Residence is different from most protection plugins in that it aims for the users to be able to protect their own homes without having to bother the admin to do it. Residence has support for a variety of different protection types including preventing movement through areas, all of which can be configured by the land owner, and limited by the admin.
- Vault: Vault
- Spigot Page: Spigot Page
- GitHub Source: GitHub
- IRC discussion channel: irc://
- Dynmap Residence - Dynmap plugin that shows residences on the webmap.
- ResExtras - Control snow, ice, animals, mobs, and more within a residence.
- Residence Fly - Controls flying within a residence. Leaving will cause a player to fall.
- Residence Signs - Easy buying/selling/renting with signs.
- ResTown - Controls which users can build outside of a residence.
- ResProtect - Protects animals via flags
- ResCreative - Grants creative on entering a residence.
- ResPerm - Adds additional permissions to a player on residence change.
- SimpleClansResidence - Integrates Residence and SimpleClans
- Flags - Apparently adds flags or something
Want your addon listed here? Contact a developer via PM.
Past Contributors
- smbarbour (Code)
- inorixu (Code)
- lemon42 (Code)
- Daniel Few (Wiki)
- Linaks (Residence Logo)
- SirHedgehog (Code)
- GSValore (Code)
- Samkio (Wiki Video)
- JustinGuy (Code)
- Tonkovich (Code)
Support has been turned over to Dart21 and his branch, any questions should be directed to him
I Don't Like the whole idea about how players can make free forum areas. You think you can make it to switch from free forum areas to chunks or have both at the same time? IDK how that would work but. XD To me at least having people have free forum areas just makes it feel like a mess. Or have something that the admin can use or the players can use to outline there area so it can have some visual order to it.
Thank you for the response on this.
Looking at my config file, I see this for the subzone configuration
So I guess that means no, I do not have subzones disabled, so that wouldn't be the problem. I still have the issue where only a server op can create make a selection.
And the group 'Visiteurs' can still craft, use and place those blocks...DefaultList:
Type: blacklist
Group: Visiteurs Items: - 'BEDROCK' - 'LAVA' - 'STATIONARY_LAVA' - 'MOB_SPAWNER' - 'OBSIDIAN' - '46'
Could not break blocks without getting that error with PermissionsEx v 1.17. Works just fine without PermissionsEx.
Hi. Is there a way to limit the amount of subzones for people to buy in each residence. Like lets say theres 2 Residence. One is called farms the other is called mines. I want a player to be able to buy only one subzone for each residence. Meaning they can't buy more then 1 in farms. And they also cant buy more then 1 in mines. But they could buy 1 subzone for each Residence. Is this possible? Thanks :D.
it is configuratible in the /plugins/residence/config.yml
search for: Economy:
have to add "- residence.create" permission
What is the permission node for Market? My members can only create and not use the sell ability.
Suggestion: Make a function that allows admin to cut out a space of a residence. I'm trying to make a city protected and a cut out space for players to protect their homes in it.
Is there a way to prevent a player from removing his residence? i would like it If a player that makes a residence can't get rid of it unless he has the permission for doing that. Is there anyway for me to do that?
Can someone help me with this error i keep getting?
So what should i do ?
@matxasfawg It looks like your PermissionsEX blew up (line 125 of that pastebin) which means that every time residence tries to check permissions (almost every command) it messes up.
@DaJe I found 2 minor little issues that may be causing your problem. Do you happen to have MaxSubzoneDepth set to 0 in your config (disabled subzones)? I just noticed that if you disabled subzones, you wont be able to select areas at anymore. Just pushed a fix to dev build. Also noticed that if you give someone the "residence.create" permission node, but set CanCreate for their group to false in the config, you wont be able to select either (pushed a fix for that too so that the permission node overrides the config properly).
HEllo, i dont get it but the residence commands doesnt work on my server ;( THe only thing that works with residence is /res ? no other ocmmand works... I get internal error with any other command. Here is a console log, of starting a server logging in typing /res and logging out.
Not sure why its not working for you, but you can try using the Vault plugin to interface with PermissionsEX and then use the v2.5-dev-2 version of Residence to interface with Vault. Its still technically a development version, but it should work. Vault: This will soon be the standard way that Residence handles permissions and economy plugins (through Vault).
@Shayana_fr Hmm, tested this with 2.4.4 and had no trouble with iConomy 6 and newest Essentials, you using the latest iConomy?
@rockingoutloud Looks like you used a "tab" in your config file somewhere, which you can't do in YML.
Hi there, I'm running my server with both Essentials and iConomy, both updated, the fact is, when the server starts, Residence first detects Essentials iconomy system, while I'm using the iConomy one, and the line
is just like that.
Can someone help me ?
Seems that I can't add another world to the config (do override Global settings). (B: v2.5-dev-2 for CB 1.0.1-R1 )
@gv1222 I'll try to keep all things compatible. Not going to make any promises though.
Good Evenig. Two little questions: Is the World Loading Bug in v4.4 fixed? Are there specific permissions notes, e.g. for removing a own residence?
The plugin seems to work just for for me in its current state. All for just one thing.
My players cannot seem to select two points using a tool. Anyone who is a server op is allowed to, and the right permission nodes are in place, however no one but ops seem to be able to make any sort of selections to create a Residence. I have no idea what the problem could be.
I'm getting the following error with 2.4.3 and 2.4.4, but not with 2.5 Dev