
The global spawner.yml contains global settings for MobManagers Spawner component.

# MobManager v3.0 by Michael McKnight (ShadowDog007)
# Spawner Global Config
# #######################################################################
# SpawnFinderThreads
# #######################################################################
# The number of threads to use for asynchronous portions of the spawner
# Value of 1 should be fine for most servers.
# The number of threads should have a large effect on servers with lots
#     of players. Also if you have very large sets of Regions or Mobs.
# #######################################################################
# TicksPerSpawn
# #######################################################################
# How many ticks between sets of spawns.
# Spawns run every tick, finding spawns for mobs around each player.
# #######################################################################
# SpawnGenerateAttempts
# #######################################################################
# This value effects how many attempts are made to generate a safe
#     location for a mob spawn.
# Once a spawn attempt has been started a location around the player
#     is generated. If the location does not have free air,
#     or is too close to another player, the location is marked unsafe
#     and is not used. 'SpawnGenerateAttempts' attempts will be made
#     to find a 'safe' location for each mob.
# This does not have much effect when players are on the surface.
# Higher values mean higher chances of mobs spawning in closed off areas
#     (Such as caves)
# Inside a vanilla cave system, a 'SpawnGenerateAttempts' of...
#     - 5 gives about a 60% chance of allowing the mob to spawn.
#     - 2 gives about a 40% chance of allowing the mob to spawn.
# This is recommended to be as small as possible due to the amount
#     of CPU time required to check if a location is 'safe'
# #######################################################################
# MobDistanceForLimitRemoval
# #######################################################################
# The distance between the mob and player before the mob is removed
#     from the players mob limit.
# #######################################################################
# RemovePlayerMobsOnDisconnect
# #######################################################################
# If true all mobs spawned around the given player will be removed
#     if the player disconnects from the server
# #######################################################################
# IgnoreCreativePlayers
# #######################################################################
# If true players in creative mode won't have mobs spawned around them
# #######################################################################
# SpawnMobs
# #######################################################################
# If true mobs will be allowed to spawn in this world.
# Only present in world configs.
# #######################################################################
# Regions
# #######################################################################
# Used to define different regions each which have their own set of
#     mobs which spawn within them.
# Present in both the Global and World configs.
# Currently there are four types of regions:
# => GlobalConfig only
# - GLOBAL Represents every location
# => WorldConfig only
# - POINT_CIRCLE Defines a region which covers a
#     radius around a point
# - POINT_SQUARE Defines a region which covers a
#     X/Z distance from a point
# Available region types are automatically generated into the config.
# Regions:
# To create a custom region you can start off by simply setting the name
#     of the region.
# Regions:
#     TestRegion: {}
# Reload MobManager and the required information will be generated
#     into the config for you.
# Regions:
#     TestRegion:
#       Priority: 1
#       SpawnAttempts: 1
#       SpawnAttemptChance: 100.0
#       MaxBlockRange: 56
#       MinBlockRange: 24
#       MinY: 0
#       MaxY: 256
#       X: 0
#       Z: 0
#       Radius: 0
#       Mobs: []
# After this is done, fill in the required information and reload MM
# There are a set of region settings which are present in all
#     region types.
# Nodes: Priority, SpawnAttempts, SpawnAttemptChance, MinBlockRange and Mobs.
# ################
# Priority
# ################
# This represents the priority given to the region.
# This is used when two regions overlap at a point.
# When a region is fetched at a point where two overlap,
#     the region with the higher value for priority has
#     a higher chance of being picked.
# ################
# SpawnAttempts
# ################
# This is the number of spawn attempts to make for each player
#     every time the spawner runs.
# Spawn attempts can fail if mobs attempt to spawn in unsafe locations
#      or if they attempt to spawn in locations with no regions
#      or if the region selected contains no mobs which meet
#      their requirements.
# ################
# SpawnAttemptChance
# ################
# This is a percent chance out of 100% in which a spawn attempt
#     will be executed. If this chance fails the spawn attempt
#     will not be executed.
# You can make use of this to have more random numbers of spawn attempts
#     per player.
# ################
# MaxBlockRange
# ################
# This is the maximum range in blocks which a mob is allowed
#     to spawn afar from the player.
# This will be forced lower if the limiters spawn range
#     is lower
# ################
# MinBlockRange
# ################
# This is the minimum range in blocks which a mob is allowed
#     to spawn nearby to a player.
# Spawn locations are not generated between the player up
#     till this distance.
# This distance can cause spawn generation to fail if another
#     player is within range of the generated spawn.
