Residence is different from most protection plugins in that it aims for the users to be able to protect their own homes without having to bother the admin to do it. Residence has support for a variety of different protection types including preventing movement through areas, all of which can be configured by the land owner, and limited by the admin.
- Vault: Vault
- Spigot Page: Spigot Page
- GitHub Source: GitHub
- IRC discussion channel: irc://
- Dynmap Residence - Dynmap plugin that shows residences on the webmap.
- ResExtras - Control snow, ice, animals, mobs, and more within a residence.
- Residence Fly - Controls flying within a residence. Leaving will cause a player to fall.
- Residence Signs - Easy buying/selling/renting with signs.
- ResTown - Controls which users can build outside of a residence.
- ResProtect - Protects animals via flags
- ResCreative - Grants creative on entering a residence.
- ResPerm - Adds additional permissions to a player on residence change.
- SimpleClansResidence - Integrates Residence and SimpleClans
- Flags - Apparently adds flags or something
Want your addon listed here? Contact a developer via PM.
Past Contributors
- smbarbour (Code)
- inorixu (Code)
- lemon42 (Code)
- Daniel Few (Wiki)
- Linaks (Residence Logo)
- SirHedgehog (Code)
- GSValore (Code)
- Samkio (Wiki Video)
- JustinGuy (Code)
- Tonkovich (Code)
Support has been turned over to Dart21 and his branch, any questions should be directed to him
Wow you guys are awsome! Finally after the many months of no updates the devs are back! Any ETA on v. 3.0 And will old residence's be compatible with the new Residence, Also hope for a new less complex group residence permissions!
@mcheaven As I don't really want to update Residence Signs, this will be added directly into 3.0.
If I find any time to update it I will, but I'm busy with the 2.5 patch to Vault.
I need updates for Residence Signs :/
I am running PEX for permissions on my server, and using MySQL for storage of all it's information. Residence is configured and working, however whenever I try to add flags for a residence for a specific group, I get the error: "Invalid Group Name"
I assume this is because Residence cannot access the MySQL database. Are there any workarounds for this? Or do you plan on adding support for this?
I just put a big message on that forum thread that states the project has moved here, sorry for the confusion, I had meant to do that a while back :)
Thank you so much for correcting me, the reason it wasn't working for me was because of this states build 2.4.2
and after hours of fiddling with the permissions and configuration too =(
both v 2.4.3 and v2.5DEV both working flawlessly for me running latest 1.0.1R1Craftbukkit
@bdf1992 Please try 2.4.3
_ _ EDIT: i did miss something infact...thank you for the help
Waiting patiently for the next update, can you do your best to put Polygon Selections in 3.0??
Hello there. Any idea about when you will support the latest build or release a better version? This version is bypassing my old data and claims.
Thank you very much and keep it up!
Oh ok thanks
@xGhostRid3rx You would have to ask PeX.
It says if your using any thing besides the regular permissions plugin to put LegacyPermissions: true in the config under global section, how do you do this with PermissionsEx?
Thanks for the answer!
Another thing .. I think we found a bug regarding the "Use" permission. Our setup allows no one but the creator of the residence to "Use". That is true to some extent as strangers cannot "right-click" use (levers/buttons etc..) when they hold any kind of block. They can, however, bypass that if they hold nothing, or has a tool equipped.
The message "You dont have use permission here." is announced in both cases.
@Infuscu 2.5 is only for iConomy. The previous versions support everything.
I will be making it use "vault" soon... I believe I have it converted already, actually.
Does Residence work with BOSEconomy? Looking at the feature list it looks like it's only compatible with iConomy.
Thank you :)
In the config change the legacypermissions = false to legacypermissions = true
i had this problem and that fixed it. probarbly because you are using permissions EX or similar
Residence registers for a LOT of events, and processes them very slowly, including events that we just don't use. Is there a way (Or could a way be included) to disable it from registering for certain events?
Help! Whenever I install residence correctly it always makes thousands of errors saying: 04:50 PM [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_BREAK to Residence 04:50 PM [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to Residence
Please help! I really need Res for my server!