
Here the world settings for MobManagers Abilities component are stored

# MobManager Config 2.5a
# #######################################################################
# UseWorldSettings
# #######################################################################
# If this is false then settings 'EnabledSpawnReasons' and 'MobAbilities'
# will have no effect, and the global configuration for mobs will be used
# NOTE: This setting does nothing in the global config
# #######################################################################
# EnabledSpawnReasons
# #######################################################################
# When a Mob spawns, it is spawned with a given 'SpawnReason'
#     This list defines which of those 'SpawnReasons' that MobManager
# 	will check for.
# If a mob spawns with a listed 'SpawnReason' MobManager will apply
#     abilities to the mob
# Hint: If you have other plugins which spawn mobs with special gear
#     you can remove CUSTOM from the list of enabled spawn reasons
# 	so MobManager does not interfere with this
# Note: By default all spawn reasons are checked
# Valid spawn reasons can be found here:
# #######################################################################
# MobAbilities
# #######################################################################
# Contains settings you can use to edit mob attributes.
# Mob settings in world files will override global settings
# Mob names must be acquired from here:
#     And should be in all upper-case
# There are currently two types of mob Attributes/Abilities:
# 1) Rate: These have a single fixed chance of doing something
#     rates are written as a simple number between 1.0 and 0.0
# 2) ChanceList: These are a list of chances with values associated
#     with each chance. The chance of a given value being selected is
#     (chance) / (Sum of all chances)
#     Each ChanceList has keys which can be used to customize the abilities
#     These keys can have numbers, strings or lists as their values.
#     NOTE: Every Ability requires the key 'Chance'
#     ChanceLists are written as below
#     <OPTION>:
#     - CHANCE: <Chance>
#       <KEY>: <Options>
# Read more about MobAbilities here:
# ################
# SpawnRate (Rate)
# ################
# A number between 0.0 and 1.0
# Represents the chance a mob will be allowed to spawn.
# E.G. if SpawnRate was 0.5 there would be a 50% chance that any mob
#     which attempts to spawn will be allowed to spawn
# This setting can be used to reduce the number of certain mobs on your
#     server. (Possibly Freeing up space for other mobs)
# ################
# EquipmentDropChance (Rate)
# ################
# A number between 0.0 and 1.0
# Represents the chance a mob will drop held items upon death
# NOTE: This only works when using Armour or Item_Hand abilities
# ################
# BabyRate (Rate)
# ################
# A number between 0.0 and 1.0
# Represents the chance a mob will be turned into a baby.
# E.G. if SpawnRate was 0.5 there would be a 50% chance that a mob
#     which spawns will be turned into a baby
# This setting only works for Animals and Zombies
# ################
# AngryRate (Rate)
# ################
# A number between 0.0 and 1.0
#     Represents the chance a wolf will become angry.
# E.G. if AngryRate was 0.5 there would be a 50% chance that a wolf
#     which spawns will be set as angry
# This setting only works for Wolves
# ################
# ChargedRate (Rate)
# ################
# A number between 0.0 and 1.0
#     Represents the chance a creeper will become charged.
# E.G. if ChargedRate was 0.5 there would be a 50% chance that a creeper
#     which spawns will become charged
# This setting only works for Creepers
# ################
# Name (ChanceList)
# ################
# A list of names which can be applied to the mob
# Keys:
# - Name: (String) The name which will be applied to the mob
#     Colour can be added using and & then the colour code
#     you wish to use
# - ShowOverhead: (true/false) Shows the mobs name above its head
# NOTE: If ShowOverhead is false
#     The mobs name is still shown above its head but
#     only when the player looks directly at the mob 
# MobAbilities:
#     Name:
#     - Chance: 1
#       Name: Steve
#       ShowOverhead: true
#     - Chance: 1
#       Name: '&aSickSteve'
#       ShowOverhead: true
# ################
# BirthSpawn / DeathSpawn (ChanceList)
# ################
# A list of mobs which will spawn on a given mob
#     upon Birth or Death of the given mob.
# Keys:
# - MobType: The mobtype which the mob will spawn as.
#     Set MobType as NONE if you want to provide a chance for
#     no mob to spawn
# - AbilitySet: The ability set which will be applied to the mob
#     Ignore this setting if you want Mobs to spawn with random
#     abilities.
# - Count: The number of mobs which will be spawned upon
#     birth/death of the mob
# - Range: The range in which bonus mobs will spawn around
#     the original mob
# - HeightRange: The maximum height difference between
#     the original mob and the spawned mobs
# NOTE: You must always provide a MobType UNLESS you provide
#     an AbilitySet which has a default MobType set.
# ################
# PotionEffects (ChanceList)
# ################
# This is a list of potion effects which will be added to an mob
# These potion effects will last the duration of the entities life.
