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Translate core

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Translate Core

Looking for Dev builds?

Dev builds give off new features and bug fixes before they are officially released, however these features and bug fixes may not have been tested as much as a release on here

Link to dev builds


Old page:

I am testing this new page out. I am aware of some parts that are missing such as ship types, but please say if there is anything that you wish to see. I plan on making a FAQ's that includes common questions such as how to change ship requirements.


If you want to see the old page, it is here

Video tutorial

Ships 6 changes

Ships has gone through many changes, Ships 6 is the latest rewrite of the plugin. The latest rewrite fixes multiple bugs found in the root of previous versions of Ships. 


Moving ships

As the name of the plugin suggests, you can create your own ship and move it with just a single click. 

Works with all blocks

There is a fully-fledged list where you can configure every block to react differently for the ships, including being able to add a block type to interact with Ships, detect it as a collide, and even not react at all. 

Teleport to ships

There have been many requests to be able to teleport to ships for not only this plugin but others like it. This feature has been added to Ships, however, if it is something you do not wish, then you can disable to command by not adding the command. 

Falling Ships

Ships will fall/sink if requirements are not met, this could be done through your own interaction such as running out of fuel, or by something else such as a TNT explosion.


Ship types

Airship Link
Ship Link
Marsship Link
Submarine Link
Plane Link
Hybridship Coming soon


Move the ship:

In Ships, movement is done by signs. You can see all signs here


Collide types:

Name ID Description
Detect collide DETECT_COLLIDE If Ships detects this block in the way of a ship moving then the ship will not move with the error of this block being in the way
Material MATERIAL Material means that you can build a ship out of this block and the Ships block detection system will detect it as part of your ship
Ignore IGNORE If Ships detects this block in the way of a ship moving then the block will break and the ship will take its place




Permission node Description

Allows the player to use the command '/ships info'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships blockinfo'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships shiptype create'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships config set'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships config view'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships blocklist set'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships blocklist view'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships ship track'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships ship eot'


Allows the player to use the command '/ships ship crew'
ships.move.own.ships.airship Allows a player to move own airship
ships.move.own.ships.watership Allows a player to move own ship
ships.move.own.ships.marsship Allows a player to move own marsship
ships.move.other.ships.airship Allows a player to move anyones airship
ships.make.ships.airship Allows a player to make a airship

Allows a player to destroy anyones ships sign


Looking for a development wiki? maven/gradle dependencies? or something else relating to ships or translate core? Take a look at the getting started wiki


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 23, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 11, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License

