Elemental Giants you can fight!
These Elemental Giants are huge creatures made out of blocks. The final goal is to create fully functioning mobs, with animations, attacks, and maybe even boss fights! The plugin is still kind of proof-of-concept, and as the core code needs some work, there is little to do now, but much potential for this idea.
This project is still in development!
Do not use this if you are looking for a badass Zelda-esque boss fight. Use it to find bugs and give us ideas.
Features are subject to change depending on how much sleep the devs got last night.
We are accepting suggestions about almost anything to do with the plugin. To keep the incoming Ideas organized, Please Add a ticket with your ideas.
Planned Features
- Elementals come is different types with different abilities. Lava, Water, Stone Dirt, etc,
- Elementals will be the boss of the normal world.
- Elementals will spawn naturally or created by an admin.
- Special combat mechanics for fighting each type.
How To Install and run
- Download the plugin
- Place .jar file in your plugins directory.
- Run the server.
- Type /live
- Optional You can also install BarAPI to show the boss bar for the elementals.
- /live will list all the available elemental type file.
- /live <type> will spawn an elemental of that type.
- /cmd will list all the available commands and animations.
- /cmd <command> will play the animation stored in the file
- /cmd grow all Elementals will increase the size by 50%
- /cmd die all Elementals die.
- Elemental.Live allows a player to use the live command.
See the elemental config for custom elementals
- FlyingBlockImpactExplosion: true Will cause an explosion when the elemental hits a solid block.
- MaxElementalcount: 1 max Elemental per server ( use caution if you change this)
- MaxBlockCountPerElemental: 2000 max blocks per Elemental will cause the Elemental to die. ( use caution if you change this)
This plugin is so amazing. Do you think you could add sound of some sort? Would seriously make this plugin so much more amazing than it already is.
Hey i made a german plugin review about your plugin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oyoERIHJzY
It would be great if you could link it!
I have make a french video for you ! Enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqDiv-oTSW0
add a ticket.
Will it be possible to add Natural Spawning per world? And then add the option for MaxElementalCount: -world: X
just awsome nice ideas
They have no life regen or any ability to heal yet, you can set how much health they have.
Most of the lag seems to be client side try the default texture pack.
Can you add in the config where each Elementals can drop items you want in the config and where you can have how much health they have? and to add the Elementals are not killable casue no mater what i do he regens so fast?
Its very very laggy ... Maybe the amount of sand falling spawning makes it laggy , im right?
ok I added Elementals B.1.7 enjoy.
This plugin is very very nice thanks for your work :)
dood u gotta release the elemental attacks soon they look almost too epic man :)
@adamk523 its all configurable.
Add a ticket about the black list of protected blocks and ill see what i can do.
the ripple is just an effect "Ripple:3:70 " 3 blocks wide and 70% power i also added damage and a push back effect.
if you want to know more about the effects.
OK, that aimed shockwave is almost too cool to be allowed. :D Are the size, length, and damage of the ripple configurable? Also, a blacklist of immovable blocks would be handy.
progress update vid
Next update is delayed again, I wont have time to work on the project for 2 weeks.
how about reward system? sudo commands when x player kill elemental and rebuild spawn command so u can type location z,y,x,world where to spawn him
Just gotta say, this was inventive and amazing - my only concerns is the lag it may bring to large servers hah.
a preview of the new ranged attacks.
I need to finalize the elemental Config system so it can stop changing every week. My goal is to make the system as flexible as possible to allow new ideas to be added without disrupting the old.
I need your help! Give me your ideas
I need every possible elemental attack and ability you can think of so I can build the place holders for the future.