Elemental Giants you can fight!
These Elemental Giants are huge creatures made out of blocks. The final goal is to create fully functioning mobs, with animations, attacks, and maybe even boss fights! The plugin is still kind of proof-of-concept, and as the core code needs some work, there is little to do now, but much potential for this idea.
This project is still in development!
Do not use this if you are looking for a badass Zelda-esque boss fight. Use it to find bugs and give us ideas.
Features are subject to change depending on how much sleep the devs got last night.
We are accepting suggestions about almost anything to do with the plugin. To keep the incoming Ideas organized, Please Add a ticket with your ideas.
Planned Features
- Elementals come is different types with different abilities. Lava, Water, Stone Dirt, etc,
- Elementals will be the boss of the normal world.
- Elementals will spawn naturally or created by an admin.
- Special combat mechanics for fighting each type.
How To Install and run
- Download the plugin
- Place .jar file in your plugins directory.
- Run the server.
- Type /live
- Optional You can also install BarAPI to show the boss bar for the elementals.
- /live will list all the available elemental type file.
- /live <type> will spawn an elemental of that type.
- /cmd will list all the available commands and animations.
- /cmd <command> will play the animation stored in the file
- /cmd grow all Elementals will increase the size by 50%
- /cmd die all Elementals die.
- Elemental.Live allows a player to use the live command.
See the elemental config for custom elementals
- FlyingBlockImpactExplosion: true Will cause an explosion when the elemental hits a solid block.
- MaxElementalcount: 1 max Elemental per server ( use caution if you change this)
- MaxBlockCountPerElemental: 2000 max blocks per Elemental will cause the Elemental to die. ( use caution if you change this)
Please revive this great plugin
hey guys is this being updated at all anymore ?
Me gusta como pinta la idea,la verdad esta bastante bien de luchar contra boss elemtales
I wished I could have used this with Herocraft, great plugin!
Is this plugin open-sourced somewhere?
$ java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -m CraftBukkit/deprecation-map pings.csrg -i Elementals.jar -o Elementals-fixed.jar Unseen: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent:setDamage (I)V -> _INVALID_set Damage Unseen: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityRegainHealthEvent:setAmount (I)V -> _INVAL ID_setAmount Unseen: org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleDamageEvent:getDamage ()I -> _INVALID_ge tDamage Unseen: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityRegainHealthEvent:getAmount ()I -> _INVALI D_getAmount Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Damageable:damage (I)V -> _INVALID_damage Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Damageable:damage (ILorg/bukkit/entity/Entity;)V -> _I NVALID_damage Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Minecart:setDamage (I)V -> _INVALID_setDamage Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Projectile:setShooter (Lorg/bukkit/entity/LivingEntity ;)V -> _INVALID_setShooter Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Damageable:setHealth (I)V -> _INVALID_setHealth Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/LivingEntity:getLastDamage ()I -> _INVALID_getLastDama ge Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/LivingEntity:setLastDamage (I)V -> _INVALID_setLastDam age Unseen: org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent:getDamage ()I -> _INVALID_getD amage Unseen: org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleDamageEvent:setDamage (I)V -> _INVALID_s etDamage Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Projectile:getShooter ()Lorg/bukkit/entity/LivingEntit y; -> _INVALID_getShooter Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Damageable:getHealth ()I -> _INVALID_getHealth Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Minecart:getDamage ()I -> _INVALID_getDamage Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Damageable:getMaxHealth ()I -> _INVALID_getMaxHealth Unseen: org/bukkit/entity/Damageable:setMaxHealth (I)V -> _INVALID_setMaxHealth
any link to a working 1.9 version would be nice also thanks again!
What errors is it throwing?
Draconic_Flame the fix for 1.9 isn't working any help would be cool
Hey, everybody! NathanWolf (through spigot) provided a fix for this plugin! Simply move the Elementals.jar file to your buildtools folder, rename the .jar to Elementals.jar, and run this terminal command from the buildtools folder:
java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -m CraftBukkit/deprecation-mappings.csrg -i Elementals.jar -o Elementals-fixed.jar
Then put the Elementals-fixed.jar in your plugins folder and enjoy! Elementals storm the planet . . .
Another vote for revival! I've made some wicked boss battles with this plugin in the past and it would be fantastic to have fully working again.
Ah well. I asked the author about possibly taking it over, and hopefully I can update it to 1.9, with his permission.
Another great plugin abandoned, what a surprise!
Please update this to 1.8 or, even better, 1.9! I've been looking for a plugin like this for a long time and this is the only one I've found which is even close to being updated (plus, it's much better than the other ones!) Another amazing part of this plugin is the ability to create custom Elementals. I haven't seen in any other block animation plugin. This is really good plugin and I hope you will continue it.
I hope this could be brought back! and custom drops :D
Hopefully an update gets made soon, this plugin was awesome.
Good luck, I've already worked with java and with some plugins and I can only say I can understand you. I hate java xD. Take your time and don't give up as you said. You have done a great work until now!
I quite understand :) thank all the developers who already give so much time to the community because I know it's not always easy. In any case I wish you good luck for your projects
I don't want to give up on this project, but This plugin needs major work and I don't have time to work on it right now.
That's what I was going to answer :)
@ Splated: Please do not drop this promising plugin! It would be a shame. In addition I believe that the official Minecraft API released when pigs fly...
When you download spigot BuildTools.jar it also generates updated versions of bukkit and craftbukkit, so you can continue updating your plugin without learning a new API. Spigot uses Bukkit API, so if you want to create plugins for spigot it might be more or less the same. I have a spigot server with your plugin and it worked well (now it's closed because i'm updating to 1.8). Please continue updating this great plugin.