# ################
# MaxUndergroundBlockRange
# ################
# Replaces MaxBlockRange when the player is under the height
#     set as UndergroundHeight.
# ################
# MinUndergroundBlockRange
# ################
# Replaces MinBlockRange when the player is under the height
#     set as UndergroundHeight.
# ################
# UndergroundHeight
# ################
# When a player is under this height the spawner will use
#    different min/max block ranges for spawning mobs.
# ################
# MaxPlayerMobs
# ################
# Defines the limit to how many mobs a player can have spawned around
#     them before mobs are prevented from spawning.
# The players limit is based on the number of mobs specifically
#      spawned around them (Doesn't coun't for mobs spawned for
#      other nearby players)
# The limit is reset after teleporting between worlds or 100 blocks.
# The limit is also reduced after the mob dies.
# ################
# MaxPlayerMobGroups
# ################
# Similar to MaxPlayerMobs but allows finer control on groups of mobs.
# A mob can be put into one mob player group which allows a
#     separate limit for players for mobs in that given group.
# For regions without a given group, the region will be assumed
#     to have no limits for that group.
# e.g.
# MaxPlayerMobGroups:
#   GroupOneLimit: 5
#   GroupTwoLimit: 10
# ################
# PlayerMobCooldown
# ################
# The time in seconds after a mob is removed from a players max mobs limit
# ################
# MaxRegionMobs
# ################
# Defines the maximum number of mobs which can be alive which
#     were spawned by this region
# ################
# RegionMobCooldown
# ################
# Defines how long in seconds before a mob which is counted towards
#     this regions 'MaxRegionMobs' is removed from the limit
# ################
# EnforceAllCooldownConditions
# ################
# If true, a mob will not be removed from the max alive
#     limit unless it is both dead and the cooldown has passed  
# ################
# Mobs
# ################
# Every region has a list of mobs which spawn within the region along
#     with a set of requirements which must be met for the mob to spawn.
# Mobs:
# - SpawnChance: 1
#   MaxAlive: 0
#   MobCooldown: 60
#   EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
#   HeightOffset: 0
#   BypassMobManagerLimit: false
#   BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
#   DelayRequirementsCheck: false
#   MobType: ZOMBIE
#   AbilitySet: none
#   Requirements:
#     MinLight: 0
#     MaxLight: 15
#     MinY: 0
#     MaxY: 256
#     MinTime: 0
#     MaxTime: 24000
#     SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
#     RequireOpaqueBlock: true
#     BlockList: []
#     BlockWhitelist: false
#     BiomeList: []
#     EnvironmentList: []
#     BiomeWhitelist: false
#   Action:
#     MessageSettings:
#       FinderMode: CYLINDER
#       Radius: 0
#       Height: 0
#     RandomMessage: false
#     Messages: []
#     CommandSettings:
#       FinderMode: CYLINDER
#       Radius: 0
#       Height: 0
#     Commands: []
# Nodes:
# - SpawnChance =>
#     The chance of the mob to spawn relative to other
#     mobs which met the requirements of the spawn
# - MaxAlive =>
#     The maximum number of this mob which can be alive
#     at any one time.
# - MobCooldown =>
#     The time in seconds after which a mob is not counted
#     towards the max alive limit
# - EnforceAllCooldownConditions =>
#     If true, a mob will not be removed from the max alive
#     limit unless it is both dead and the cooldown has passed  
# - HeightOffset =>
#     The height in blocks which this mob will be spawned above
#     normal. Could be helpful with flying mobs which spawn far above
#     normal mobs.
# - BypassMobManagerLimit =>
#     If true this mob will bypass the check to see if the Limiter
#     component will allow it to spawn.
# - BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit =>
#     If true this mob will not count towards the players or
#     regions mob limit.
#     This could be useful with boss mobs which you still want to spawn
#     even if there are many other mobs around such as bosses.
#     When enabling this, you should have MaxAlive set or a very low chance
#     to ensure spawning of this mob does not get out of hand.
# - DelayRequirementsCheck =>
#     Mob spawn chances are based on the mobs which can spawn in the
#     random location chosen, if this is true, it is assumed the
#     mob can spawn, and this is checked afterwards when the mob
#     has been chosen. If requirements fail at this point no
#     mob is spawned. Can be useful if you want to make it
#     clearer on the chances of spawning given mobs.
# - MobType =>
#     The type of mob which this 'Mob' will spawn
# - AbilitySet =>
#     The name of the ability set you wish to apply
#     to the mob (Must have the AbilityComponent enabled)
#     Note: MobType is not required if the AbilitySet
#     has a default MobType assigned.
# - Requirements =>
#     Requirements which the spawn location has to satisfy
#     else the mob will not get a chance to spawn.
#     Requirement Nodes:
#     - SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: The seed to use to determine
#         which chunks this mob can spawn in. Set to 0
#         to disable.
#     - MinLight: The minimum amount of light at the spawn
#     - MaxLight: The maximum amount of light at the spawn
#     - MinY: The minimum Y location of the spawn
#     - MaxY: The maximum Y location of the spawn
#     - MinTime: The minimum world time the mob can spawn (0-24000)
#     - MaxTime: The maximum world time the mob can spawn (0-24000)
#     - SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: Only lets the mob spawn in certain
#         chunks dependant on the seed given. 1/10 chunks will
#         be spawnable. Works exactly the same as vanilla
#         Slime spawning. Seed must be a number.
