Ships 6 page/Ships Signs

License sign:

What it does:

The license sign is used to track the ship. It is required for the plugin to recognize a ship.

To create:

  • [Ships]
  • <ship type>
  • <ship name>

The <Ship type> is the type of ship you wish the ship to be. If you leave this line blank to see what ship types your server can offer you. Servers can add more ship types through plugins and make copies of the same ship type with a different name, so I can not say all possible ship types. 


The <Ship name> is a unique name you give to your ship. This can be anything as long as it's not blank. By calling it something rememberable will make things simpler if you chose to use Ships commands. 


Move sign:

What it does:

The move sign makes your ship move forward, you can change the speed by left-clicking to increase the speed with sneaking and left-clicking to decrease speed. Right-click to move forward


To create:

  • [move]

Wheel sign:

What it does:

The wheel sign allows you to rotate your ship 90 degrees clockwise (right) or anti-clockwise (left) depending on if you left or right click the sign. 


To create:

  • [wheel]


Altitude sign:

What it does:

The altitude sign allows you to increase your ships altitude by right clicking the sign, or decrease your ships altitude by left clicking the sign. You can also change the speed of the altitude raise and lower by sneaking and clicking the sign (left/right)


To create:

  • [altitude]

EOT sign (Engine Order Telegraph):

What it does:

EOT when enabled will move your ship forward until either EOT is disabled or a issue occurs (such as your about to hit something, run out of fuel, etc). To enable/disable the sign, right click the eot sign. Please note that EOT can be disabled in the ships config


To create:

  • [eot]