

This feature provides you a database containing a list of all blocks created by creative players (while the Feature is enabled). This information is used to prevent survival players from getting drops of blocks that was placed by creative players outside of creative regions.

It is disabled by default. Just enable it with /lc config blockstate enabled true and /lc config save.


LC uses the Database-Configuration within your bukkit.yml. This defaults to SQLite withing LCs plugin-directory. You may change that to MySQL for better performance and easier control and centralized backup.

Only MySQL and SQLite are supported.


To Migrate from SQLite to MySQL without loosing your already tracked blocks, you can use the /lcbs migrate command. Example:

  1. Stop-Server
  2. Change bukkit.yml to MySQL-Connection (Example)
  3. Start-Server
  4. Use /lcbs migrate jdbc:sqlite:plugins/LimitedCreative/LimitedCreative.db

You also can use this to migrate back from MySQL to SQLite (even if I don't see any reason for that).


Supported Plugin: CreativeControl
Exactly like migrating LCs own database, you also can import from CreativeControls-protection-database. You don't need to the CC-plugin to be loaded. You only need to point LC's migrate command to the CC-Database:

  • /lcbs migrate --import=cc jdbc:sqlite:plugins/CreativeControl/database.db

Or if you're used MySQL:

  • /lcbs migrate --import=cc jdbc:mysql:// username password

Note: This only imports protected Blocks from CreativeControl. Stored inventories are not migrated.


Having performance concerns because of the lot DB access on every action? No Longer!
Now you can enable threading to make every Database-Access asynchronous, so that players only hit the cache. This gives you a huge performance boost. But everything comes at its costs, so for sure, this uses a little more memory for every know block in loaded chunks.

In conclusion threading is only recommended for servers with regular more then 10 players.

Manual Update

You can use /lc bs set <gamemode> (or /lcbs set <gamemode>) to change database-entries selected by your current WorldEdit-Region. (So WorldEdit is required to use that command.)

WorldEdit Support

LC also tracks which blocks was placed by WorldEdit, that requires a WorldEdit-Integration which can be done by only one plugin at time. So if you're using an other Plugin already hooked into WorldEdit, LC may not be aware of block modifications. There is a startup-message while loading the plugin to inform you about that.

Supported WorldEdit-Hooked 3rdParty plugins:

  • LogBlock
  • CoreProtect

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