
Restricts VoxelSniper to regions or plots you own. (e.g. PlotMe, WorldGuard)


This plugin will restrict the use of VoxelSniper to regions you are the owner of.
- Snipes outside your region will be cancelled instantly.
A region can be from any of the plugins listed below.


You will need to be running VoxelSniper 1.569 or greater
- VoxelSniper (not compatible with VS 7 yet)
- ProtocolLib (only required if you want fast-mode in v0.3.0+)
- 1 or more from the list below:


- WorldGuard
- PlotSquared - A better plot plugin than PlotMe
- PlotMe
- Towny
- Grief Prevention
- Precious Stones
- Factions
- Residence
- Regios

[Restrict WorldEdit]: WorldeditRegions


- Two point brushes are not currently supported (I will add it at some point)
- Edits outside the region are denied instantly rather than cut off (like worldedits)


- Download this plugin as well as the required dependencies listed above and put them in your plugin folder
- Restart the server, or load the plugins using a plugin manager
- Add the permissions you see fit to players on your server (list below)
- You may need to follow similar installation instructions for the other plugins.


Main permissions

vsr.notifyWill tell you if you have no VoxelSniper Region
vsr.notify.greetingWill tell you if you enter a VoxelSniper Region
vsr.notify.farewellWill tell you if you leave a VoxelSniper Region
vsr.bypassAllows you to snipe anywhere

Plugin specific permissions

vsr.factionsAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.worldguardAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.plotmeAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.plotsquaredAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.residenceAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.griefpreventionAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.preciousstonesAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.townyAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region
vsr.regiosAllows you to use VS in this plugin's region

Please note they will still need permission for VoxelSniper

[Useful Links]

- Developer API

- VSR on GitHub

- Screenshots (Coming soon)
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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 4, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 3, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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