#         If seed is 0 it is disabled.
#     - RequireOpaqueBlock: Requires that the block the mob
#         spawns on is solid. (i.e. not water/lava)
#     - <Type>List: List of <Type> which the spawn
#         (must|must not) have at least one of.
#     - <Type>Whitelist: If true the <Type> at the spawn
#         must be within the <Type>List
#         Else it must not be within the <Type>List
#     Types:
#     - Block: Use block names from this link
#     - Biome: Use biome names from this link
#     - Environment: Use environments names from this link
# - Action =>
#     Defines an action to perform upon the spawn of the mob.
#     Action Nodes:
#     - RandomMessage: If true, a single message is chosen from the list
#         and sent to nearby players. Else all messages are sent to
#         nearby players in order
#     - Messages: A list of messages to send to nearby players.
#         Can contain '{player}' which is replaced with the players name.
#         Can also contain & colour codes.
#     - Commands: A list of commands to run.
#         Can contain '{player}'. If this is done the command is run
#         once for every player within range. Else it is executed once.
#     - <Action>Settings:
#         -> FinderMode: CYLINDER or SPHERE. CYLINDER is slightly
#             more efficient.
#         -> Radius: Used for the radius of the sphere or
#             circle (If CYLINDER is used)
#         -> Height: Only used for CYLINDER. Determines the
#             height of the cylinder search for players.
# #######################################################################
    MinLight: 0
    MaxLight: 7
    RequireOpaqueBlock: true
    BlockWhitelist: false
    BiomeList: &id001
    BiomeWhitelist: false
    EnvironmentList: &id002
    - NORMAL
    EnvironmentWhitelist: true
    MinLight: 8
    MaxLight: 15
    MinTime: 0
    MaxTime: 12000
    RequireOpaqueBlock: true
    BlockList: &id003
    - GRASS
    BlockWhitelist: true
    BiomeList: &id004
    BiomeWhitelist: false
    EnvironmentList: &id005
    - NORMAL
    EnvironmentWhitelist: true
    MinLight: 0
    MaxLight: 15
    RequireOpaqueBlock: true
    BlockWhitelist: false
    BiomeWhitelist: false
    EnvironmentList: &id006
    - NETHER
    EnvironmentWhitelist: true
    MinLight: 0
    MaxLight: 15
    RequireOpaqueBlock: true
    BlockWhitelist: false
    BiomeWhitelist: false
    EnvironmentList: &id007
    - THE_END
    EnvironmentWhitelist: true
SpawnFinderThreads: 1
TicksPerSpawn: 10
SpawnGenerateAttempts: 3
MobDistanceForLimitRemoval: 64
RemovePlayerMobsOnDisconnect: true
IgnoreCreativePlayers: true
    Priority: 0
    SpawnAttempts: 1
    SpawnAttemptChance: 100.0
    MaxBlockRange: 48
    MinBlockRange: 24
    MaxUndergroundBlockRange: 32
    MinUndergroundBlockRange: 16
    UndergroundHeight: 55
    MaxPlayerMobs: 15
      NormalMonsters: 10
      NormalAnimals: 8
      AmbientMobs: 3
      SpecialMonsters: 2
      NetherMonsters: 12
      TheEndMonsters: 8
    PlayerMobCooldown: 0
    MaxRegionMobs: 0
    RegionMaxMobGroups: {}
    RegionMobCooldown: 0
    EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
    - SpawnChance: 2000
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: ZOMBIE
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: *id001
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id002
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
          FinderMode: CYLINDER
          Radius: 0
          Height: 0
        RandomMessage: false
        Messages: []
          FinderMode: CYLINDER
          Radius: 0
          Height: 0
        Commands: []
    - SpawnChance: 2000
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: CREEPER
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: *id001
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id002
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 2000
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: SKELETON
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: *id001
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id002
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 2000
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: SPIDER
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: *id001
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id002
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 1600
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: WOLF
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: *id001
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id002
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 2000
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: ENDERMAN
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: *id001
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id002
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 200
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: SpecialMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: WITCH
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: *id001
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id002
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 1600
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: SLIME
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 39
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 759031749324
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        - NORMAL
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 1400
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: SLIME
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        - SWAMPLAND
        BiomeWhitelist: true
        - NORMAL
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 10
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalAnimals
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: PIG
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 8
