Thanks for joining the Zenchantments Tech Support Discord and reporting bugs.
Try out the 1.20.4 version on the official test server:
Zenchantments is a custom enchantment plugin adds 70+ new enchantments to the game, covering a multitude of different uses. These include target-tracing arrows, lumber axes, block-breaking lasers, and much more. These custom enchantments are obtained through the normal enchantment process, and act like regular enchantments, capable of being combined and merged. A complete list of all these enchantments can be found below.
Zenchantments seamlessly expands the possible range of enchantments available using the enchanting table. Their appearance is made to match that of the original enchantments as closely as possible!
A freshly enchanted pickaxe with new enchantments
Zenchantments can be merged between tools in the Anvil and removed using the Grindstone.
Using the anvil to apply more Zenchantments to a tool
Once applied, Zenchantments can have effects when a tool is used, when you are under attack or continuously depending on how you deck out your gear.
Pierce mining a tall shaft, Fire smelting logs while being broken
The displayed name of each Zenchantment can be edited in each world's config file. Before you start editing those though, we will add proper multi language support in the coming weeks.
Because of the way Zenchantments recognizes enchantments on your tools, you must not change the enchantment display names after you have created enchanted items. Items with the old name for an enchantment will cease to work!
Each Zenchantment has a short description which can be enabled towards the bottom of the config file. If you change this setting after creating a few items with Zenchantments, the description will appear/disappear on each tool when it is repaired in the anvil. The enchantments will continue to work regardless of the descriptions setting.
Descriptions allow new players to quickly undersatand the function of the enchantments on their tools
World Safety
Zenchantments does its best to respect protection and logging plugins and is confirmed to work reliably with WorldGuard as well as HawkEye or CoreProtect. Most other protection/claims plugins such as Factions should work and no particular dependencies exist.
A shovel with Shred V is sparing somebody's plot protected by WorldGuard
Installing and Configuration
If you still have a Zenchantments config from an older version, we strongly recommend you to delete the old files, let it generate a fresh set, and re-apply any changes you made.
To install Zenchantments, simply add it to your plugins folder. Zenchantments creates one config file for each world active on your server. In it, you can disable enchantments individually, change their abundance, maximum available level and, for some of them, fine tune their power. To be fair though, the config file is pretty ugly. We can help you set it up if you contact us.
Out of the box, Zenchantments is configured to add a distinctly more powerful late-game experience without ruining the fun of the daily grind. Check out the list of available enchantments to see if there are any deal-breakers in it, then just set their probability to 0.0!
Adding new enchantment configuration manually:
If you don't want to redo your changes to the default Zenchantments config, simply add these items to the end of the list of enchantments in each .yml file:
- Blanket: probability: 3.0 tools: Axe, Shovel, Sword, Pickaxe, Hoe name: Blanket max-level: 3 cooldown: 0 power: 1.0 - Caffeine: probability: 4.0 tools: Helmet name: Caffeine max-level: 3 cooldown: 0 power: 1.0 - Chitin: probability: 5.0 tools: Elytra name: Chitin max-level: 4 cooldown: 0 power: 1.0 - HelpingHand: probability: 3.0 tools: Chestplate name: Helping Hand max-level: 1 cooldown: 0 power: 1.0 - MasterKey: probability: 4.0 tools: Chestplate name: Master Key max-level: 1 cooldown: 0 power: 1.0 - Trough: probability: 5.0 tools: Chestplate, Leggings name: Trough max-level: 1 cooldown: 0 power: 1.0
If you get errors while loading the config file, make sure your text editor didn't accidentally add any Tab characters to any .yml files, because servers are highly allergic to those.
See also
Bug Reporting & Suggestions
Contact us on Discord, here on CurseForge, on GitHub or send an email to [email protected] for any suggestions or bug reports. Don't forget to include Plugin version and a Console error if there is one. Thank you!
does this have decapitate? if the sword has this enchant it will drop a head?
Love This Plugin Use It For My Server Warriorcraft.serv.nu
PS Bug with spread arrow: when you fire at a mob the arrows damage it but then bounce off? this is really annoying and causes a lot of issues please fix?
I sent a email reporting a few bugs so I would like if you could read them and fix them asap. Thanks
Hi, I have recently found this plugin and I really enjoy it. I have an idea of an enchant but not sure if it will work. The only thing the enchant does is make it so you can walk up 1 block like horses can do.
Well, as you do not look the email I will report all bugs here.
There are problems with some enchantments why do not work with normal players, only with whom have OP; there are problems in enchantments of planting , causing the player is capable to steal the claims of others; The enchantment "bind" It is being dropped due to the pvp system "GriefPrevention"
Wonderful plugin but i am having an issue. the sword custom enchantments don't work for members and donors they can get the enchantment on a sword but they don't have any effect while they work fine for the staff. any ideas on how to fix
Thanks for updating, can you disable the cotweb spawning when pvp flag is set to deny in world guard ?
The enchant Lumber, Anthropomorphisme seems to be bugged
The ice arrow too. On my sever the harpoon doesnt work but I don't know if it's linked with my anti cheat
I suggest you to add optionals cooldowns in config for custom arrows, it's would be very useless to make them less powerfull on pvp - faction server.
A must have woul be the possibility ton exectue console commande like /ench bow $plugit <enchant> <level> <enchant> <level> <enchant> <level> <enchant> <level> ... with the possibility to combine custom and vanilla enchants. It's would be very usefull for shop features.
Also a essential kit fearure woulb be nice. Its isnt already usable with lore and name metadate command ?
I sent an email to you explaining about bugs with incantations Terraformer , Shred , Plough and more some are with strange behavior ... you looked ? :l
Can you do a update for axes for those servers with Mcmmo and such a few enchants could be cleave (aoe damage) bleed(bleed affect) berserk(give mining fatigue and strength when swinging at random times) and things like that
I posted an update just now, it should be available anytime now. Thank you for the bug reports!
hope the dispenser not work bug be fix soon, i have email you the error log already
Alright, is it just me or are a lot of enchantments not availible. For instance I get none of the admin enchantments, spread, waterwalking, lavawalking, and many more
I agree
I am glad you updated it and added more enchantments but it doesn't seemed you fix the old ones that were broken. Also you should really look into adding support for autosell. And a quick suggestion add the required item in the /ench info command for instance when you do /ench info level it will give the description along with the items it can be put on.
I updated to v1.3.0 but it doesn't work. it says some error messages and i dont know why?
Its nothing wrong with how im installing it because im still playing the older version right now.
Hello please help ASAP! I cant get a custom enchant from a enchantment table Here is a vid im currently running on spigot 1.8.8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdAlUfPe5Co&feature=youtu.be
I posted an update fixing this and adding several new features. Sorry for the late replies but school has been time consuming. Thank you all for reporting these bugs!
ZedlyDev!!!!! PLEASE HELP the permisions dont work in, R: Zenchantments v1.2.0 for 1.8.1 Oct 03, 2015. pls fix. everyone on my server can use /ench.. pls help!!!
The ice arrow does not seem to freeze the player. I also have tested tracer on a player and it did not work I also tried with a mob and it did not work either not sure if that's a issue with my server or if something is wrong with the enchantment. Quick shot and fireworks also do not work together. Also maybe add chances to enchantments so this way the effect will not happen every time a enchantment this would be good on would be firestorm.
I would suggest to add support for this plugin....
The reason I say this is because this is a highly used plugin for prison servers and this plugin interferes with the Shred and Laser enchantment. So If you could do this it would be great.