Residence is different from most protection plugins in that it aims for the users to be able to protect their own homes without having to bother the admin to do it. Residence has support for a variety of different protection types including preventing movement through areas, all of which can be configured by the land owner, and limited by the admin.
- Vault: Vault
- Spigot Page: Spigot Page
- GitHub Source: GitHub
- IRC discussion channel: irc://
- Dynmap Residence - Dynmap plugin that shows residences on the webmap.
- ResExtras - Control snow, ice, animals, mobs, and more within a residence.
- Residence Fly - Controls flying within a residence. Leaving will cause a player to fall.
- Residence Signs - Easy buying/selling/renting with signs.
- ResTown - Controls which users can build outside of a residence.
- ResProtect - Protects animals via flags
- ResCreative - Grants creative on entering a residence.
- ResPerm - Adds additional permissions to a player on residence change.
- SimpleClansResidence - Integrates Residence and SimpleClans
- Flags - Apparently adds flags or something
Want your addon listed here? Contact a developer via PM.
Past Contributors
- smbarbour (Code)
- inorixu (Code)
- lemon42 (Code)
- Daniel Few (Wiki)
- Linaks (Residence Logo)
- SirHedgehog (Code)
- GSValore (Code)
- Samkio (Wiki Video)
- JustinGuy (Code)
- Tonkovich (Code)
Support has been turned over to Dart21 and his branch, any questions should be directed to him
Residence is an amazing plugin, very good - but this permissions-in-config.yml thing? What? Why aren't there specific permissions nodes, an actual stable permissions system.. Something that makes residence.admin ignore all residence limits and do everything...
If everyone could submit a "Defect" ticket answering the template I made, as well as read "Planning for the future!" it would mean a lot to me, thanks!
It will explain what I am doing with the plugin, and your inputs would help me guide the recoded 3.0 version!
Thank you very much for the info! I will test this right away!
EDIT: It turns out that variable was spelled and capitalized correctly. The config says all this does is load the mw plugin before residence to insure it loads correctly, which it does appear to be doing. Problem persists. Maybe I need to give your multiworld plugin a try instead.
I fixed this pretty easily. I'm using Multiverse for my multiworld plugin.
You need to make sure the name of the MultiWorldPlugin variable in the config file is exactly the name and caps of your multiworld jar file. For example, with Multiverse, the name of the "main" plugin for multiworld is "Multiverse-Core.jar". The variable should read "MultiWorldPlugin: Multiverse-Core" Notice I did everything, spelled exactly the same as the plugin name, minus the ".jar".
It's been working perfectly for me once I got that setting right.
Is it possible to import the worldguard-regions?
I got the same problem but i use multiverse2 when i create a residence in a new world res dont save it in the save/worlds/ res_WorldName.yml but when i put global permissions in the world, in the config.yml... that works idk anny one idears
-------------------Edit: Sorry i am an Idio*#"+ :) i 4get to expand......Residence continues to not save residences created in worlds other than the primary world. res_world.yml is full of residences. res_test.yml is populated when a residence is created in that world, but then empties when the server is restarted, removing all residences from that world. Multi world plugin is xCraftGate, if that helps.
by any chance will there be some spout features, like factions, and towny has?
@NiliusJulius i tried changing the name but no luck residence still loads before iConomy(but later finds it) but it also loads before PEX and it never finds it =/
Residence absolutely refuses to boot up, and I get this error in console:
Ok I figured it out. My server runs on linux which has a strange loading order for plugins. It loads Residence before BOSEconomy. So change BOSEconomy.jar to ZBOSEconomy.jar and it will work :)
im trying to set up residence on my server and i'm using permissionsEx 1.15 and i turn on legacypermissions but it still does not find the permissions plugin, any help?
I really like the idea of this plugin and I want to use it, but I get thise strange problem.
I can run it on my localhost on my own PC just fine. Everything works.
But when I try to run it on my server host, it will not enable the plugin. I found out the problem occurs when I try to link my economy plugin (BOSEconomy). As soon as I fill in BOSEconomy in the config it will not load the plugin anymore :(
hmmm... grass still will not grow unless fire protection is turned off. I have tested this by removing all plugins other then this and then toggling firespread in a res and if it is turned off then grass will not grow, if it is on then it is fine. Please look into this.
Hi, residence team. Got three worlds on my server: PVP, world and world_nether. I've been trying to deny Residence completely on two worlds (PVP and world_nether) on my server without luck. Using bPermissions. - ^residence.create in the specified .yml does not seem to work. Users can still specify points and create residences. :/
Is there a way to change the cost per world for buy/lease etc. If not i believe that would be a good addition.
@Computer1633 Theres three commands you can use to do this, first you need to re-select the existing area you want to expand with "/res select residence <ResidenceName> <AreaID>" and then do "/res select expand <Amount>" which will expand in the direction your looking, then finally "/res area replace <ResidenceName> <AreaID>" which will replace the area with your current selection. I know those commands area bit long, but its best way to do it at the moment.
@quickclay There isn't any kind of advanced permissions like that unfortunately, but perhaps something like that could be added in the future under the config file (some way to specify which groups can modify other specific groups).
@frelling Yea, theres no defaults for them :( If I had more time I would redo a lot of the config code to try to allow inheritance, but I could probably at least try to add global default settings. The best solution would probably be if I could tie them into Permissions somehow and use the Permissions plugin inheritance, but not sure how that would be possible.
Residence 2.4.2 changed the save system, so that it no longer saves in res.yml, it instead saves in a folder under the Residence folder under "Saves/Worlds" and it saves as "res_<world>.yml"
We are experiencing an issue were residences are not saved in a 1.8 world to the res.yml file. (residence 2.4.2, cb 1185, PEX, legacy permissions = true) Also as a request, could you add a command to force save to the file? EDIT: The issue seems related to multi-world.
Hi bevkon:
Here is my dilemma: While our default group setting is fairly well defined, we want to be able to tweak some of those settings for other groups. For example, we set different number of allowed residences, size of a residence, etc. I made an assumption that Residence group settings would inherit parent group settings, but I guess that is not the case; and it forced me to explicitly set all attributes already defined in our default group. Obviously, that a lot of duplication and increases the potential for configuration mistakes. I tried seeing if there was a way to specify a true default group whose settings would be applied to all groups defined in Residence's config.yml; but that doesn't seem possible either.
Having taking a closer look at the source of Residence and PermissionsBukkit I can see why an inheritance scheme is not possible, since there doesn't seem to be an API method that returns the parent or a list of ancestors of a given group.
Instead, would it be possible to define a real default section for those attributes? You already do it for flags, now it would have to be extended to other settings. This way, you could load default settings and when residence groups are created they are preloaded with those settings, which then may be changed by explicit settings read in through you PermissionsGroup.parseGroup() method. Obviously, parseGroup() would need to be tweaked to check for the existence of configuration settings rather than just applying a default value.
I present this more as "food for thought." The solution that I am currently using, while messy, is sufficient for our needs at this time.
Best regards,
Hello, Is there a way to have tiered permissions so that a moderator could access user residences but not other moderators or admins? It seems like now you are either a residence admin, or a basic user in terms of what you can override.