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 12000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: *id003
        BlockWhitelist: true
        BiomeList: *id004
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id005
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 10
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalAnimals
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: CHICKEN
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 8
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 12000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: *id003
        BlockWhitelist: true
        BiomeList: *id004
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id005
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 10
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalAnimals
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: COW
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 8
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 12000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: *id003
        BlockWhitelist: true
        BiomeList: *id004
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id005
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 10
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalAnimals
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: SHEEP
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 8
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 12000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: *id003
        BlockWhitelist: true
        BiomeList: *id004
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id005
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 5
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalAnimals
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: OCELOT
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 8
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        - JUNGLE
        - JUNGLE_HILLS
        BiomeWhitelist: true
        - NORMAL
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 90
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalAnimals
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: HORSE
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 8
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        - PLAINS
        BiomeWhitelist: true
        - NORMAL
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 90
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalAnimals
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: MUSHROOM_COW
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 8
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeWhitelist: true
        - NORMAL
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 90
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: AmbientMobs
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 5
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: BAT
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 7
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: false
        - WATER
        - LAVA
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        - NORMAL
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 800
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NetherMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id006
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 3500
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NormalMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: PIG_ZOMBIE
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id006
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 200
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NetherMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: BLAZE
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id006
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 200
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: SpecialMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 20
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: GHAST
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: false
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        - NETHER
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 1200
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: NetherMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: MAGMA_CUBE
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id006
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 10
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: ''
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: SKELETON
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id006
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - BypassRegionMobLimit: true
      SpawnChance: 2000
      MaxAlive: 1
      MobCooldown: 7200
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: true
      PlayerLimitGroup: ''
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 32
      BypassMobManagerLimit: true
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: ENDER_DRAGON
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id007
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}
    - SpawnChance: 2000
      MaxAlive: 0
      MobCooldown: 60
      EnforceAllCooldownConditions: false
      PlayerLimitGroup: TheEndMonsters
      RegionLimitGroup: ''
      HeightOffset: 0
      BypassMobManagerLimit: false
      BypassPlayerAndRegionMobLimit: false
      DelayRequirementsCheck: false
      MobType: ENDERMAN
      AbilitySet: none
        MinLight: 0
        MaxLight: 15
        MinY: 0
        MaxY: 256
        MinTime: 0
        MaxTime: 24000
        SlimeLikeSpawnSeed: 0
        RequireOpaqueBlock: true
        BlockList: []
        BlockWhitelist: false
        BiomeList: []
        BiomeWhitelist: false
        EnvironmentList: *id007
        EnvironmentWhitelist: true
      Action: {}


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