
Creative Regions with WorldGuard

What it does

This feature allows you to define a region in your world and allow some members to have creative mode in that region.
You don't need to give them any permission to become creative. They automatically gets creative when entered a region, where they are allowed to be creative. They get back survival upon leaving that region. Just think of it like a creative-world in a multivers, only it isn't a hole world but a custom defined region.
So you can fine grade define where the players may build impressive projects in your survival world.

While in creative worlds everyone gets creative, you can define the regions as your needs. To prevent exploiting that by placing a diamondblock as creative user and gathering that in survival mode (or by an other survival player) these creative regions automatically prevent any drops. So the block may be destroyed in survival, but because it is inside a creative region, it doesn't drop anything.

When you're done with your project its on you to decide:

  • disable "creative"; blocks drops again
  • disable building in that region; no destroying, no drop (my fav.)
  • keep creative, but remove players from creative members; blocks keep not dropping


  1. Create a region with the WorldEdit-Wand (WoodenAxe) and the "/region define" command, like you always do with WorldGuard (Tutorial)
  2. Add members to the WorldGuard-Region:
    /region add <regionname> <membername>
  3. Use the special-region-command to allow creativity in this area by setting the flag:
    //region flag <regionname> gamemode creative
  4. Now all members and owners should became creative automatically on entering this area (and survival on leaving)

Good to know

  • If you're already creative on entering the area, you should stay creative on leaving
  • You can't leave the area flying, if you would be set to survival (so no hitting the ground hart)
  • placing/breaking blocks outside the region, while inside isn't allowed
  • you can add groups as members (or owners) of regions:
    /region add <regionname> g:<groupname>


NamePossible valuesDefaultDescription
gamemodesurvival or creativenoneSet the game mode like the creative flag (to unset leave flag value empty)
gamemode -gowner or nonowner or member or nonmembermemberlike creative-group, but the command changed to //region flag <id> gamemode -g <group>
spawndropsallow or denyallowwhen denied, no item will spawn in that region, not by killing mob, breaking blocks, water destroying entities or anything else


  • To let everyone be creative, you may define the region without members or owners, set creative-group to "nonmember" and set the WorldGuard-Flag "build" to allow
    • May be better: just add all groups of your permission-plugin as member of the region (/region addmember <regionid> g:<groupname>)
  • To separated people that get creative from other people that are allowed to build in that region you should set creative-group to "owner"
    • Normal players that are allowed to build survival are added as members (/region addmember <regionid> g:<groupname>)
    • Creative players are added as owners (/region addowner <regionid> <username>)


WorldGuard has a flag state called "anyone". This doesn't work as expected for creative-group! "anyone" is the same as clearing this flag. Because by default we only allow creative to "member", setting to "anyone" has the same effect as "member".