[ Main ] [ Multiworld ] [ Tools ] [ Usergroups ] [ Blacklist(s) ] [ Materializer ]
This is how the default configuration file looks:
Quote:version: '1' enabled: 'true' uuids: use: 'true' force-convert: 'false' language: 'en' load-multithreaded: 'false' max-threads: '100' lazy-loading-hack: 'false' debug-load: 'false' reload-on-failure: '0' import-world: '' check-update: 'true' global-perms: 'true' superperms: 'false' save-interval: '300' tick.interval: '10' on-death: 'keep' economy: 'true' allow-creative: 'false' uncraft-enchanted: 'true' events: use: 'true' ignorecancelled: 'false' inject: anvil: 'false' transmutation: enabled: 'false' show-value: 'true' god-items: - DRAGON_EGG notify-mismatch: 'true' color: name: '1n' value: '4' stored-name: '2l' stored-value: 'e' db: use: 'false' url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft' user: 'herp' pw: 'derp' table: 'vpack' commands: main: - v - virtual - virtualpack workbench: - wb - workbench uncrafter: - uc - uncrafter chest: - chest furnace: - furnace brewingstand: - brew - brewingstand enchanttable: - ench - enchtable - enchanttable - enchantingtable trash: - trash send: - send anvil: - an - anvil materializer: - mat - matter tools: workbench: buy: '20000' use: '0' cooldown: '0' uncrafter: buy: '30000' use: '0' cooldown: '0' enchanttable: multiply: '1' buy: '30000' use: '0' book: '5000' cooldown: '0' anvil: buy: '25000' use: '0' maxlevel: '40' cooldown: '0' materializer: buy: '50000' use: '0' cooldown: '0' chest: max: '10' start: '0' multiply: '1' buy: '40000' use: '0' size: '6' cooldown: '0' furnace: max: '10' start: '0' multiply: '1' buy: '50000' use: '0' link: '100000' cooldown: '0' brewingstand: max: '10' start: '0' multiply: '1' buy: '75000' use: '0' link: '100000' cooldown: '0' send: notify-interval: '0' drop: 'false' blacklist: uncrafter: whitelist: 'false' list: [] store: whitelist: 'false' list: [] materializer: whitelist: 'false' list: []
Now what does what?
version | Do not change this! It tells VirtualPack if the config has to be overwritten. |
enabled | Enable VirtualPack or not. Makes most sense for world configs. |
uuids.use uuids.force-convert | See this page. |
language | Well, the language. Currently supported: en de |
load-multithreaded | Possible values: false - everything is loaded normally semi - data is loaded in a separate thread (server starts up faster) true - data is loaded in a separate thread for each user. (Fastest, but this may cause errors, use with caution!) |
max-threads debug-load | See this page. |
lazy-loading-hack | Cache data instead of parsing it, if that's not 100% necessary. |
reload-on-failure | If VirtualPack fails to load the user data it will try again after X seconds. 0 = disabled. |
copy | Only available in world configs! Use the VirtualPack of that world. If you have the same configuration files for world_A and world_B, a user will not have the same items in chest #1 in world A and B, but if world B has "copy: world_A", then he will. |
import-world | The world in which old VirtualPack saves and AlphaChest saves will be imported. |
check-update | Check if there's an update available. |
global-perms | Set this to true if your permissions plugin doesn't support world-based inheritance. |
superperms | See SuperPerms Mode |
save-interval | The interval in seconds after which all data is saved. |
tick-interval | The execution rate of ticks (20 ticks = 1 second). Low values give smooth effects, high values give better performance. I recommend values between 1 and 30. Set to 0 or below to disable (decreases server load). Furnaces and brewing stands will not work then! |
on-death | What to do when a player dies. Has 5 possible values: keep - Keep the player's vpack. drop - Drop all the items from the player's vpack. wipe - Delete all the items from the player's vpack. harddrop and hardwipe - Same as drop/wipe, but also delete the tools. |
economy | Use economy and money or not. Setting this to false may cause things you don't want! Setting it to false has the following effects: – Everyone will get a workbench, and uncrafter and an enchanting table with 15 bookshelves for free. – The "start"-attribute for chests, furnaces and brewing stands is no longer used, everyone just gets the full maximum. – The "-1"-value for the maximum of chests/furnaces/brewing stands no longer works, you must specify a valid positive value. – Linking furnaces and brewing stands is completely unlimited. |
allow-creative | Allow users in creative mode to use VirtualPack or not. Also see permission "vpack.bypass.creative". |
uncraft-enchanted | Allow users to uncraft enchanted items or not. |
events.use | Use events or not. If true, this allows other plugins to react to things like enchanting in the virtual enchanting table, but it might also cause problem with anti-cheat plugins. |
events.ignorecancelled | Ignore whether an even has been cancelled or not. This might allow you to bypass anti-cheat plugins but still use events. |
inject.anvil | Whether or not to use the virtual anvil for anvil blocks too. Through this, both the tools.anvil.maxlevel value and the permission apply to normal anvils as well. |
transmutation | See materializer. |
db.use | Use MySQL or not. |
db.url | The URL of the MySQL server. (I think it could also be used with SQLite or something else, but I didn't test it.) Scheme: jdbc:mysql://<server>:<port>/<database> , server will most likely be localhost and port 3306. |
db.user | The MySQL user. | | Password of the MySQL user. |
db.table | The name which the VPack table should have. |
commands | The commands. Each "section" (like "main" or "chest") has its own list of commands. If you want a list to be empty, write [] after the ":". |
tools | See tools. |
send.notify-interval | If bigger than zero, players who received items will be notified every X seconds until they use a virtualpack command. |
send.drop | Set to "true" to always drop sent items or to "false" to put them into virtual chests. |
blacklist | See blacklist. |