# Valid potion effects can be found here:
# NOTE: You can also use NONE as a potion effect, which essentially means
#     no potion effect will be added to the mob if it gets this ability
# Keys: 
# - Effects: A list of potion effects to apply to the mob
#     Effects can have an additional parameter to set the potency of
#     the effect. <PotionType>:<Potency>
# MobAbilities:
#     PotionEffects:
#     - Chance: 9
#       Effects:
#       - NONE
#     - Chance: 1
#       Effects:
#       - SPEED:1
#       - STRENGTH
# ################
# HealthBonus (ChanceList)
# ################
# A list of chances + bonus health for the mob
# Health Bonuses are added on to the mobs normal health
# They can be negative (So they reduce the mobs normal health)
# Keys:
# - Bonus: The bonus HP to give to a mob (Must be a whole number)
# MobAbilities:
#     HealthBonus:
#     - Chance: 99
#       Bonus: 0
#     - Chance: 1
#       Bonus: 9001
# ################
# DamageMulti (ChanceList)
# ################
# A list of chances + damage multipliers for the mob
# When a mob does damage it multiplies the normal damage
#      with the multiplier.
# NOTE: Multipliers can stack with damage multipliers from AbilitySets
# Keys:
# - Multi: The damage multiplier
#     (Must have a decimal component e.g. 1.0 NOT 1)
# MobAbilities:
#     DamageMulti:
#     - Chance: 9
#       Multi: 2.0
#     - Chance: 1
#       Multi: 1.0
# ################
# ArmourSet (ChanceList)
# ################
# ArmourSet is a list of armour materials to be put on a mob
# Armour is picked per position (Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots)
# Armour can also have enchantments added
# Valid armour materials are:
# - IRON
# - GOLD
# - NONE
# Valid Armour Positions are:
# - Helmet
# - Chestplate
# - Leggings
# - Boots
# The chosen armour is put on the mob when it spawns.
# NOTE: NONE means that the mob will have NO armour.
#     DEFAULT will leave the mob with whatever armour it had beforehand
# Keys:
# - Pieces: List of each piece of armour to give to the mob
#     Contains the following sub-keys:
#     - Position: The position to put the armour
#         (e.g. Helmet/Chestplate etc)
#     - Material: The material for the armour
#     - DropChance: The chance (Between 0.0 and 1.0) for the
#         piece of armour to drop when the mob dies
#     - Enchantments: A list of enchantments to be added to the armour
#         (In the format '<enchantment>:<level>')
# MobAbilities:
#     ArmourSet:
#     - Chance: 1
#       Pieces:
#       - Position: HELMET
#         Material: DIAMOND
#         Enchantments:
#       - Position: CHESTPLATE
#         Material: LEATHER
#         DropChance: 1.0
#       - Position: LEGGINGS
#         Material: NONE
#       - Position: BOOTS
#         Material: CHAIN
#         DropChance: 0.0
#         Enchantments:
#         - PROTECTION_FALL:2
#     - Chance: 4 # This would produce no change to the mobs armour
# ################
# Item_Hand (ChanceList)
# ################
# This is a list of items mobs can start with.
# Items are given by their ID number and are placed in the mobs hand
# Check here for item id's:
# For no item use the ID for Air (Which is 0)
# To not replace the item a mob spawns with use -1
# Keys:
# - ID: The ID of the item to be placed in the mobs hand
# MobAbilities:
#     Item_Hand:
#     - Chance: 1
#       ID: 276
#     - Chance: 2
#       ID: 261
#     - Chance: 7
#       ID: -1
# ################
# Drops (ChanceList)
# ################
# This is a list of chances/items that
#     will be dropped upon the mobs death
# Check here for item id's:
# For a list of enchantment names go here:
# Keys:
# - Drops: List of maps which define what items are dropped
#     for the given chance.
#     Drops has additional keys:
#     - ID: The id of the item to be dropped
#     - Data: The data to be added to the item
#     - MinCount: The minimum number of the item to be dropped
#     - MaxCount: The maximum number of the item to be dropped
#     - Durability: The durability on the item
#     - Enchantments: A list of enchantments to add to the item
# - Replace: If true, vanilla drops are replaced with new drops
#     If false, new drops are dropped with vanilla drops
#     Default is false 
# MobAbilities:
#     Drops:
#     - Chance: 1
#       Replace: true
#       Drops:
#       - ID: 367
#         MinCount: 1
#         MaxCount: 3
#       - ID: 267
#         MinCount: -1
#         MaxCount: 1
#         Durability: 20
#         Enchantments:
#         - DAMAGE_ALL:2
#   <MobType>
#     Drops:
#     - Chance: 1
#       Replace: <True/False>
#       Drops:
#       - ID: <Item_Id>
#         Data: <Item_Data>
#         MinCount: <Min count>
#         MaxCount: <Max Count>
#         Enchantments:
#         - <Enchantment_1>
#         - <Enchantment_2>:<Enchantment_2_Level>    
# NOTE: If neither MinCount or MaxCount are provided min/maxcount is
#     set to 1
# NOTE: If MinCount is negative this gives the item a lesser chance
#     to spawn
# NOTE: If MinCount is given by MaxCount is not, MaxCount is
#     set the same as MinCount
# NOTE: Enchantments can only be added to items which support them
# ################
# ApplySets (ChanceList)
# ################
# Here you set chances and the given AbilitySets to apply to a mob
# NOTE: If an ability set is applied to a mob
#     no other abilities will be applied to it.
# AbilitySets are formatted like so (Using Zombie as an example)
# Keys:
# - SetName: The name of the AbilitySet to be applied to the mob
# MobAbilities:
#     ApplySets:
#     - Chance: <Chance>
#       SetName: <SetName>
# NOTE: Ability sets must be defined in 'AbilitySets'
#     in the global abilities.yml

UseWorldSettings: false
MobAbilities: {}


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