
Here the world settings for MobManagers Limiter component are stored

# MobManager Limiter World Config 2.5a
# NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------|
# MobTypes:
#    Monsters:       Blaze, Creeper, Enderman, Giant,
#                    Silverfish, Skeleton, WitherSkeleton, Spider,
#                    CaveSpider, Witch, Wither, Zombie, PigZombie,
#                    Ghast, Slime, MagmaCube
#     Animals:       Chicken, Cow, MushroomCow, Ocelot,
#                    Pig, Sheep, Wolf, IronGolem, Snowman
#     Water_Animals: Squid
#     Ambient:       Bat
#     Villager:      Villager
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
# #######################################################################
# WorldMaximum
# #######################################################################
# Here you set the maximum values for each type of mob for the world
# Mob types shown above in notes
# To disable a mob type set their maximum to 0
# To Prevent limiting of a mob type set their maximum to something big
#     e.g. 9001 (Note: You must also set the ChunkCalculatedMaximum high)
# #######################################################################
# ChunkCalculatedMaximum
# #######################################################################
# Limits to the number of mobs dynamically calculated
#    by the number of loaded chunks in the world
# Calculated with the below formula
# maxMobs = ( Number of active chunks * Config Value ) / 256
# #######################################################################
# BreedingMaximumPerChunk
# #######################################################################
# MobManager keeps track of how many mobs are inside of one chunk
# If a player tries to breed an animal and there are already too
#     many animals inside the chunk it prevents the animal from spawning
# This is to prevent players from breeding a ridiculous number of animals
# Set to -1 to disable
# #######################################################################
# NumAnimalsForFarm
# #######################################################################
# This number is used to assume if a chunk contains an animal farm in it.
# If the number of animals in the chunk is above or equal to this value
#    the animals in this chunk will not be despawned when the
#    despawn scan runs
# NOTE: If this value is too low many animals may not be despawned
#       Around 3-5 'should' work fine.
# #######################################################################
# DespawnSearchDistance
# #######################################################################
# When a mob spawns MobManager searches for players
#     around the mob. If it finds a player within range
#     the mob is allowed to spawn.
# DespawnSearchDistance is the distance in blocks around
#     the spawned mob which MobManager will check for players
# Used as a default for worlds which have
#     invalid values set for the same setting
# NOTE: If set to -1 the value from the global limiter.yml will be used
# #######################################################################
# UndergroundSearchDistance
# #######################################################################
# UndergroundSpawnChunkSearchDistance is a alternative search distance to
#     DespawnSearchDistance.
# When a mob spawns underground the underground search radius is used.
#     (Ground height determined by the setting GroundHeight)
# This setting is provided as players are less likely to meet mobs that
#     can spawn given the normal search radius while underground
#     (Assuming the player is running around in caves and not in
#     an open underground environment like the nether)
# #######################################################################
# DespawnSearchHeight
# #######################################################################
# When a mob spawns MobManager searches for players
#     around the mob. If it finds a player within range
#     the mob is allowed to spawn.
# DespawnSearchDistance is the distance in blocks above and below
#     the spawned mob which MobManager will check for players
# NOTE: If set to -1 the value from the global limiter.yml will be used
# #######################################################################
# GroundHeight
# #######################################################################
# This value is used to determine if a mob has spawned underground
# It is recommended to set this to -1 for The_End environments
#     As these worlds tend to be much more open than normal environments.
# For Nether environments the default value of 32 is used as this is
#     the default height of lava
# #######################################################################

  Monsters: 512
  Animals: 320
  Water_Animals: 128
  Ambient: 64
  Villager: 128
  Monsters: 20
  Animals: 15
  Water_Animals: 6
  Ambient: 6
  Villager: 10
BreedingMaximumPerChunk: 15
NumAnimalsForFarm: 3
DespawnSearchDistance: -1
UndergroundSearchDistance: 32
DespawnSearchHeight: -1
GroundHeight: 55


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