttable | vpack.use | | | You can use the enchanting table without losing XP | vpack.use.enchanttable |
vpack.use.anvil | vpack.use | | | You can use the anvil without losing XP | vpack.use.anvil |
vpack.use.materializer | vpack.use | |
vpack.use.chest | vpack.use | |
vpack.use.furnace | vpack.use | |
vpack.use.brewingstand | vpack.use | |
vpack.keep.all | All the "keep" permissions are only important if "on-death" is not set to "keep" in your config. The permissions themselves are quite self-explaining I think. | vpack.keep.workbench vpack.keep.uncrafter vpack.keep.enchanttable vpack.keep.anvil vpack.keep.materializer vpack.keep.chest vpack.keep.furnace vpack.keep.brewingstand |
vpack.keep.workbench | ||
vpack.keep.uncrafter | ||
vpack.keep.enderchest | ||
vpack.keep.enchanttable | ||
vpack.keep.anvil | ||
vpack.keep.materializer | ||
vpack.keep.chest | ||
vpack.keep.furnace | ||
vpack.keep.brewingstand | ||
vpack.sign.all | vpack.sign.workbench vpack.sign.uncrafter vpack.sign.enchanttable vpack.sign.anvil vpack.sign.materializer vpack.sign.chest vpack.sign.furnace vpack.sign.brewingstand | |
vpack.sign.workbench | Allows the use of the workbench through VirtualPack signs | |
vpack.sign.uncrafter | see above | |
vpack.sign.enderchest | see above | |
vpack.sign.enchanttable | see above | |
vpack.sign.anvil | see above | |
vpack.sign.materializer | see above | |
vpack.sign.chest | see above | |
vpack.sign.furnace | see above | |
vpack.sign.brewingstand | see above | |
vpack.stats | Only required to see other users stats. You can always see your own ones. | |
vpack.bypass.all | Just everything starting with vpack.bypass | vpack.bypass.creative vpack.bypass.cut vpack.bypass.clean vpack.bypass.blacklist.all |
vpack.bypass.creative | Allows you to use VirtualPack in creative mode even if creative mode is blocked | |
vpack.bypass.cut | Excludes you from cuts. Except those with force. | |
vpack.bypass.clean | Exclude you from cleans. | |
vpack.bypass.blacklist.all | Allows you to ignore all blacklists | vpack.bypass.blacklist.uncrafter |
vpack.bypass.blacklist.uncrafter | Allows you to ignore the uncrafter blacklist | | | Allows you to ignore the storing blacklist | |
vpack.bypass.blacklist.materializer | Allows you to ignore the materializer blacklist | |
vpack.send | ||
vpack.send.copy | vpack.send | |
vpack.send.all | vpack.send.copy | |
vpack.admin | ||
vpack.admin.all | vpack.admin vpack.admin.createsign vpack.admin.cut.force vpack.admin.clean vpack.admin.use.edit vpack.admin.give vpack.admin.take vpack.admin.forceopen vpack.admin.delete vpack.stats vpack.update vpack.bypass.all | |
vpack.admin.createsign | vpack.admin | |
vpack.admin.cut | vpack.admin | |
vpack.admin.cut.force | vpack.admin.cut | |
vpack.admin.clean | vpack.admin | |
vpack.admin.use | Grants just read-only mode | vpack.admin |
vpack.admin.use.edit | Also allows editing of chests & co. | vpack.admin.use |
vpack.admin.give | vpack.admin | |
vpack.admin.take | vpack.admin | |
vpack.admin.forceopen | vpack.admin | |
vpack.admin.delete | vpack.admin | |
vpack.update | Notifies you of new VirtualPack versions |