Elemental Giants you can fight!
These Elemental Giants are huge creatures made out of blocks. The final goal is to create fully functioning mobs, with animations, attacks, and maybe even boss fights! The plugin is still kind of proof-of-concept, and as the core code needs some work, there is little to do now, but much potential for this idea.
This project is still in development!
Do not use this if you are looking for a badass Zelda-esque boss fight. Use it to find bugs and give us ideas.
Features are subject to change depending on how much sleep the devs got last night.
We are accepting suggestions about almost anything to do with the plugin. To keep the incoming Ideas organized, Please Add a ticket with your ideas.
Planned Features
- Elementals come is different types with different abilities. Lava, Water, Stone Dirt, etc,
- Elementals will be the boss of the normal world.
- Elementals will spawn naturally or created by an admin.
- Special combat mechanics for fighting each type.
How To Install and run
- Download the plugin
- Place .jar file in your plugins directory.
- Run the server.
- Type /live
- Optional You can also install BarAPI to show the boss bar for the elementals.
- /live will list all the available elemental type file.
- /live <type> will spawn an elemental of that type.
- /cmd will list all the available commands and animations.
- /cmd <command> will play the animation stored in the file
- /cmd grow all Elementals will increase the size by 50%
- /cmd die all Elementals die.
- Elemental.Live allows a player to use the live command.
See the elemental config for custom elementals
- FlyingBlockImpactExplosion: true Will cause an explosion when the elemental hits a solid block.
- MaxElementalcount: 1 max Elemental per server ( use caution if you change this)
- MaxBlockCountPerElemental: 2000 max blocks per Elemental will cause the Elemental to die. ( use caution if you change this)
Is the config.yml there?
I think I may have found the cause when i release the next version on Friday let me know if its fixed.
start a thread an we can try to figure it out.
1) Java Version: 1.7.0_55
2) Console Errors: None
3) Server OS: Windows 8.1? o.O
No errors pop up on the console. The plugin doesn't give errors, the elemental folder generates, but not the .yml that you have in your uploaded image.
Edit: After inputting the .yml config and putting it into the elementals folder, it works perfectly. I guess the only problem is that it won't automatically generate the .yml files.
Customising the elementals materials is amazing, but im having difficulty adding any extra areas of material? is this not possible or am i doing something wrong?
Then you should make make new ones and share them.
I need more details.
I'm runningjava version "1.6.0_65" on mac osx 10.9 with no problems.
Also try making an empty folder in plugins called "elementals".
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/splateds_elementals/forum/66216-configs/#p3 the missing config.
The "elementals" folder is empty without the list of elementals. Even restarting and re-downloading, it doesn't come up. (CB 1.7.2-R0.3)
plz help my config is empty when i start it up can u put up a download link to the config or something?
When are you adding the lava, tree, and water elementals? im getting bored with only the stone,shield,dirt, and firewings :/
I'm also experiencing the same problem as @twetwetwetwe - for the past couple updates, none of the elemental configs have been generated.
your plugin folder should look like this.
is it empty?
looking great!!! but it says i dont have any elementals and i tried restarting and deleting the folder and redownloading...etc. anyway none of them worked for update 1.5, i got it to work before with the 2nd update, anyway it looks great and is great hope it continues because it looks like it has a big future.
thanks, -twe
I had to add a sleep mode because if the elemental is more then 150 blocks away from a player the block count go throughout the roof. I think this will work for spawning them anywhere in the world.
to discuss
Well I guess that depends on how integrated you want it. I think ideally the API could handle throttling Elementals somehow, or maybe automatically removing them on chunk unload?
Anyway if that were the case, spawning could be handled by an external plugin, which would be ideal.
For attacks, I was thinking if they have a set of ranged and melee attacks, they could just chose one randomly depending on target distance.
If you wanted to integrate with Magic, these attacks could include spell casts, so you'd have 100 or so to choose from :)
My automata are pretty simple, they choose an attack from a randomly weighted list every "tick" (different automata tick at different rates) - one option is "do nothing" so they're not constantly spamming you with spells. I dunno if you were considering something more complex though.
You may do the world spawn code if you like.
still need to figure out AI for choosing what attack to use.
Hello! If you are interested I could make a Plugin Display video for your plugin if you'd like PM me if interested :)
Mmmmm ... You want to build in attack spells? And natural spawning? Can't talk you into delegating those eh? :)
Oh and if you want effects, you could use Magic for that. This would mean effects don't work unless Magic is there, though, unlike EffectsLib which you would build in.
I realize now this is probably what he meant, not like merging the projects or something.
Er, yeah why? They seem totally different but maybe I'm missing something?
Now if I could talk @Splated and @epicfacecreeper into letting me integrate magic as a soft-depend... I've been thinking Elementals that randomly cast spells would be awesome. Each one could have spells tailored to it's nature, like fire, earth, etc.... Tempting? :)
Found it http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/effectlib/
Looks like its for sending particle packets to players. Could be useful when we are ready to build the attack spells.
I can't seem to find the plugin you're talking about. Anyways, a merger would be very unlikely.